
Her shoulders were partly exposed, and the gracefully curved neckline of her gown clung to her shapely figure. The fiery red dress complemented her snow-white skin, which seemed to radiate a faint glow.


The fine pleats at the hem of the long dress rippled with her movements, creating waves of elegance. The golden threads at the dress's end shimmered under the light like starlight, twinkling brilliantly.


Pablo's exclamation drew many eyes to Zuri, and everyone was captivated by her stunning appearance.


"Oh my God! Darling, you are so beautiful! You look like an angel. This gown was made for you," Pablo praised extravagantly.


The praised individual remained as calm as water, as if the compliments were not directed at her.


Such remarks were common among the staff, but this was the first time they felt so accurate. The evening gown indeed seemed custom-made for her, leaving everyone in awe.


"Sweetie, let me do your makeup. I promise you'll dazzle everyone tonight," Pablo said enthusiastically.


As his fingers touched her skin, he marveled again, "Oh, darling! Your skin is incredible. So full of collagen—no amount of whitening treatments or collagen fillers could achieve this level of perfection."


"My God! Darling, you are just perfect."


Zuri felt a surge of awkwardness, her brow twitching in irritation. Finally, she could bear it no longer.


"Shut up!"


Her cold eyes shot a sharp glare, locking onto Pablo's elongated eyes through the makeup mirror.


Pablo was stunned, not frightened, but even more excited.


That piercing gaze, that powerful look, instantly sparked countless ideas in his mind. His eyes became focused and sharp, and he concentrated fully, his brush working swiftly on her face like a painter on a canvas.


While he worked diligently, Zuri intently studied the sheet music, silently playing the notes in her mind.


When he finally stepped back, the makeup was complete.


The assistant gasped at the sight of the glamorous and noble woman in the mirror, her mouth agape, unable to close.


Pablo admired his work, "Oh, darling, stand up and let everyone see."


The surrounding people, initially dismissive, glanced casually, but that single glance held their attention.


There were gasps of astonishment. The word "stunning" couldn't capture the unique and striking beauty of the woman before them.


She didn't look like an accompanist; she appeared to be the star of the show.


Isaac entered the dressing room, shouting, "Is she ready yet? Jing needs to..."


His words trailed off as he saw Zuri.




The pretty girl had transformed into a devastatingly beautiful enchantress.


After his initial shock, Isaac scrutinized her face, feeling a strange familiarity but couldn't recall where he'd seen her before.


He shook his head, deciding not to dwell on it.


There wasn't time to think about other matters now.


"Miss Zuri, please come with me. Owen wants to see you."


Isaac led her to another dressing room where the staff were bustling around one person.


The person stood with their back to them, tall and elegant, exuding a cold and noble aura.


"Owen, Zuri is here."


Owen turned around, his deep black eyes resting on the girl before him. His heart fluttered, and a faint sense of familiarity arose, drawing him closer.


This feeling was abrupt and strange, but not unpleasant.


His cool, handsome face softened, and his sharp gaze turned gentle. His magnetic voice became low and tender, "Shall we try it?"


He glanced at the piano beside him.


"Okay." Zuri didn't refuse.


Isaac was surprised to see Owen so gentle. This ancestor had never been so kind to anyone.


Could it be that he was being extra gentle because she was pretty?


Seated at the piano, she didn't look at the sheet music. She played with her eyes closed, hitting every note perfectly, though the tempo was slightly fast—hard to notice without careful listening.


When the last note faded, everyone in the room looked at her with admiration.


As the final rest ended, Owen opened his eyes. His icy tone softened when he met Zuri's gaze, "You were half a beat too fast. Adjust it during the performance."


"Okay," Zuri replied obediently.


Isaac smiled, "Very impressive, Zuri. You must be a loyal fan of Owen's to play this piece so well. You must have practiced a lot."


"It's my first time playing it," Zuri responded honestly.


Isaac: ...


Everyone else: ...


"First time?" Isaac's voice rose slightly.


Yeah, right!


How could it be the first time!


Don't tell me you memorized the sheet music after one glance and played it perfectly.


"Yes. It's the first time I've seen this sheet music."


Facing Zuri's clear, water-like eyes, Isaac was dumbfounded.


"You memorized it in such a short time?" His voice was full of amazement.


Zuri nodded.


Everyone looked at her with admiration.


Such memory, such talent—if she pursued further studies, she would undoubtedly become a great pianist.


After the guest performance, Owen went back on stage. Zuri stayed in the back corner, watching the front stage. As Owen appeared, the stadium erupted in cheers and shouts.


The stage lights dimmed, and his magnetic voice resonated, causing the noisy stadium to fall silent, everyone listening intently to the captivating voice.


It was Zuri's first time hearing Owen's song.


The song felt familiar, as if she had heard it in her buried memories.


The memory was distant and fuzzy.


Maybe in a previous life, she had heard his song and forgotten.


"Zuri, here you are. You need to get ready; you're up next." A staff member pulled Zuri away.


"Do you have a mask?" Zuri suddenly asked.


Pablo, hearing her request, had a bad feeling. "Darling, what are you planning? It can't be what I'm thinking, can it? Oh, if it is, that would be terrible."


"Exactly what you think." Zuri smiled.


"Oh my God! Darling, your beautiful face should be seen by everyone. Hiding it is a waste." Pablo tried to dissuade her.


Seeing the crowded stadium, Zuri grew cautious. The Lin family had not yet fallen, and past debts were still unpaid.


Being high-profile meant attracting attention, which would hinder her future actions.