You are a monster




"Now tell me who sent you!"Lee Fan shouted whilst he moved quickly to the next person whiles performing the spear smash technique.

Lee Fan knew he that immediately he attacked the first person,he will not longer have the element of surprise.And he also know that,he knew next to nothing about the strength of the people who had infiltrated their home.Therefore every blow he threw must count.Although his cover was blown,the killers failed to react as the could not take it in seeing a young boy with tiny legs and hands,also the spear which he held was way taller than him moving towards them with his body leaking killing intent,even though it was not that heavy to make them immobile,they stood motionless till he made his next kill.

Lee Fan with his incredible speed moved towards the man closest to him.Grabbing hold of the spear ,he performed the smash technique of the spear in mid way towards the man.He channeled every ounce of energy into his hand which held the spear,using his momentum he smash the spear into the ribs of the man which sent him flying.The blow was devastating as the ribs of the thug had caved inn with blood leaking from his mouth.He his face still displayed a surprise look.

"Big brother Fan!",one of the thug screamed out loud.

Lee Fan turned to face the rest of the thugs till with his head down.He knew being hit headed won't help so he tried to quench anger.He wanted to find out who sent them because it looked like they didn't come to rob them but to kill them.

"I won't ask again..Tell me who sent you and I may spare your stupid life! ",he asked them in a loud voice.

The remaining thugs all had a grim expression on their face.It seems they had bitten more than they could chew.

"You seem to be very strong, little one ",one of the thugs voice boomed in the room.

Lee Fan turned to the voice.Looking closely,the man also had a spear in his hand, although his voice boomed in the room,it appears that his voice was too loud for his body.He had a lanky body with cross shaped scars on both of his arms.

Lee Fan assumed him to be the leader of the thugs because it appears he was the only one who was calm in the situation they were in.

"For someone your age,you have managed to kill three strong men of my group ",the man rattled on.

"Tell me who sent you "Lee Fan asked again since it was the only thing on his mind.

He never intended to hurt anyone,but since someone had stepped on his toe,he intended to pay the person back in ten folds Besides,even if he was able to kill all this thugs,the attacks will not stop.Therefore he wanted to find the culprit to get rid of him or her.

"Boy,don't force my hand.How about we forget about what happened today?,the man said out loud.

"No !",Lee Fan answered whiles he threw out his spear.


The man thrusted out his spear to meet Lee Fan's.

'Sh*t,he is strong',the man said to himself.

He was able to repel the spear throw at the last minute.

"Attack him with everything,don't hold back else we will die ",he said to his to the others.

A muscular man seeing Lee Fan weaponless though he had the upper hand and rushed out to him.He seems to be an expert in hand to hand combat as he had a pair of gauntlet which had metallic spikes on top of it on his hands.He threw out a punch with all his strength.

"Die!",he screamed out loud.

Lee Fan removed the dagger which he had killed the first thug with from his back.He shifted slightly from where he was causing the man to miss.Due to him moving away the man had continued to move forward thanks the strength he had applied in his fists making his head reach a height where it was easy for Lee Fan to attack him.

"Who see sent you!", He screamed out loud as he stabbed the dagger into the skull of the man crushing his skull with all his strength.

Moving on to the next person he had set his eyes on,he threw the dagger towards him whiles running towards him.


The leader blocked out the attack with his spear.Lee Fan moved with the swift cloud technique when he saw that the leader had moved to block his spear attack,he was not worried because that's was what he wanted.With increased agility he whizzed past the leader and pick up his spear that was on the floor and moved to the thug who was far away from the others.

He was in the back due to him being an archer so he played a supportive role.He never thought Lee Fan would make a move towards him since he was far away.And since he was in the middle of attacking he could not stop to defend.Lee Fan with the spear held in his sped towards him.He thrusted out the spear aiming straight for head.


The head exploded.Brains and blood splattered into the air.This time Lee Fan moved out of the way.He was not as lunatic who enjoyed having blood in him.He turned to the remaining two.

"It's your turn!",he pointed his spear towards the man behind the leader.

'Shi*t!....Sh*t!..I didn't sign up for this',the leader scream out in his head.

"Boy don't force my hand",the leader said.

Lee Fan spoke nothing and and sprinted off towards them.

"Axel,attack whiles I defend ",the leader said to his gang member.

Axel moved to attack Lee Fan with his sword assuming his leader will cover him.He made a horizontal slash with his sword aiming for Lee Fan's neck.

"Aaarhh!,just die!",Axel screamed loud.

Lee Fan disregarded his attack and this time threw the spear towards him.


The spear pierced Axel right in his chest which sent him flying in the air crushing his heart.Axel knew the attack would harm him because he had his leader Manfred to block the attack for him,but to his surprise he got a glimpse of Manfred's legs through the window.

"You are stupid to trust your life to a thug leader",he berated Axel.

He took the remove the spear as he knew he was done for and start to give chase towards the leader.Lee Fan using all his speed passed the leader and turned to him.

"Its your turn now!,"he said whiles he held him at spear point.

" are a monster ",the leader said with tears in eyes as he knew today maybe his the end of his life.


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