
Faced with Shaina's certainty that Zuri would compromise, Zuri felt a bit sorry for her blind confidence.


Zuri directly brushed past Shaina, walking right by her.


"You're sick, and you need treatment."


Shaina's face flushed with anger, glaring at her with a fierce expression.


"Shaina, don't mind her. If she doesn't want the ticket, I'll take it. I want VIP seats. Name your price."


"Yeah, don't bother with her. She's acting tough now, but she'll regret it later."


Under the comfort of her classmates, Shaina's expression finally softened a bit.


Returning to her seat, Zuri took out her textbook from the drawer and focused on her exercises while her classmates discussed the concert happening in half a month.


Kaden was surprised that Zuri showed no reaction. In his experience, whether a good girl or a rebellious one, the mention of Owen always elicited a lovestruck look. This was the first time he'd seen someone indifferent to that heartthrob.


At that moment, a boy burst into the classroom, shouting loudly, "Big news! Saira is cleaning the toilets! Right now, in the girls' bathroom on the second floor."


The crowd around Shaina scattered instantly, everyone running towards the second floor.


Zuri slowly closed her textbook and stood up, following the crowd outside. By the time she arrived, the entrance to the bathroom was already crowded with onlookers.


Inside, Saira was wearing a mask, holding a brush, with a bucket of water next to her. She struggled to lift the bucket to pour water into the toilet, nearly falling in herself, splashing water all over and looking utterly disheveled.


Natalie, feeling sympathetic, said, "That's enough. Saira has shown her sincerity."


Naya and Samara said nothing, but Elysia chimed in, "She promised to clean the whole bathroom. How can she go back on her word?"


Saira smiled weakly at Natalie, "It's okay. I can do this."


Watching her laboriously clean each stall, Samara felt uneasy, while the continuous chatter from outside filtered in.


Just then, Connor and Arthur arrived hastily, having heard the news.


Farida noticed Connor's arrival and glanced at Saira, who was pathetically playing a tragic role, recalling Zuri's words.


Seeing the hand sanitizer nearby, Farida discreetly moved towards it, twisting the cap open unnoticed.


As Connor and Arthur entered, drawing everyone's attention, Farida casually threw the hand sanitizer towards Saira.




Hearing Connor's voice, Saira excitedly stood up, but as soon as she moved, she stepped on the slippery sanitizer, falling forward. The scene happened so quickly that no one could react.


With a loud thud, Saira fell face-first onto the toilet, her face hovering just above the bowl.


Initially, the bathroom door was closed, and the people outside couldn't see in. But as Connor and Arthur pushed the door open, the entire scene was exposed to the onlookers outside.


The students watching were stunned, never expecting to see Saira on her knees, scrubbing a toilet.


Inside the bathroom, everyone was equally shocked, including Connor and Arthur, who forgot to help her in their astonishment.


"It smells awful," Farida murmured, her voice clearly heard by everyone.


Connor snapped out of his daze, about to step forward, but halted upon hearing that remark. Known for his cleanliness, he stopped in his tracks.


Saira noticed his hesitation, her face turning red with embarrassment. Hearing the mocking laughter from outside, she wished she could disappear.


As Saira struggled to save face, a clear, cool voice came from the back of the crowd.


"Having lunch?"


At first, people didn't understand, but seeing Saira's face-down position, gripping the toilet, they quickly caught on.




Laughter erupted like a wave, growing louder and filling the hallway. Those at the back, initially puzzled, joined in after seeing the videos and explanations.


Farida shot Zuri an admiring glance. One comment had completely destroyed Saira's goddess image.


Even Arthur, who had always admired Saira, subconsciously frowned.


Saira, expecting her two princes to save her, watched them arrive but stand still, not moving forward.


Scanning the mocking faces and hearing the escalating laughter, Saira suddenly collapsed, fainting on the floor.


Natalie glared at Zuri before rushing forward.


Samara and the others followed, hurriedly getting Saira to the infirmary.


Back at the Lin household, Zuri returned home to a tense atmosphere, directly aimed at her.


"Zuri, stop right there!" Dalia's stern voice echoed, her eyes burning with anger. "How could you do such a thing?"


"Such a thing? What thing?"


Seeing her confused expression, Dalia's blood pressure rose in frustration.


How could her daughter be like this? Why couldn't she be more like Saira?


Dalia clutched her forehead, feeling dizzy and unsteady, about to collapse.


Arianwen moved to help her just as the sound of a car engine roared at the entrance. A tall figure stepped out, a man with a refined appearance, exuding elegance. He entered the house, his face showing faint excitement.


"Young Master, you're back," Arianwen exclaimed in surprise.


Seeing Christian, Dalia's body went limp, and she fell towards Arianwen.


Christian's gaze locked onto Zuri, surprise and admiration flickering in his eyes.


Despite their parents' average looks, their biological daughter was a beauty in the making. In a couple of years, she would undoubtedly become stunning.


Christian withdrew his gaze and hurried to Dalia.


"What happened?" Christian asked, concerned.


Though Dalia wasn't his biological mother, her kindness made him see her as one.


Arianwen hesitated, glancing at Zuri.


Christian looked at his fainted mother, then at Zuri's indifferent, almost cold, expression, his brows furrowing.


"Take Mother to the bedroom and call Dr. Hu to check on her," Christian instructed calmly.




The servants, reassured by his presence, quickly followed his orders.


After settling Dalia, Christian exited the master bedroom, seeing Zuri about to return to her room. He walked directly towards her.


Christian's eyes flashed with anger as he gripped the door frame, preventing her from closing the door.


"Do you live in this room?" His voice carried a suppressed fury.