Unexpected Discovery

Now that no one was around, it was the perfect time to leave. If Owen was discovered here later, it would be a disaster.


"Listen," Owen's pure tone, with a uniquely magnetic voice, was reminiscent of a broadcaster's charm.


It's just piano music! Isaac had no interest in listening.


Owen didn't respond but instead followed the sound and stood at the doorway.


Seeing him about to push open the door, Isaac quickly grabbed him, nervously advising, "Owen, what are you doing? There's someone in there."


Owen's jet-black eyes gave him a cool glance, needing no words. That one look was enough to make Isaac feel his intelligence was being questioned.


"Are you looking for the person playing the piano?"


Owen just stared at him.


Isaac felt embarrassed, having been looked down upon again.


"Contact that person. Have them play the final piano piece at the concert."


Through the small glass window, Owen saw the two slender figures inside, his gaze fixed on the girl playing the piano.


"Got it, got it."


Owen left with his long strides, Isaac hurrying to catch up. As long as she was at Windsor Academy, they could find her anytime. For now, ensuring Owen left safely was the priority.


Owen came quickly and left just as swiftly. His whole visit was low-key, unnoticed by anyone. No one knew that the superstar Owen had been to Windsor Academy.


Once Owen's car had left, Isaac contacted the head of the music department and obtained the contact information for the student who had been playing in that classroom.


At this moment, Farida and Zuri were leaving the classroom when Farida's phone rang. She glanced at the unfamiliar number and instinctively hung up.


A moment later, the phone rang again.


Farida, annoyed, answered, "Who is this?"


"Is this Farida? I'm Owen's manager, Isaac."


Farida immediately hung up and turned to Zuri. "Can you believe these scammers? Claiming to be Owen's manager. Why not say they're God's manager? It's hilarious."


Owen—his name sounded familiar.


Seeing Zuri's calm expression, Farida frowned. "Don't tell me you don't know who Owen is?"


Zuri met her gaze, which looked at her as if she were a cavewoman. She lightly coughed. "I've heard of him, but I'm not familiar."


Farida sneered but didn't expose her lie.


Isaac, repeatedly hung up on, was speechless. If it were anyone else, he would have given up, but this was Owen's specific request. He had to see it through.


He dialed again.


Farida was about to dismiss the call when Zuri's soft voice intervened, "Maybe it's real. You never know."


Farida finally answered.


"Farida, please don't hang up. Hear me out. I really am Owen's manager. Owen is planning a concert and needs a pianist like you. We sincerely invite you to join. If you don't believe me, I can let Owen speak to you directly. He's right here with me." Isaac quickly explained, fearing she would hang up again.


With that, Farida started to believe. "I want to speak to Owen."


Isaac handed the phone to Owen.


Owen gave him a cool glance, his eyes filled with disdain, as if saying, 'You can't handle such a simple task.'


Owen took the phone from him, his magnetic voice coming through clearly to Farida.


"Hello, this is Owen. The person you just spoke to is indeed my manager."


Farida, listening to the voice that could make ears pregnant, was so shocked she forgot her expression, standing there in a daze.


After the call ended, Farida remained frozen.


Zuri, seeing her in a trance, gave her a gentle push. "Hey, snap out of it."


The next second, Farida's trembling hands tightly gripped Zuri's. "Owen invited me to be the pianist at his concert! Owen invited me!"


"Stop!" Zuri quickly interrupted her repetitive chant. "I know, I know. Calm down."


"Calm down?! How can I calm down? It's Owen! OWEN!"


Zuri looked at the ecstatic Farida with a blank, delicate face, saying nothing. She really couldn't understand her excitement.


Seeing Zuri's overly calm demeanor, Farida's excitement slightly diminished, and she complained, "You don't understand what it's like for us fans."


"Let me explain."


At this moment, Farida forgot all the previous unpleasantness. Her only thought was to pull Zuri into the fandom and make her understand how amazing Owen was.


"Owen, do you know who he is? He's the first Chinese to win the Grammy Award, and he's won countless Best Actor titles at home and abroad."


"His singing voice is like an angel's kiss. Once you hear it, you'll fall in love. His acting skills are top-notch, an international superstar."


"And he's also a painter. At sixteen, he won the gold medal at the international youth competition with his painting 'Sky of Hope,' which was auctioned for thirty million. If he didn't love acting, he'd probably be a famous painter. Well, he is a famous painter."


Zuri wanted to leave, but Farida held her tightly.


"I get it, I get it. Can you let go now?"


Seeing Zuri's indifferent expression, Farida angrily let go and huffed, "You're not human."


Zuri was speechless!


Returning to the teaching building, Zuri noticed all the students were abuzz with excitement.


"Ah! Is it true? Owen is really coming to Oceanic City for a concert?"


"I must get a VIP ticket."


"Who's hosting the concert this time?"


"I think it's Shaina's dad."


"Damn, I'm going to ask Shaina for a ticket. No way I'm fighting with the crowd for one."


In the classroom, Shaina was surrounded by a group of people, everyone begging her for tickets, saying all sorts of nice things.


Shaina, basking in the attention, had never felt so important.


Seeing Zuri, she blocked her path. "If you want a ticket to Owen's concert, I can give you one. But you have to bow and apologize to me in front of everyone. A fair trade, right?"


Zuri: ...