So It Was Him

Clearly, someone had taken the mask quietly and stolen it.


If they couldn't find that person, A-Xia would have to take the blame alone and pay millions in compensation.


"A-Xia, we're doomed this time. It's worth millions. You could be sentenced to several years in prison."


"No idea who took it."


"This room is always crowded. Who knows who might have snatched it."


"A-Xia deserved it. Of all things, why steal?"


"I heard A-Xia's boyfriend owed a huge gambling debt. Recently, A-Xia has been short on money. I guess she took the risk to help her boyfriend repay his debt."


"How foolish, sacrificing herself for such a man."


The surrounding chatter made A-Xia break down in tears. Her crying brought no sympathy, only more ridicule and mockery.


Zuri stepped forward, "Can I see the surveillance footage?"


Isaac handed her a copy of the hallway surveillance, "Here, take a look."


Zuri focused on the video. At some point, Owen came to her side.


"See anything?"


"I might know where it's hidden. Not entirely sure." Zuri looked up, her clear eyes meeting his deep ones.


Everyone turned their curious eyes to Zuri.


Without explaining, Zuri stood up and walked out the door, then pushed open one of the rooms. It was filled with various props.


"Are you sure the mask is here?" Isaac asked, skeptical.


"Not very sure, about a fifty percent chance."


Finding the mask didn't matter much to Zuri. She could clear her suspicion and leave, but she didn't.


The mask, kept in a golden nanmu box, was obviously important to Owen. Owen was the first person who made her feel protected, so how could she ignore it?


Facing the crowd's suspicion, Zuri didn't care. She looked at Owen, who immediately ordered, "Search!"


With Owen's command, no one dared to object.


Isaac called the coordinators to start the search. As time passed, there was no movement inside, and the people waiting outside grew anxious.


"What the hell, is it here or not? If we can't find it, does that mean we can't go home?"


"It's late. We still have to dismantle the equipment. No rest tonight."


The complaints and doubts outside grew louder.


Isaac, looking impatient, walked up to Zuri, "Did you make a mistake?"


Owen gave him a cold look, and Isaac shut his mouth, then turned back and said sternly to the people in the room, "Keep searching."


Just when everyone was getting impatient, someone shouted.


"Found it!"


A stagehand happily raised the item. The mask was wrapped in a thin layer of gauze and enclosed in a black plastic bag.


Someone in the crowd, upon seeing the found item, flashed a look of regret and pain in their eyes.


"How did you know it was here?" Isaac asked excitedly.


Zuri didn't reply. Her cold gaze swept over the crowd and landed on a thin, dark-skinned young man. When their eyes met, the young man quickly looked away, not daring to meet her eyes.


Earlier, when Isaac was questioning, she had noticed this person's shifty eyes and guilty look. She secretly kept an eye on him.


Owen noticed and a fierce look flashed in his eyes, "Arrest him."


The dark-skinned youth pushed through the crowd and ran. The security guards, however, quickly subdued him.


"Hand them over to the police."


Since the mask was found, Zuri didn't stay any longer. She greeted Owen and Isaac, then prepared to leave.


Owen called her back.


Taking the fox mask from Isaac, he handed it to her, "Since you found it, it belongs to you now."


Everyone around gasped, looking at Zuri with envious eyes, regretting they hadn't stepped up.


"No need," Zuri declined.


Meeting by chance, she couldn't accept such a valuable gift.


Ignoring her refusal, Owen directly put the item into her bag, "It's useless staying with me. In your hands, it can shine. You're its best owner. Don't feel guilty; this is your reward."


Seeing his insistence, Zuri didn't argue, and quickly left with the bag.


Outside the stadium, the crowd had mostly dispersed. Only a few persistent reporters and fans were lingering.


When they saw someone come out, they swarmed forward, but seeing it wasn't Owen, they left again.


Azura rushed up when she saw her come out.


"What happened? Why are you coming out now?"


"Let's talk in the car," Zuri said quietly, glancing at the reporters and fans.


Azura led Zuri to Zone D, where a low-key luxurious Rolls-Royce was parked. The person in the car saw them and got out, waiting by the car.


"Miss Third," the driver respectfully greeted, nodding slightly to Zuri.


The driver opened the car door, revealing a man sitting inside, his long legs crossed, dressed in a tailored suit, exuding a naturally cold aura.


Azura was surprised to see him, "Uncle, why are you here?"


She thought only Uncle Qin would come, never expecting her uncle to show up.


If she had known, she would have taken a taxi with Zuri.


"Passing by," came the deep, indifferent voice.


Leo looked up, his gaze falling on Zuri's face, his deep eyes pausing for a moment before looking away.


"Get in."


"Oh," Azura obediently nodded.


Zuri gave Leo a polite nod and got in the car.


Usually acting like a big sister in front of others, Azura now sat obediently like a little quail, behaving like a proper lady.


She feared no one but her uncle. Whenever with him, she felt the air around her grow heavy, making her afraid to breathe too hard.


She glanced at Zuri, who seemed unaffected, calm as usual.


Zuri noticed Azura's discomfort and took something out of her bag, handing it to her.


"What's this?"


Azura curiously took it, and the next second, a delighted scream escaped her mouth.


"Ah! Owen's autograph!"


Azura was so excited she almost jumped.


"Zuri, how did you get it? I was just joking, never thinking you'd actually get Owen's autograph. This is the best gift I've received all year. I love you so much!" Azura hugged Zuri, overwhelmed with joy.


"As long as you like it."


Zuri's lips curved slightly, seemingly infected by her happiness.


Leo glanced at his niece acting like a child, then at Zuri's serene smile.