
With the famous pianist's involvement, the search for the fox girl continued to gain traction. Everyone assumed that the fox girl would surely make an appearance to meet Zhao Quande.


Unfortunately, they were all wrong.


The mysterious fox girl never showed up. Instead, a few online celebrities tried to ride the wave by pretending to be her, causing quite a few jokes.


As time passed, the interest in finding the fox girl gradually faded, replaced by other new and interesting things.


One afternoon, Farida quietly approached Zuri. "Hector is back. Be careful."


After this brief warning, Farida hurried away.


"Hector," Zuri murmured, her expression calm.


Azura, noticing Zuri's indifference, looked serious. "Hector is formidable. He's Saira's admirer and protector. I heard he was recovering at home recently, and now that he's better, he'll definitely target you. He's much more ruthless than Kaden."


"Kaden, at least, won't bother you if you don't provoke him. But Hector is different. Anyone he dislikes, he'll beat up, no matter who they are."


"And the worst part is, he's the son of Oceanic City's wealthiest man and a national youth sanda champion, which makes him even more arrogant. Except for Kaden, he dares to mess with anyone."


"He won't spare you just because you're a girl. So, for now, don't go anywhere alone. Stick with me. As long as I'm around, he won't go too far."


After all, she was from a prominent family in the capital, and the richest man in Oceanic City would still show respect to the Ye family.


"Okay," Zuri nodded, showing no signs of worry in her brows.


Hector, a very familiar name. Much of her past misfortune was due to him. If he didn't come looking for her, how could she settle the scores from her previous life?


Zuri lay down on the grass, her hands folded under her head, squinting at the clouds drifting in the sky.


Not far away, a group of people was peering in her direction.


"Hector, the one in the blue shirt is Zuri."


"That's the girl who bullied your sister-in-law."


Hector's unfriendly gaze fixed on Zuri. Noticing the presence of someone from the Ye family, he didn't approach.


He turned to his companions. "Keep an eye on her. The moment she's alone, let me know."


Hmph, dare to bully his woman? She must be tired of living!


Three days later, a lackey saw Azura getting into a car and leaving Zuri alone. He quickly pulled out his phone and called Hector.


"Boss, the girl is alone now. I'll share the location with you. Come quickly."


Ten minutes later, a Cadillac van slowly arrived and stopped by the roadside.


Hector and his gang hurried out of the car.


"Boss, the girl is in the alley ahead."


Hector snorted coldly, a sinister look in his eyes. "Let's go."


A student at Windsor Academy saw Hector's menacing group from afar, hid in fear, and took a few pictures to post on the campus forum, immediately attracting everyone's attention.


Seeing the post, Saira smirked coldly.


She had just received a message from Hector.


Zuri, do you still think you can fight me?


She didn't even need to make a move; someone else would naturally take care of it for her.


Zuri, you're about to get beaten up!


Hector's group followed their guide into the alley. In the middle of the alley stood someone, smiling as if waiting for them.


The group was slightly taken aback, their faces showing surprise.


Zuri glanced at Hector, turned, and walked forward.


"Stop!" Hector barked.


The person in front didn't respond, continuing deeper into the alley.


"Trying to run now? Too late."


To Hector, her actions looked like an attempt to flee.


Zuri ignored them, her steps unbroken. Hector's group immediately chased her, cornering her in the alley.


Seeing her scanning the surroundings, seemingly looking for an exit, Hector signaled his men to block the only way out, watching her with a smug and arrogant look.


"Run! Let's see where you can go," Hector jeered, his cronies laughing loudly, mocking Zuri without restraint.


Zuri withdrew her gaze, her expression calm, her cool eyes fixed on the arrogant Hector. "It is indeed a good place, no escape routes."


Her words were correct, but they sounded odd, giving the impression that they were the ones trapped.


"I heard you've been bullying Saira every day, taking advantage of your status, haven't you?" Hector asked. "Of course, it doesn't matter if you deny it. I'm here today for one thing only."


"What's that?" Zuri asked calmly.


"In respect for my sister Saira, I don't ask for much. Just kneel and apologize to Saira, slap yourself, and promise to always yield to her in the future. If she says east, you cannot say west. Whatever she wants, you must give up. Do this, and we'll call it even. Otherwise..."


A lackey pulled out a camcorder, ready to record.


"Otherwise what?"


Hector's eyes narrowed, his tone icy. "Otherwise, you won't leave here standing. I, Hector, have no qualms about hitting a woman."


Anyone who dared to upset his goddess would face his wrath.


Even if the person before him was a beautiful woman.


"Is that all?" Zuri chuckled softly.


Her light tone and indifferent smile infuriated Hector, who saw it as a challenge. A surge of anger rose within him.


"Grab her and make her kneel," Hector commanded.


It didn't take him personally to handle a girl; his men could easily do it.


Two lackeys stepped forward while the others watched, setting up the camcorder to record the scene. This would be a gift from their boss to Saira.


Two young men approached from the left and right, aiming to quickly control her. As one reached out, a force gripped his arm, and a pair of white, jade-like hands appeared on his wrist.


In his momentary daze, he was flung towards the other man. They collided and fell, sprawling on the ground.


"Ouch!" they cried out in pain.


Dizzy, they saw a large wooden crate looming overhead.


With a loud "thud," the crate crashed down, leaving them bloodied, their screams of pain echoing.


The two were completely incapacitated.


This scene played out in just a few breaths. In one move, two young men were taken down. Hector and his remaining men were stunned.