A Terrifying Thought

Zuri felt a burning gaze on her and turned her head. Her clear, bright eyes unexpectedly met those deep, ink-black eyes.


The intensity of his gaze was too strong to ignore.


"Is there something you need?" Zuri asked calmly.


Leo studied her delicate features. "You look like a friend of mine."


Azura, who was happily admiring her idol's autograph, suddenly found it less appealing after hearing her uncle's words. She fixed her eyes on him.


That pickup line was way too cliché.


"Haha, Zuri has a pretty common face. It's normal for her to resemble your friend a bit," Azura interjected, trying to help Zuri out.


Leo didn't explain further and withdrew his gaze.


Twenty minutes later, the car stopped outside the Lin family villa. After Zuri got out, Azura couldn't help but say, "Uncle, Zuri is my classmate."


Leo raised an eyebrow, signaling her to continue.


Seeing that he wasn't getting the hint, Azura had to spell it out. "Don't even think about it. You two aren't compatible. Just give up."


Leo gave her a cold look.


He always thought his niece wasn't very bright, but now he was certain she was quite foolish.


"From tomorrow on, come straight home after school and study. You'll have freedom once you rank in the top 100 of your grade," Leo ordered sternly.


Azura was dumbfounded!


"This is abuse of power!"


She exposed his intentions, and now he was treating her so harshly. It was too much.


Leo ignored her protests.


"Zuri is my best friend. If you don't treat me well, you'll never be her boyfriend," Azura said angrily.


Leo's deep eyes narrowed slightly. "Top 50."


She definitely needed to study more to stop her mind from wandering.


No matter how much Azura wailed, she couldn't change her impending 'miserable' fate.


While someone was having a rough time here, someone else was having a tough time on the other side of the city.


In a luxury van slowly heading to the city's largest five-star hotel, Isaac finally voiced the question he had been holding back, looking at Owen, who was resting with his eyes closed.


"Owen, what do you think of Zuri?" Isaac asked tentatively.


Owen, still with his eyes closed, had Zuri's face flash in his mind. "She's not bad."


Not bad?!!


Isaac's heart skipped a beat. This was a dangerous sign. Top celebrities, renowned beauties in the entertainment industry, only received a 'so-so' rating from him.


He must really like the girl.


His previous unusual behavior and the warm brotherly demeanor were the best proofs.


Although Owen was only in his early twenties, the girl was even younger. If the media and fans knew that a top male star was dating, it would be chaos!


No, he had to stop this terrifying thought.


"Owen, I know you're young, but that girl is much younger than you. If you get together, people will say you're too old for her. This won't be good for your reputation. There are plenty of beautiful girls out there; there's no need to risk your future for her."


Isaac advised earnestly, suddenly feeling a chill down his spine.


When Isaac mentioned the term "too old," Owen's slightly closed eyes opened, and he stared coldly at Isaac.


"What did you just say?" Owen's cold voice, filled with a murderous aura, permeated the car.


Isaac's hair stood on end as he mechanically turned to face Owen's icy gaze, instantly deflating.


"I-I didn't say anything."


His survival instincts kicked in.


"Hmph," Owen snorted. "Too old for her."


How could he say such a thing?


Did he really seem like such a beast?


This manager seemed a bit dim-witted. Maybe it was time to replace him.


Isaac, feeling the chill of Owen's glare, awkwardly laughed, "Hehe, just kidding, just kidding."


"I don't have that kind of interest in her."


Isaac nodded vigorously, "Yes, yes, yes."


No interest?


Who was he kidding!


Giving her this and that, even an autograph—too much!


Isaac only dared to grumble in his heart.


He couldn't provoke this boss.


Seeing Isaac's expression, Owen knew he was complaining internally. Actually, Owen didn't know why, but he felt a natural closeness to the girl, a strange urge to treat her well.


He didn't bother explaining to Isaac. As long as he understood himself, it was fine.


After Owen's successful concert, the buzz didn't die down. Meanwhile, the mysterious fox girl who appeared at the concert also gained a lot of attention.


Many media outlets speculated and searched for the fox girl, trying to uncover her identity. But the only ones who knew Zuri's identity were those close to Isaac, Farida, and Azura.


Without Owen and Zuri's approval, they kept her identity secret.


"Did you see the reports? I heard the fox mask is inlaid with many diamonds, worth millions."


"That prop is so cool. You can only see such valuable props at Owen's concert."


"I heard from an insider that Owen gave the fox mask to the girl."


"Now I'm really curious, who is that fox girl?"


"Many popular young actresses have been suggested online, but none seem right. That aura can't be faked."


In the dining hall, students discussed fervently, and Azura and Zuri, sitting in the corner, heard it clearly.


"Are you really not going public?" Azura asked softly.


Zuri shook her head.


Azura looked regretful. Sometimes, the more mysterious you are, the more attention you attract, naturally increasing the buzz.


Suddenly, a girl at the next table exclaimed.


"Check the social media. The famous pianist Zhao Quande publicly expressed his desire to take the fox girl as a student."


The diners, upon hearing this, all checked their social media, and soon a chorus of "Wow" could be heard.


Azura quickly opened her social media app and immediately found the trending topic "Searching for the Fox Girl."


"Zuri, Zhao Quande wants to take you as his student. This is a great opportunity."


Zhao Quande was a renowned pianist in the country and a member of the World Piano Association. His credentials were impressive. If she could become his disciple, her future in the piano world would be limitless.


"Not interested," Zuri replied calmly.


Azura stared at her, trying hard to see any interest on her face but found none.


She really wasn't interested.


What a shame!


Even a poor student like her found it such a pity!