Chapter 7 - Goblin Den Part 1

Sasaki strolled through the dense forest, the thick undergrowth making it easy to hide. With careful movements, he gently pushed aside the bushes, trying not to make a sound. As he cleared the last bush, his eyes widened at the sight before him - a group of hunter goblins resting inside a cave. It was the goblin's den, and some of them appeared stronger, likely chosen to guard the entrance.

In the darkness of the cave, Sasaki couldn't gauge its size or depth. He knew there could be many more goblins lurking inside, posing a significant threat to his life.

However, a malevolent grin spread across his face as he considered his options. The cave was enclosed, offering only one entrance and no easy escape. It was the perfect setup for his "Epidemic Spread" skill, allowing him to slowly infect the goblins without the aura escaping outside.

As Sasaki prepared to enter the fray, he unleashed the "Epidemic Spread" around him. A green gas emanated from his body, covering a ten-meter radius. Gripping his dagger tightly, he sprinted towards the two goblins patrolling the den.

His footsteps thudded loudly on the ground as he closed in. Both goblins found themselves enveloped in the infectious aura of the "Epidemic Spread," their health dwindling rapidly as their movements slowed.

Seizing the opportunity, Sasaki struck with precision. He stabbed the first goblin in the stomach, causing a gush of blood to burst forth. Before the goblin could react, Sasaki swiftly moved to his right and plunged his dagger into the back of the second goblin.

Their eyes widened in helpless shock as they succumbed to their wounds, unable to raise the alarm or let out a scream. Meanwhile, Sasaki's expression was one of grim determination, his eyes glinting with a villainous intensity as he swiftly killed both goblin.

[Level 15 Scout Goblin Killed]

[Exp: 3000]

[Level 15 Scout Goblin Killed]

[Exp: 3000]

Sasaki stood at the entrance of the goblin den, reluctant to venture inside just yet. He wanted to level up further, so he opened his System, finding that he had a total of 7000 exp left and he selected all the exp.

[Level Up....x3]

[Level 6->9]

[Remaining Exp:0]

But his hopes of reaching level ten were dashed as he only reached level nine, his eyes showing disdain. Despite this setback, he proceeded into the den, spreading his "Epidemic Spread" aura as he went. But soon he realized the skill from his perspective, it appeared to him like a green gas, akin to poison, emanating from his body.

However, he noticed a peculiar trait of the skill: the aura seemed contained within a radius of ten meters, unable to spread beyond that range. It didn't behave like ordinary gas that could disperse freely in the air; rather, it seemed confined to its designated area.

Sasaki's brows furrowed in frustration as he muttered to himself, "What the heck... So, that's where the level-up aspect of the skill comes into play. At level 1, its range is only ten meters."

He paused, contemplating his next move. "But how am I supposed to increase the skill level?" His voice was tinged with uncertainty, reflecting the puzzlement in his eyes as he scanned his surroundings, searching for answers within the confines of the goblin den.

[By using the EXP, just as you level up, you can also level up your skills and expand your inventory space]

Sasaki muttered to himself, realizing the importance of experience points. Not only did they help raise his own level, but they also enhanced the level of his skills, inventory, and other features provided by the system.

Closing the system window, he began to walk cautiously, masking the sound of his footsteps within the goblin den. He understood that his "Epidemic Spread" skill had a limited range of ten meters, posing a risk if he were to rush recklessly into enemy territory.

The layout and structure of the goblin den remained a mystery to Sasaki. It could consist of linear pathways, multiple levels, or branching corridors, all of which were unknown to him. Within the den, darkness prevailed, illuminated only by the occasional flicker of light from magic stones embedded in the walls, spaced at intervals. This presented a significant challenge for Sasaki.

Despite the odds, Sasaki gathered his courage and ventured deeper into the goblin den while maintaining the "Epidemic Spread" skill aura, so he can trap the goblin who are unaware and kill them by surprise from behind. 

One advantage Sasaki had was the goblins' lack of intelligence and detection skills, which allowed him to eliminate them one by one inside the den. It took hours to eliminate multiple goblins, but with his agility and "Epidemic Spread" skill, he managed to take out half of the goblins inside.

[Level 5 Scout Goblin Killed]

[Exp: 1000]

[Level 1 Scout Goblin Killed]

[Exp: 200]

[Level 15 Scout Goblin Killed]

[Exp: 3000]

[..... x25]

Notifications kept popping up as he dispatched the goblins, signaling his progress. Satisfied with his work, Sasaki decided to stop exploring deeper into the den. He had found a quiet spot where he could level up and replenish his mana and health, which had been depleted from continuous fighting.

Seated in the quite corner of the goblin den, Sasaki surveyed his surroundings. He had cleared out all the goblins on the first level of the den. He observed that the den followed a simple linear layout, with the density of goblins increasing as one ventured further in. They ranged from ordinary scout goblins to more formidable hunter and mage goblins.

Opening his system interface, Sasaki checked the exp he had acquired. Without hesitation, he used all the exp, ready to further his progress.

[Total Exp: 20000]

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

[Level 9->13]