Overwhelming Combat Power

Hector's face darkened as he muttered a curse under his breath, "Useless."


Zuri looked up, her eyes glinting with amusement as she gazed at the three men. "Yes, all useless."


Hector and the two lackeys behind him were instantly enraged.


Without needing Hector's command, the two men charged forward. This time, they were somewhat prepared, but with their mediocre skills, they were no match for Zuri.


In just one exchange, the two men were down again, clutching their legs or stomachs and howling in pain.


Hector watched his four lackeys lying on the ground, and a twisted smile appeared on his face.


Kicking away the lackey at his feet, Hector stepped forward, narrowing his eyes. "I've heard you're pretty good in a fight. Seems you do have some skills. But do you really think you can take me on with just that?"


He clenched his fists, the joints cracking audibly as he approached her step by step. Suddenly, his fist flew towards her, its momentum fierce like a wild beast.


Before the fist could land, Zuri caught it precisely, gripping it tightly. He pushed harder, shocked to find he couldn't move her. Then, pain shot through his hand. Zuri's grip tightened, as if she intended to crush his bones.


Hector frowned, raising his left foot to attack Zuri's lower body. Zuri sidestepped, twisting her arm, increasing the pressure.


A clear "crack" echoed—bone dislocation.


"Ah!" Hector screamed, his right arm dislocated, hanging limp.


"You're courting death!" he roared, pulling out a sharp knife from his waist, his eyes vicious.




With a swift move, Zuri kicked the knife out of his hand.


What followed was a one-sided thrashing; Hector was like a punching bag, helpless under Zuri's assault.


With a heavy punch, Hector's front teeth loosened, and he spat out a mouthful of blood and teeth.


Zuri looked down at him, her tone disdainful. "Youth champion, huh? That's all you got."


Hector was humiliated and furious.


He still couldn't believe he lost to a mere girl.


But Zuri wasn't done yet.


"You're not convinced, are you?" she asked, smiling.


Hector spat out more blood, his eyes filled with hatred, speaking volumes.


"Go home and ask your father how you got your championship," Zuri said, her smile mocking.


"What do you mean?" Hector's voice rose sharply.


Zuri didn't respond, just looked at him with pity.




Leaving him with this word, she turned to leave.


Watching her walk away unscathed, Hector felt a surge of murderous intent. His eyes caught sight of a brick nearby. Squinting, he grabbed the brick and hurled it at Zuri.


Sensing the attack, Zuri instinctively sidestepped, the brick missing her head by a hair and landing heavily at her feet, kicking up dust.


If it weren't for her honed reflexes, she would've been severely injured.


Looking down at the brick, she then raised her eyes to Hector, her gaze no longer casual but filled with a cold, deadly intent.


Step by step, she walked towards him, her presence growing more chilling and lethal.


Hector sensed the danger, fear creeping into his heart. "Wh-what are you going to do?"


As she approached, Hector instinctively backed into a corner, trapped.


"I'm Sergio's son! If you touch me, my dad won't let you or your Lin family off. Think carefully about this," Hector shouted, trying to intimidate her.


But Zuri wasn't swayed.


"You touch me again, and I'll make sure you wish you were dead. My family will never let you go. Even the Lin family can't protect you. Try me if you dare," Hector yelled, trying to bolster his courage.


However, Zuri remained silent, her gaze icy and malicious.


"You better let me go," he warned.


With a "bang," her fist landed in his gut, making him double over in pain.


"You filthy—" Hector snarled, but Zuri grabbed his hair, lightly slapping his face, a smile playing on her lips.


When she raised her fist again, Hector's eyes widened in realization, fear taking over. "I was wrong!"


Her fist stopped just a centimeter from his nose.


"I'm sorry!"


The lackeys on the ground, who had tried to help their boss, froze in shock at his plea for mercy.


One lackey took a couple of steps forward, but a cold glare from Zuri stopped him in his tracks.


The girl before them no longer seemed weak; she was like a vengeful deity from the underworld, her presence exuding a terrifying aura.


Meanwhile, down a side alley, a group of well-dressed professionals approached.


"Leo, this area is the last part of the old district. Its location is prime. Once developed, it could be used for either commercial or residential purposes," the district chief explained enthusiastically.


The man in the lead, Leo, remained silent, his gaze scanning the rows of old wooden houses.


A young woman among them heard faint cries for help from not far away. "It sounds like someone is calling for help."


Everyone's attention turned, straining to listen. Indeed, there were cries for help.


This area, slated for demolition and redevelopment, had long been vacated. It was rare to see anyone around here.


Leo moved towards the source of the sound, the others following.


As they got closer, the cries became clearer.


Quickening their pace, they rounded a corner and were met with the sight of several thugs on the ground, the most striking being the girl in the corner.


Hearing their footsteps, Zuri slowly turned her head, her eyes meeting theirs.


A light breeze blew through the alley, carrying the scent of blood. A drop of blood had stained her brow, trailing down her stunning face, leaving a crimson mark.


Her blood-red eyes, cold and indifferent, met theirs.


The contrast of her flawless complexion and the blood was a striking visual impact.


Leo's heart pounded wildly in his chest.