Chapter 4

- Esmeralda: We're not going to find anything since this mansion doesn't exist. Let's go back to our camp before we get lost. It's already been 30 minutes since we set out. It's also gotten dark.

Esmeralda was really on edge. She was tired of going around in circles.

- Ash: How do you know it doesn't exist? Have you ever been here before?

Her boyfriend replied in a slightly harsh and irritated tone. Dorian raised an eyebrow as he watched Ash speak to his own girlfriend.

- Dorian: She makes a good point. It's not worth getting all tired out, only to see nothing in the end. I also don't want to get lost in this forest at night.

Ash replied immediately:

- If you're that scared of getting lost, then why did you even follow me? We could have simply set up camp in the grass out front. You're really scared of your own shadows...

He fell silent for a few moments before adding with a mischevious smile:

- And then, if you think nothing is going to happen, you're wrong.

- Esmeralda: You're the one who's annoying with your superior attitude. I want to go back to the camp. Esmeralda answered defensively.

A playful smile spread across Ash's face. He moved closer to her without taking his eyes off her.

- Ash: Don't be angry. You're just scared that we'll find something interesting that you're not able to do.

Dorian watched the young couple with some embarrassment. Zayla who had also witnessed the scene approached Ash and looked at him coldly as she said:

- Stop bothering Esmeralda. You're worse than a brat. Stop your shenanigans and let's leave. You're the one who dragged us into your delusions, so at least be nice for once in your life.

- Ash: No!

Ash pronounced that "no" very firmly. He stared at Zayla in the eyes. Dorian moved towards Ash to stand in front of him.

- Dorian: Let's stop right here. If you keep going like this, your little dream of finding your abandoned mansion will never exist. And if you really want to find that mansion, you can go alone.

Dorian's tone had hardened. Everyone was quite tense now.

- Ash: You know what, go f*** yourselves, all of you.

He was now really angry. The tension was palpable. Everyone looked ready to throw hands. Ash's jaw was clenched in anger, and he looked like he was ready to fight.

- Dorian: What did you say then?

His voice was quite dry and aggressive. But there was not the slightest hint of fear in his voice.

- Ash: You heard me. So I suggest you don't do it again if I were you.

He had an aggressive gaze, but just as calm and cold. Dorian and Ash stared at each other in the eyes, like two lions fighting for power.

- Ash: I'll find that mansion with or without you. I don't need a bunch of weaklings with me.

Esmeralda was shocked by the man in front of her. She didn't recognize her boyfriend who was so sweet and pleasant. The one in front of her was just horrible. Zayla hadn't moved an inch. Ash had an aggressive look. Dorian had a hateful look. The three members of the group were no longer bold enough to express themselves and all looked at each other with a look of surprise and fear.

Dorian finally spoke with a disdainful look

- Dorian: If you want to go alone, go ahead. But don't come crying afterwards. Good luck.

Ash observed him before adding:

- Ash: You're just a dirty jerk, Dorian. You don't know what life is.

He looked at Zayla next.

- Ash: And she too, she is a stubborn. But a stubborn who is unable to assume her nonsense.

It was then his girlfriend's turn to suffer his comments:

- And you... you should grow up and stop being a coward at your old age.

Esmeralda was outraged. She could no longer open her mouth, shocked by Ash's words. She didn't know how to react to this totally new situation for her.

Ash turned away and started walking quickly and furiously along the stream. Esmeralda, who remained silent, didn't understand anything about the situation. She was going to intervene to call it back but a strange and strange feeling seized her.

A Strange Feeling of Discomfort from the Forest.

It was not normal, she felt in her heart that something strange was about to emerge from the forest, like a kind of premonition.

She felt unwell. She felt the sensation of being watched that had resumed, but this time was much more violent. It was as if an invisible hand caressed her back tenderly. It made her feel uncomfortable. She felt her stomach turning.

She turned around to talk to her friends, but she was the only one. Zayla and Dorian were no longer there. Esmeralda was confused to realize that they disappeared from her field of vision.

But the sensation of being watched became more and more overwhelming. It was almost as if she could no longer feel comfortable in her own body.

She tried to retrace her steps, calling for them. Her voice echoing through all the forest, but she received no response, not even from her boyfriend. Esmeralda was alone. All she could see now was the darkness. Her flashlight had also abandoned her.

She was alone with the sensation of being watched by an evil unseen force. After a few seconds of hesitation, she walked cautiously and very carefully. She was looking for her friends with her eyes, but mostly she was looking for why she felt so disturbed.

She was tired and perplexed. The feeling of observation had become unbearable, but there was no one. She felt the heat intensifying on her back, as if someone were stroking it tenderly. But she saw nothing.

The brunette was now exhausted. She had cramps. All her body was hurting her. She had more and more difficulty breathing. She felt the observation feeling, but now it had become huge. It was like someone was whispering in her ear.

The young woman had no more strength. She felt as if she had just run the hardest of races. It was strange for her, as if a powerful force had drained her of all her energy.

The darkness was surrounding her from all sides. As if something had isolated her in a sinister and dark place. Perhaps she was at that very moment in the famous mansion. Perhaps she was inside that haunted place. But then how would that be possible, since she was in the middle of the forest, surrounded by trees and the beautiful stars.

She felt strange sensations on her body. She felt a huge wave of heat invade her and collapsed on the ground.

Strange Feelings on Her Body

Esmeralda felt strange sensations on her body. She felt an immense wave of heat wash over her and she collapsed to the ground. She lost consciousness there in the middle of the forest, with only the trees for company.

She lay on the ground, consumed by deep sleep. Her sleep was filled with strange visions. She saw herself suddenly in a dark place with a sinister, terrifying creature. The monster chased her. And when it reached her level, it simply disappeared. Then she found herself in a cemetery, alone, with no light at the graves. Finally, she saw a snake wrapping her, and trying to enter her mouth.

A dream, a nightmare, a premonition. Esmeralda could no longer tell the difference between these three concepts. Esmeralda had lost all sense of reality. All that mattered now was the sensation of heat that enveloped her completely.