
"Zuri, come have breakfast. I'll wait for you so we can go to school together."


Zuri didn't know what Saira was up to, but she had to admit she was impressed. Now, the campus network at Windsor Academy was flooded with photos of Saira cleaning toilets, even with images of her leaning over a toilet bowl, accompanied by captions mocking her.


Anyone else would be like Natalie, pretending to be sick and staying home until the scandal died down. But Saira insisted on going to school the next day. This courage didn't match her outwardly delicate demeanor.


In the car, they sat apart.


"Zuri, I know you hate me and don't want to see me at home. I'm planning to discuss with our parents about moving out after I graduate, so I won't be in your way anymore."


"I know it's my fault that you suffered outside. So no matter how you treat me, I accept it because I deserve it. I just hope you don't resent our parents for it. I also hope you can find happiness."


This heartfelt speech, humble and touching, didn't move Zuri but did move their driver, Xiao Wang.


The eldest young lady used to be so proud and flamboyant. When did she start being so humble and accommodating?


Sigh, it wasn't the young lady's fault, but fate's cruel joke. She was also a pitiful person. However, the second young lady's relentless attitude was indeed a bit too much.


Zuri glanced at Xiao Wang and inwardly sneered. Did she care about her reputation?


Life is too short to worry about others' opinions and wrong oneself.


As soon as they entered the school, people started pointing at Saira.


"Every time I see her, I think of 'Are you eating?' and that face," one girl mocked gleefully.


"Same here. She used to be a goddess, but now... hahaha."


"Let's see how she dares to flirt with Connor or Arthur anymore."


"That shameless woman is completely disgraced now. Finally, my prince charming won't be stolen by her."


"How does she still have the face to come to school? I feel embarrassed for her."


"I really can't believe her skin is so thick. She still has the nerve to come to school."


The increasingly harsh gossip reached Saira's ears. Though her face remained calm, her hands clenched into fists.


"Shut up, all of you," a cold, stern voice silenced the gossip.


Saira turned and looked gratefully and adoringly at Arthur, her eyes brimming with tears.


Arthur wanted to step forward, but the image of the "Are you eating?" meme suddenly popped into his mind. The person in the picture overlapped with the real person, shattering all his romantic notions.


"Take care of yourself. I'm leaving."


Saira watched Arthur walk away, hurt and filled with hatred.


Since Saira's goddess image was utterly destroyed, she started going to and from school with Zuri every day. All the students saw Saira lowering her head, 'humbly' appeasing Zuri.


At first, they laughed and mocked her, but eventually, some began to sympathize with her.


Azura linked arms with Zuri. "Saira clings to you every day. She must have bad intentions. You need to be careful."


"I know," Zuri replied.


She was fully aware of Saira's intentions. It was just a ploy to turn adversity into opportunity.


With her reputation ruined, Saira chose to play the victim to gain everyone's sympathy and gradually erase her past mistakes while tarnishing Zuri's image—a twofold strategy.


Seeing that Zuri understood, Azura didn't say more. After all, she had never met anyone smarter than Zuri.


"Tomorrow is Owen's concert. Don't be late."


"I won't be." Zuri wasn't a fan, but she was a bit curious about Owen, whom everyone adored.


Just a bit curious.


"I'll pick you up at your place tomorrow," Azura offered enthusiastically.


"It's not on your way. Let's meet at the concert venue."


As they exited the school gate, a sweet voice called out.




Everyone turned to look at Zuri.


Saira jogged up and reached out to take her backpack, but Zuri walked right past her, leaving her empty-handed.


Connor, Farida, and others watched this scene unfold.


"Saira isn't having a good time at the Lin family," Eduardo sighed. "Her sister is a tough one. Saira will have a hard time."


Farida noticed the pity and compassion in Connor's eyes and frowned.


She had worked hard to distance Connor from Saira and couldn't let it be ruined now. "Connor, you're going to Owen's concert tomorrow, right?"


She wanted to tell everyone she was Owen's accompanist, but she couldn't. All she could do was hope Connor would see her on stage.


Connor didn't answer, but Colin spoke up. "Don't worry. Owen is Connor's idol. He attends every concert."


Connor glared at Colin.


Oceanic City


As night fell, the city lit up. Outside the Oceanic Stadium in the southern district, cars lined up for miles.


Police and traffic officers maintained order to prevent accidents. From the stadium plaza to the entrance, flowers, baskets, and posters lined the path, with many fans volunteering to help guide and maintain order.


Whether in her past life or this one, this was Zuri's first concert, and she had no idea she needed to leave at least five hours early.


Otherwise, she would be stuck like she was now, on the road miles away from the venue with traffic at a standstill.


"Zuri, are you here yet?" Azura called, anxious at the entrance.


"Uh, I'm stuck in traffic," Zuri said, feeling guilty.


"Traffic? Where are you?"


"About four miles away."


"What? The concert is about to start."


If she had known Zuri was so unreliable, she would have picked her up herself.


"Don't worry. I'll get there before it starts." Zuri handed money to the driver, got out of the car, and started running.


Meanwhile, backstage at the concert, everything was hectic. Staff were rushing around, preparing for the show. Farida was led backstage to get her makeup done.


A staff member entered and scanned the room. "Who's Farida?"


Farida stood up. "I am."


"Come with me. Owen wants to see you," the staff member said impassively.