Not You

"Owen wants to see me?"


Farida was thrilled, her heart pounding with excitement.


"Yes. Follow me."


Farida followed the staff member, and as they walked, the number of people dwindled, but security increased. Everyone approaching this area had to undergo strict identity checks, making it nearly impossible for paparazzi to sneak in.


Pushing open the door to a large lounge, a few top-notch makeup artists were busy working. When someone entered, they only glanced up briefly.


"Wait here for a moment."


The staff member entered an inner room, respectfully addressing the man resting on the sofa, "Mr. Feng, Miss Farida is here."


Owen opened his eyes. "Hmm."


The manager waved, and the assistant went out to bring Farida in.


Farida held her breath, her sparkling eyes fixed on the man before her. His deep, exquisite features combined the best of East and West, and his slightly intense makeup made him even more striking.


It was her first time being so close to her idol, and she was so nervous she didn't know what to do with her hands.


Owen glanced at her, his deep eyes sweeping over her. He frowned slightly. "Turn around."


Farida didn't react immediately.


The assistant reminded her, "Farida, turn around."


"Oh, okay." Farida scratched her head and awkwardly turned around.


Owen's gaze moved over her figure, and in a magnetic voice, he said, "It's not her."


Isaac was stunned. How could it not be her?


He had personally called their director multiple times to confirm that it was her in the piano room that day.


Farida looked puzzled, not understanding what this meant, but she had a bad feeling deep down.


"Who was with you that day?" Owen asked.


"W-What day?"


"Half a month ago, at 2:10 PM, in the piano room on the second floor. Who was playing Chopin's C minor?"


Farida instantly understood. They were looking for Zuri, not her. A look of disappointment and dejection crossed her face.


"Give it a try," Owen said curtly.


Isaac immediately arranged it, pulling back a curtain to reveal a piano.


Farida was a bit nervous.


She knew if she didn't perform well, she wouldn't be able to go on stage today.


When the piano music started, everyone in the room instinctively turned toward it, but soon went back to their tasks.


By the second segment, Owen's brow furrowed slightly.


Isaac understood and signaled her to stop.


"You played well. With more practice, you could certainly perform with Owen someday," Isaac said diplomatically. Then he asked gently, "Farida, could you give us that student's contact information?"


Farida, barely able to conceal her disappointment, said in a muffled voice, "You're looking for Zuri. I'm not close to her and don't have her number."


It was a huge blow to realize that despite years of playing piano, she was outshone by someone from a slum.


Isaac, worried she wouldn't want to help, said kindly, "Farida, you're a good girl. You want Owen's concert to be perfect, right? That pianist is very important to Owen. As classmates, can you find a way to contact her?"


Farida glanced at Owen, then at the hopeful Isaac, and finally nodded, dialing Saira's number.


"Saira, do you have Zuri's number?"


Saira was in the auditorium, surrounded by noise, unable to hear clearly.


"What? What did you say? I can't hear you."


After several repeats, Saira finally understood but didn't have the number.


Farida then asked Zuri's classmates, but none had it either.


Isaac was anxious but could see Farida was doing her best.


That girl Zuri must be so reclusive that no one knew her number.


"Pass on that last song," Owen said seriously.


Isaac panicked. "No, that's your main song. It's what the fans are most looking forward to. If we skip it, they'll be very disappointed."


God! That song can't be cut. Cutting it would mean trouble with the organizers and the company. It was explicitly written in the contract.


"We don't need the piano accompaniment. It sounds good without it. If worse comes to worst, we can..."


Isaac's voice trailed off under Owen's death glare.


The Feng family's perfectionist trait was maddening, especially in Owen.


Sometimes, imperfection could be quite nice.


Farida spoke up, "Um, there's one classmate who definitely knows her number. If I get his number, we should be able to contact Zuri."


Isaac's eyes lit up, and he urged, "Let's hurry and ask."


With the concert time approaching, they didn't have much time left.


Meanwhile, Zuri, after running all the way, finally arrived at the stadium five minutes before the concert was about to start. Azura, seeing her from a distance, finally relaxed.


"You're here! Hurry, let's go in."


Without waiting for Zuri to catch her breath, Azura grabbed her hand and headed to the ticket check.


A scalper approached them discreetly, whispering, "We have tickets, do you want some? Only 4,888 yuan."


"No, no," Azura said impatiently, waving him off.


She was eager to get inside and didn't want to miss the opening ceremony.


Azura pulled out two VIP diamond tickets from her pocket, ready to hand them to the ticket inspector when her phone inconveniently rang. She didn't want to answer, but it kept ringing.


"Give me your bag, you answer the phone."


Zuri took the bag from her.


Just then, a rough hand suddenly reached out, snatching the tickets from Azura's hand.


In the moment of the grab, Zuri instinctively protected the bag, but to her surprise, the person wasn't trying to steal the bag but the tickets.


Azura's tickets were stolen just like that.


Azura was stunned.


The next second, a loud yell erupted in the square.


"My tickets!!!"


Zuri reacted quickly, throwing her water bottle at the thief.




It hit the target perfectly.


The thief fell, and Zuri quickly stepped forward, grabbing his arm, pinning him down with his hands behind his back, and pressing her knees on him so he couldn't move.


"Ah, ah, ah!" The thief screamed in pain, "My hand is going to break, it's going to break."