The person behind the attack




"Its your turn now!,"Lee Fan said whiles he held him at spear point.

" are a monster ",the leader said with tears in eyes as he knew today maybe his the end of his life.

"Okay..okay!..I will tell you if only you spare my life ",Manfred said.

Lee Fan keep quiet.He stood there motionless whiles he till he held his spear towards the Manfred but the killing intent that was leaking from him went down a little when he heard that Manfred was willing to speak.

"It was Mo Feng the wife of Mo Bai ",he said.

"What!.."Lee Fan shouted still with a doubtful face.

"It's true!..She sent me to come kill you and your mother.She had even given me 10 taels of gold ",Manfred said whiles he brought out a small bag out of the pouch hanging around his waist which had the family insignia of the Mo family.

The insignia was designed with a spear pointed up surrounded by a spear.Even though Lee Fan paid less attention to the Mo's he would recognize this insignia anywhere he sees it.There were only four people who had this insignia in the pouches which were No Bai himself,his wife Mo Feng, and their two children Mo Kang and Mo Fang.

Lee Fan least expected to hear that it was Mo Feng who was after their life.They had never wrong her in anyway so he still couldn't understand why she wanted them dead. Lee Fan felt his head hurting so he placed his hand down to think.

Manfred seeing that Lee Fan was lost in his mind, thought that he had baited him grabbed his spear and gave it a hard thrust.

"Now die!" he shouted.



Lee Fan smashed his spear on top of Manfred's causing it to hit the ground.A huge crater was formed on the ground.

"I would never let my guard down in front of a person who let his friend to die ",Lee Fan said.

Lee Fan withdrew his spear and thrust out again.This time,he knew that if he flipped up he was done for because he could see Manfred knew his way around the spear.Manfred jumped back to get out of the range of the spear when he saw the spear aiming right for him.He sprung up to attack again,this time he didn't thrust but made a horizontal slash with the spear.Lee fan blocked quickly by spinning the spear making it stand vertically and received it with the hand.


Manfred made out another slash but this aimed for Lee Fans head but was also blocked by Lee Fan.He thrusted the spear immediately when he withdrew it without given Lee Fan any gap to rest.Lee knew he would receive damage if he didn't get out of the range of the spear.He quickly jumped back to avoid the spear.

Manfred gave chase to Lee Fan swinging his spear whiles he aimed for Lee Fan's legs which where still in the air.Lee Fan was open swung his spear again on top of the Manfred's spear.

It had now turned into Lee Fan defending whiles Manfred attacked.





The sound of spear sound in the forest when ever the clashed.Nobody was paying attention to their surroundings since they both knew that they will be done for if they commit the slightest mistake.Trees had been destroyed from the sheer mass of power leaking from their fight.Although they were not using any magic,the sheer force coming if their spears was able to destroy them.

'I need to attack ',Lee Fan said whiles he had swerve another attack which was aimed at his ribs.He gritted his teeth whiles he suck in cold air to help him fight the pain that he was feeling in his body.His body had begun to feel the till if the strenuous practice that he has with Derek,and since he had not recovered fully they had started to ache.

With great determination,Lee Fan dodged another attack by diving under Manfred's spear and thrusted out his spear again.He knew that whenever someone attacks,they leave any opening.Therefore he stilled his resolve and made that desperate move.Manfred had least expected this attack so there was nothing that he could do .Lee Fan's spear had been able to stab him in the left shoulder but not without a cost.

He had also received a gush at his back due to him not been completely out of the way of the spear.

"Are you such desperate?",Manfred asked he him.

Lee Fan said nothing and made a swipe in the air to rid of Manfred's blood his spear.He wanted to make it quick since he had left Bai Ting alone in the house.

"Let's end this ",Lee Fan said.

Lee Fan directed all the energy he had in his body in the hand that held the spear.He sprinted of using the swift clouds technique because it seems Manfred's was able to keep up with his speed.Taking a step he flashed over to Manfred's side and made a horizontal slash.Manfred was able to block the spear just away from his ribs but he sheer force from the spear had managed to hit him fracturing his ribs.

"Agghhhj..."Manfred screamed.

"If I can't win with strength,then I will win with speed "Lee Fan shouted.

Now Lee Fan was in the offensive and Manfred had no other option but to defend since he was finding it difficult to match Lee Fan's speed.

"It over ! ", Lee Fan screamed out loud.

Using all his strength and gathered momentum he thrusted hard aiming for Manfred's head.Manfred was not able to block well since he only saw the attack right in his face which caused his spear to be knocked away from his hands.Lee Fan wasted no time and made another swing towards his neck.

The last thing Manfred saw was the world spinning.His head landed on the ground which turned to face his headless body.

His face was filled with unrestlessnes with life draining from his face.