Chapter 3

The day of the camping trip finally arrived. They spent the rest of the day buying some gear and booze. They took one car to transport them all so they could mingle together. It was Ash, Esmeralda's boyfriend, who was driving alongside Dorian at the front. Esmeralda and her friend Zayla were in the back seat side by side.

After 30 good minutes of driving and a stop at the "Drive-Thru" to restock, They arrived at a small clearing on the edge of a lake at the border of the forest. It was a peaceful spot surrounded by trees and protected by a creek. There was a small path along the creek. It was a somewhat pretty place, peaceful, and perfect for this kind of camping. The birds tweeted a little further away, and the water of the creek blended with the surrounding nature. Everything was peaceful.

The group unloaded equipment and other utensils to set up and start the life of camping for the evening. Ash was the little boss giving instructions . The boys took care of putting up the tents while the girls moved the sleeping bags, flashlights, alcohol, and food.

After setting up the tents, the group immediately organized itself. Esmeralda was filling the small portable fridge with beers. Zayla was preparing a salad while Ash prepared a barbecue taking a bite from time to time earning him elbow bumps from his friends.

The music of Dorian, a fairly rhythmical music, played from the vehicle's speakers, creating a country atmosphere in the middle of the forest. They chatted and told each other stories, laughing, an atmosphere that invited relaxation.

After a few hours, everything was ready. They were eating around a big barbecue. There was still a party atmosphere among them. And the night was falling.

Esmeralda was careful not to drink too much, as she wanted to remain lucid and vigilant. The evening went well. Everyone was pretty relaxed. But a question had been asked by a group member, who asked Esmeralda a question:

"I was curious, Esmeralda. You don't drink alcohol often when we party. Don't you feel well when you drink?"

- Esmeralda: "I don't like being drunk and even less in this place."

- Zayla: "Although it's true that we risk meeting nobody in this corner, I understand. Especially in a situation like this, having a person intoxicated could cause problems.

- Dorian: "And I think we won't be that drunk anyway, just in the right state. There's nothing better than being confident and having a good time."

- Ash: "Do you know that there seems to be an abandoned mansion in this forest?" Ash spoke slowly to surprise his friends. The response worked. All heads turned to him as they heard what he had said. They looked quite surprised, finding the possibility unlikely and even ridiculous.

Zayla tilted her head to the side before asking:

- "A mansion? You're saying this because you've watched too many paranormal YouTube videos, right?" She said with a smile to let him know she was just kidding.

- Ash: "Very funny the comedian but I'm serious. Ash gave her a little pinch.

- Dorian: "An abandoned mansion? It's the first time I've ever heard of it.

The reaction of Dorian and Zayla was similar to Esmeralda's. They were all very surprised.

- Esmeralda: "Where did you hear that kind of information?" Her girlfriend asked her.

- Ash: "Well, I heard it from mouth to ear no later than last week. According to the rumor that's circulating, the mansion would be haunted."

- Dorian: "Haunted? I thought you were a man of science. You're disappointing me. Dorian openly teased Ash, finding this news totally absurd.

Ash looked at his phone and showed them a link to this famous abandoned mansion on the web.

- Ash: "I was curious and ended up on a link with photos of an abandoned mansion in the midst of the forest. And it matched exactly what I heard.

All eyes were on Ash and his phone.

- Zayla: Do you know how to get there? she asked, somewhat piqued by curiosity

- Ash: No. Unfortunately, there's no location. Apparently, people have gone looking for the mansion, but no one's found it...

After a moment of silence, he spoke up with a grave voice reveals itself to whoever is chosen.

- Esmeralda: Of course no one's going to find it since it doesn't exist in the first place. her girlfriend said, finding this all ridiculous

- Zayla: It's probably a mansion straight out of some 1950s horror movie.

- Dorian: It's just another urban legend. Dorian said warily

-Ash: No legend comes from nowhere, and if this mansion really exists, I'd like to know why and how it ended up in this place. Ash countered

- Zayla: It's true that if such a mansion really exists in the area, I'd like to discover it. Ash's words finally convinced the young girl.

She didn't believe in the existence of a supposedly haunted mansion, but rather an abandoned place, and she was excited to find out if it was real or not

- Ash: Who knows, with a little luck we might find some forgotten treasures or even old, well-preserved weapons that are in perfect working order.

- Esmeralda: I'm not going, end of story. We're not teens to believe in everything and anything anymore.

she rolled her eyes, having had enough of her boyfriend and the two others' silly ideas that always ended up convincing her.

- Ash: That's true, but going on an expedition to an old abandoned mansion would be very interesting. It's not far, we could get there in just a short ten-minute drive. It'd be more exciting than just staying here hanging out.

Ash smiled. He knew he always managed to convince them.

- Dorian: There's little chance we'll find the mansion, but it'll give us a nice walk.

- Zayla: I wouldn't mind an expedition.

- Esmeralda: Not me. I'm not going to walk in the forest when it's dark.

- Ash: Don't be such a killjoy, Esmeralda. We only have one life, enjoy it a little!

Ash gave her a little impish smile. The rest of the group gave a look of assent.

- Ash: But we're not going to do anything crazy, we're going to explore an abandoned mansion. An old building built decades ago. It'll be interesting and a good experience too.

The rest of the group agreed with Ash.

Dorian made an encouraging gesture to Esmeralda before saying:

- Come on, Little one, come explore with us.

After some time of contemplation, she let out a deep sigh.

- Esmeralda: Seriously guys, I hate you. Last time I followed you in your delusions

The group, as well as Esmeralda's boyfriend, smiled and started preparing for the expedition. Esmeralda was still confused, but she knew deep down that such a mansion could be interesting to visit.

Once the music was shut off, They started walking along the creek towards the forest, in the darkness with their flashlights on. Everyone was walking at a good pace. Despite some crackling of branches and dead leaves, the forest was relatively quiet.

Ash was leading the group and guiding them in the direction of the supposed mansion. Esmeralda, who was feeling a little nervous, got closer to her boyfriend while still being silent. After a few good minutes of walking, the group started to sink further into the forest. The sounds of nature were gradually fading.

The only source of sound they could hear now was the sound of water in the creek and the sound of their steps. Some members of the group were starting to freak out a bit while others, like Ash, were pretty confident.

After a roughly thirty-minute walk along the creek edge into a darker and more dense forest, they stopped for a quick break. The group members were a little winded and needed a quick breath of fresh air before continuing on their way.

Dorian stepped forward a little to look around, searching for the abandoned mansion with his flashlight.

- Ash: It must be somewhere around here.

Dorian was trying to spot the abandoned mansion, but with his flashlight he saw nothing much besides the forest.

- Zayla: Did you find it?

She had a slightly fatigued voice from the slight walk they had just made.