Chapter 8 - Goblin Den Part 2

[Acquired new skill for Plague Doctor: Epidemic Eruption ( Level 1) ]

[Epidemic Eruption: At level 1, this trap formation skill allows you to set one trap formation at any location by touching the ground. When an enemy steps into the trap, it erupts, releasing acidic gas that melts the enemy. The infected enemy will also spread the infection to other enemies around them, triggering a chain reaction until everyone is infected within a radius of 5 meters. Additionally, this skill further reduces their health and movement speed by a maximum of 5% upon impact.]

[Congratulations, host, on reaching level 10! Strengthening host hand muscles!]

As Sasaki advanced to level ten, the muscles and bones in his hands started to rebuild themselves, becoming stronger. Despite the intense pain, he clenched his teeth, his hand trembling as though it was vibrating.

The muscles in his palm tensed and relaxed, making his dagger slip from his grip and drop to the ground. With his eyes tightly closed, he held back any cries that might draw the attention of nearby goblins.

After the process finished, the pain in his hand subsided. He cautiously unwrapped the bandage, hoping to see some signs of skin formation, but his expression turned to one of disappointment. His hope shattered again, like a stone thrown through a glass window, breaking it into a thousand pieces. Yet, he didn't lose hope entirely.

He could feel the power growing in his hand, his fingers stronger than before. He clenched his fist and tested its newfound strength by striking the wall of the den multiple times. Surprisingly, he felt no pain, and there was no flow of blood from his muscles. This refinement of his bones felt like steel, his muscles transformed into steel fibers, and his bones becoming as strong as steel. 

Sasaki glanced at the dagger, its once-sharp blade now dulled and worn. With a sigh, he tossed it aside; there was no use keeping it now. Without hesitation, he continued deeper into the den, intent on eliminating the remaining goblins.

Setting traps using his "Epidemic Eruption" skill, he then made himself visible to the goblins, standing boldly and inviting them to attack. His smile stretched wide, his teeth gleaming, and a glint of mischief in his eyes. Some goblins were on the ground while others perched on stone pillars above him, all within certain distance.

As the goblins fixated their gaze on Sasaki, their expressions twisted into sinister grins, eager to sink their teeth into his flesh. Little did they know, Sasaki had laid a trap, and as the horde charged toward him, he led them on a wild chase, a cunning smirk dancing across his lips.

As the first goblin took its initial step, it triggered the trap formation. From there, the corrosive gas spread swiftly, jumping from one goblin to the next like a chain reaction.

Each successive goblin to stumble into the trap suffered the same fate, their skin melting away and their five percent health plummet. Panic rippled through the crowd as they realized the trap of Sasaki, but it was too late - the trap had already taken its toll on them all.

Panic swept through the goblins as they shrieked in agony, oblivious to the peril closing in around them.

Without hesitation, Sasaki activated trap after trap as soon as the previous trap triggered, the corrosive gas spreading from one goblin to the next like a deadly contagion. Their bodies disintegrated, yet he pressed forward, setting off each trap with meticulous timing.

As the cascade of traps continued, Sasaki turned to confront the remaining, more formidable goblins. With his "Epidemic Spread" aura enveloping him, he moved with agility and precision, zigzagging among the goblins, from left goblin to right goblin, his movements in a straight line. His palm extended like a lethal blade, his fingers piercing the softened flesh of the goblins effortlessly.

With each strike, another goblin fell until the den fell silent, save for the lingering echoes of their anguished cries. Amidst the carnage, Sasaki stood victorious yet fatigued, the adrenaline of battle still coursing through his veins.

Sasaki sat atop a fallen goblin, his body slumped in exhaustion. His legs stretched out before him as he struggled to catch his breath, head bowed low. The once-white bandages wrapped around his body were now stained crimson with the blood of his enemies.

[Total Exp: 30000]

"First, let's level up the skill to two. Let's see what benefits it will bring at level 2," he murmured to himself, voice weary but determined.

Reflecting on the battle with the group of goblins, Sasaki acknowledged the disadvantage of facing multiple enemies at once. He had to activate multiple traps at precisely the right moment, triggering each one as soon as the previous trap went off.

Opening the System interface, he located the section for skills and noticed a plus sign button next to each skill.

[Level: 13]

[Race: Demon]

[Class: Plague Doctor]

[Skill: Epidemic Spread ( Level 1 +), Epidemic Eruption ( Level 1 +)]

[Unique Skill: Inventory]

[Passive Skill: Poison Resistance(MAX), Disease Resistance(MAX), Parasitic Blood(MAX)]

With a click, he initiated the process of leveling up his "Epidemic Eruption" skill, a new dialogue box appearing before him.

[10,000 EXP will be required to level up from level 1 to level 2.]

[EXP will be automatically deducted from total accumulated EXP.]

[You currently have 30,000 total EXP.]

[Do you wish to continue? Y/N]

"Yes, " Sasaki mused aloud.

[Epidemic Eruption Level Up 1->2]

[Epidemic Eruption: At Level 2, number of trap 2, contiguous radius 10 meter and stats reduction 10%]

[Total Exp: 20000]

[Skill lost: 10] 

[Total Skill: 15]

"Use remaining Exp to level up, " He commanded to System. 

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

[Level 13->16]