Attacked at midnight




The moon was shining in all its glory.Night creatures were already roaming about.A few cricket chirps were heard here and there.The night creatures were lively due to the full moon shining bright in the sky.

The lonely but which was at the far end of the compound of the biggest mansion in Providence City,which belong to the top family in the city the the Mo family was surrounded in darkness.With closer inspection,you could see the silhouette of six people surrounding the house.This house was the shelter in which Bai Ting and her son Lee Fan slept in.

Although Bai Ting was the last concubine of Mo Bai,she was treated no different than the servants in the mansion.Due to the continuous nagging of Mo Feng,Mo Bai had no choice but to move them out of the mansion to where they currently are.

Lee Fan whose head was on one of the softest mountains of Bai Ting felt every hair of his on edge which made him uncomfortable in his sleep.

He awoke due to the uncomfortableness and sat on the bed.Rubbing his eyes he to get rid of the sleepiness,he begun to inspect the room for his cause of uncomfortableness

Immediately he turned,he saw a dagger moving straight towards Bai Ting's head who laid in the bed defenseless.

His heart nearly jumped out of his throat,reacted quickly by stretching out his hand to grab hold of the dagger.Due to his amazing speed he was able to stop the dagger in the nick of time from Bai Ting's head.

An anger he had never felt before begun to rise in his chest,if he was not quick Bai Ting would have lost her life.They had never wrong anyone so he didn't understand who would be after his life.Lee Fan was never possessive,but ever since he meet Bai Ting in this world and now since she was his woman he had promised himself to protect her from every harm and now someone nearly killed her in his presence.

"Who's there?",Lee Fan asked in a very deep voice filled with anger.

"Hehehe...hehehe..Ooh,I you are quick ", a man in a deep husky voice said whiles he appeared from behind the door.

Lee Fan turned to face the man.Looking closely to his face,he had a large scar on his upper right cheek which slanted downwards to the edge of his mouth.Also he had a bulky body with bulging muscles which seems to make him more bulkier.He was very tall and even though Lee Fan stood on the bed,he only reached his waist.

"Too bad I have been sent to get rid of you like you'd make a nice chap,don't you think?",he smiled.

Although Lee Fan was angry he had not moved yet,and the man seeing a little boy in front of him believed in his strength to get rid of him so he kept on blabbing.

The last thing he wanted Bai Ting to see was the gruesome scene he had in his head so not to wake her up,he got down from the bed while he held the dagger tightly.The man begun to laugh when he saw the action of Lee Fan .

"Hehe..hehehe..little boy want to fight?",he taunted Lee Fan.

Lee Fan still did not speak and begun to approach the man.The man seeing this begun to laugh.Immediately he blinked,he felt a sharp pain at the back of his knee.

Lee Fan using his incredible speed and the swift cloud technique had appeared right behind the man and made two deep slashes at the back of the man's knee.

Blood gushed out of his onto his face,but he didn't dodge which gave him a bloody appearance.The man tipped over since his knee could no longer support his bulky body.Before he could shout Lee Fan pierced the back of his head with the dagger which appeared from the other end.A heavy thud sounded in the room which was the cue for the sleeping Bai Ting to wake up.Lee Fan not wanting her to see the gruesome seen moved quickly and covered her face with a pillow which he grabbed on the bed.

" Don't look " he whispered into her eyes.

Bai Ting who had wanted to take of the pillow stopped when she heard his voice.He grabbed her hand with his clean hand and lead her into the bathroom.

"Don't come out before I say so",he gave Bai Ting a command.

Although he tried to sound as calm as possible Bai Ting stilled heard the anger in his voice.She decide to obey him for now as she herself was scared from the way he was acting.Lee Fan locked the door himself.

He begun to move to the kitchen since he could hear noise coming from there.Before he moved from the bathroom's door,he made sure it's secure before he set off.

Lee Fan removed a low grade spear from his system.He placed it there since he didn't want people to see.Derek had gifted it to him to keep so he could practice even if he was not there.

Lee Fan tiptoed to the kitchen as he didn't want to alert whoever was there.When he reached the door he peeked inside the kitchen and saw five other men in the kitchen.They seem to be relaxing there as the believe the bulking man would be enough to do the job.

"What's keeping Finn,Don't tell me he's have fun ", a very slim man who had two swords crossed at his back said.

"I going to check up on him " he said to the rest whiles making his way out of the kitchen.

Immediately he reached the door of the kitchen, a cold glint of a metal flashed his eyes and that was the last thing he saw.Lee Fan who had the element of surprise thrust his spear to meet the man right at the door.The spear pierced the head of the man which had crushed his skull due to the sheer force behind the spear.The other's jolted as they never expected something like this to happen.

"Now tell me who sent you!"Lee Fan shouted whilst he moved quickly to the next person whiles performing

the spear smash technique.