Chapter 2

It had been several days since the strange occurrence that happened. Life had resumed its normal course as if nothing had happened. Esmeralda no longer had those feelings of being watched either. So naturally, she attributed it to fear.

It was the weekend, as usual, she spent her time with her boyfriend and friends. It allowed her to decompress. All the more because with their work, they barely saw each other during the week.

Except of course with Ash, her boyfriend, who couldn't go more than three days without Esmeralda, and the same for the woman. They were completely mad about each other. They met at the cousin's wedding of Ash. The latter had immediately been captivated by the beauty of the young woman. He dared to address the word and to his great happiness, Esmeralda was receptive.

Esmeralda had always been a very socializing and extroverted young woman. She loved to interact with others. She had no difficulty approaching others or engaging in a conversation with strangers. She was a true ray of sunshine always smiling. In fact, she was pretty well liked thanks to her physicality and her natural kindness that easily attracted attention.

She found herself in a bar with her boyfriend, her best friend and the boyfriend of the latter. She was not a party animal, nor was her group. But they liked to get together to spend a nice moment together. The atmosphere inside the bar was very warm and friendly. Everyone was laughing and having a good time. The music in the bar completed this atmosphere with great skill.

They were chatting about everything and anything when her best friend's boyfriend spoke up, making a proposal to them.

- Dorian: Guys, do you want to spend a night in the woods? It would be nice to camp and relax in the middle of nature and the sounds of birds.

Ash, who was rather energetic and always up for a bit of adventure, nodded his head enthusiastically. Same with her best friend Zayla. She added:

- Zayla: Why not? It's been a long time since I've camped! After all, what's better than a good day out in the forest?

Everyone in the group seemed keen to spend the night in the forest. Well, almost everyone, since Esmeralda refused. Spending the night in the forest was not a great idea in her opinion.

- Esmeralda: I won't be attending. I'm not going to spend all night outside in the middle of wild animals and potentially crazy people.

Her boyfriend looked at her with a surprised expression.

- Ash: You don't have anything to fear, my love. You know there are barely any wild animals in the forest? Hunters have scared most of them away. The only wild animals we may encounter are probably boars.

Her boyfriend's voice was reassuring and confident. However, Esmeralda wasn't really convinced.

- Esmeralda: What if we're attacked by a person with ill intentions? We can't just go to an unknown location and spend the whole night there.

Her boyfriend looked at her for a moment.

- Ash: Esmé, nothing's going to happen to you. Plus, my car is well-equipped, the windows are tinted, and the doors lock from the inside. I also know how to fight, I know how to defend myself. And anyway, it's not the first time I've slept in the forest. I know the place well. Come on, make an exception, please.

- Zayla: It's going to be great. We'll have a great time. Please accept.

- Dorian : And with our cell phones, the police can come to help us if necessary. And we're two men with you.

- Esmeralda: Very well, I'll make an exception. But don't go deep into the forest.

Her boyfriend smiled, glad that she had finally agreed.

- Ash: Don't worry, I know a rather quiet place that we can use as a campsite. We'll be safe there. And I often rest there alone. Nothing to be disturbed about.

He approached Esmeralda and lightly stroked her cheek with his fingertips, before giving her a little kiss.

The evening went very well. They had decided to go camping the next weekend.

They had a great time. Esmeralda was dropped off by her boyfriend at midnight. He left her at the bottom of her building.

- Ash: You're still up for our date tomorrow?

- Esmeralda: Obviously! Tomorrow, I'll be available exclusively for you.

- Ash: I'll definitely enjoy every moment... I can't wait for the day when I don't have to drop you off at your parents' house anymore. But the day when we go home together.

- Esmeralda: Wait a minute, until we're both stable.

Ash heaved a sigh but nodded his head.

- Ash: But tomorrow, you'll spend the night at my place. I want to enjoy the night admiring your beautiful face and talking.

- Esmeralda: Are you sure it's just for those reasons?

- Ash: Of course. I'm a gentleman.

Esmeralda couldn't help but laugh, taking her boyfriend's words as a joke.

She looked at him for a moment before placing her lips on his. Ash responded to the kiss, bringing her body closer to his. They broke apart after a few seconds.

Esmeralda gently unlocked the door so as not to wake her parents who must be sleeping deeply. Ash started his car once his girlfriend had gotten inside her building.