The Mask

No matter how much Pablo tried to dissuade her, Zuri remained steadfast in her decision. The staff quickly brought several masks, but Pablo discarded each one.


"Oh my God! This mask is hideous. No, get another one."

"Oh, heavens! How can there be such an ugly mask?"

"Buddy, what is this? A disposable prop for a masquerade ball? You can't put this on a face kissed by God. No, replace it."

"Oh, God. This is desecrating my goddess. Quick, get rid of it."


Pablo threw away another mask handed to him by the assistant. The staff shrugged helplessly. "That's all we've got."


"Oh my God, that's it?" Pablo turned to Zuri. "See, it's fate. Even God doesn't want you to wear those cumbersome and useless things."


Zuri picked up the simplest cat mask from the table. "This one will do."


"Darling, this is too plain. It doesn't match your aura."


"I think it's fine."


Owen had entered backstage at some point, his gaze sweeping over the crowd and settling on Zuri. Seeing her holding the plain mask, enduring Pablo's unending persuasion with clear and determined eyes, he was moved.


Turning slightly, he instructed an assistant, "Bring the wooden box from the trunk."


Taking the sandalwood box from the assistant, Owen walked up and presented it to Zuri.


Zuri looked at him in confusion.


"Open it."


Zuri opened the box to reveal an exquisite silver fox mask adorned with countless diamonds, sparkling under the lights.


"It's beautiful."


The people around couldn't help but exclaim in admiration. The mask was not only intricate but also encrusted with hundreds of diamonds, making it incredibly valuable.


"This suits you better."


Owen picked up the mask and moved behind her, personally putting it on her. While the surrounding staff were still marveling at the mask's value, Owen had swiftly and adeptly put the mask on Zuri.


Once he was done, the surrounding staff were dumbfounded, with a few nearly dropping their jaws.


What just happened?

Owen personally put the mask on the girl, personally!


Owen seemed oblivious to the unusual gazes around him, or perhaps he noticed but didn't care. His deep eyes scanned her up and down, and in his magnetic voice, he softly praised, "Beautiful."


Pablo was the first to recover. "Oh my God, darling, you are amazing. With this mask, you're unbelievably captivating. Oh, I think I've fallen in love with you."


Pablo's exaggerated praise quickly dispelled the crowd's shock, and the room returned to its busy, tense atmosphere.


"Change outfits, it's time to go on stage," the coordinator shouted.


Standing together at the entrance to the stage, under dim lights, they couldn't see each other clearly. His eyes lowered slightly, and in the flickering light, her eyes behind the silver mask shone brightly, as if they were glowing.


Noticing her side glance, Zuri looked up.


"Are you nervous?" Owen asked. Before she could respond, he continued, "If you are, here's a trick. Imagine all the audience members as lemon trees. These lemon trees can make noise and talk."


"Pfft." Zuri chuckled lightly.


Seeing her smile, Owen's thin, sexy lips curved into a mesmerizing smile.


Behind them, Isaac and a few staff members were completely stunned.



When did Owen turn into a warm-hearted guy? This totally doesn't fit his cold and noble persona.


Isaac squinted his eyes, suspiciously staring at him.


After the host on stage finished speaking, all the lights dimmed. Owen and Zuri appeared on the stage via a lift.


A spotlight fell, revealing a girl sitting in front of a black piano, radiating like fire. She wore a silver fox mask, exuding mystery and aloofness.


The gentle and soft piano music slowly filled the packed stadium, flowing into the ears of every audience member.


After the melodious overture, the noisy chatter gradually ceased. The piano's long, rain-like notes flowed clearly and purely, washing away the world's restlessness.


As everyone unknowingly enjoyed the beautiful piano music, a magnetic voice blended seamlessly into the melody, each complementing the other, creating a unique charm.


This song was supposed to be centered around the vocals, with the piano as a secondary accompaniment. However, at times, the listeners had the illusion that the vocals were accompanying the piano.


It seemed that the star of the performance was not the idol they loved but the focused and composed fox-masked girl on stage.


After the performance, the crowd of thousands chanted in unison.


"Encore, encore!"


The girl at the piano stood up, bowed gracefully to the audience, and descended as the lift lowered.


In the diamond VIP seats, Farida watched the radiant Zuri on stage. Instead of feeling jealousy, she couldn't muster any. Zuri was simply better.


Laymen see the excitement; professionals see the intricacies. To the average audience, the girl on stage played beautifully, but to the trained eye, there was more.


Likewise, Azura, sitting in the diamond VIP seats, was stunned for a while seeing the masked performer.


Why didn't Zuri reveal her face? Revealing it would make her famous.


She initially wanted to brag that the person on stage was her friend, but given the circumstances, she decided against it.


On the other side, Saira and Christian sat in the VIP section. Although Christian was not good at playing the piano, he had a decent appreciation for it.


"Owen's accompanists are incredible. That girl on the piano is nearly at a master level. She seems quite young," Christian exclaimed.


Saira nodded in agreement but felt a bit uncomfortable. She didn't like hearing her brother praise other girls. Her gaze occasionally swept over the diamond VIP seats, worriedly saying, "Brother, it seems Zuri didn't come."


Christian's attention shifted back from the girl on stage. He glanced at the diamond VIP seats and sneered.


"When I heard her confident words that day, I thought she was capable. Turns out she's just full of hot air. Saira, I know you're kind-hearted, but some people don't deserve your kindness. Stay away from her, okay?"


"Alright," Saira reluctantly agreed.




Zuri removed the invaluable silver fox mask, placed it back in the wooden box, and handed it to the assistant. After changing out of her performance clothes, she quietly sat at the makeup table, removing her makeup.