The city is attacked




Providence City the city that Lee Fan resided in was the border town between the human settlement and beasts.Although human was more intelligent and had more man power than the beasts,they occupy half of the continent leaving half to the beasts.

Ten years had passed since the attack on Bai and Lee Fan.Thanks to Derek,even though the situation escalated through the whole city,the people never knew that it was Lee Fan that killed the attackers.They had made it that Derek happened to pass by their house when he heard the commotion in their house which he come to their rescue.It seems Lee Fan made a good bet by seeking out Derek before the situation was made know to anyone else.

*Name: [Lee Fan ]*,

*Age: [16 ]*,

*Race: [Human ]*,


*Agility:[9.0 ]*,


*Martial arts techniques: [swift clouds technique,penetrating rainbow,death by shadow,Mo's spear technique (complete)]*

Spells: [???].

*Sex partners: [Bai Ting ]*

*Current system level is at level 3*

*New system skill:Scanner(with the help of the system you can know specific details of object)*.

*Current cultivation points 200 points*.

Lee Fan all these years had been able to increase his strength.Throuhhout the years,he had to control his urges from confronting Mo Feng about what happened that day.He had even tried several times to try and assassinate her but due to her insecurities,she had increased the number of guards around her since that day making it more difficult to approach.

Lee Fan was currently on the way home after he had practice with Derek.He had become quite close to Derek after the incident and bond as teacher and student had become unbreakable over the years.


Lee Fan heard growls coming from the other side of the bushy part.He quickly retrieved his spear from his system space.He threw the spear towards where the sound came without hesitation.A thud sound appeared as the spear hit it's target.

Approaching where he threw the spear,Lee Fan could see that it had impaled into the skull of beast.Upon inspection,the the beast has large claws which seems to bend slightly at the end.It also had large sharp teeth with two canines coming out of the mouth from the lower jaws.It also had a spiked tail with sampler spikes on the larger ones.But the most notable feature of the beast was the third eye which was located inbetween the brow.

*Scanning beast: Intermediate three eyes mongrel.*

*Weakness:Destroy the eye in the middle.

"Huh... How did an intermediate beast get huh ",Lee Fan wandered.

He took at a dagger to curve out the beast crystal that was in the skull of the beast.Lee Fan was the least scared because he had his fare share of going for a couple of hunts for the Mo family.He carved out the beast core and hid it in his the system's space.

He was ready to go home when he saw red light rising in the evening sky followed by the sounds of warning drums.A loud voice boomed in the city.

"The City is under attack move to the shelter or find a safe place to hide!",the voice said.

"All martial artists are to move to the north wall to defend the city",the voice continued to announce.

Lee Fan's heart skipped a beat when he heard the announcement.Using all the strength he had in his legs he moved straight towards his house.For his house was the first house that you will meet when coming in from the north wall.

*You have lost you sex partner Bai Ting*,the system displayed in Lee Fan's eyes.

Sex partners: [zero ].

*You will face a penalty in the next hour.Decrease in all stats -3*

After seeing this no body had to tell Lee Fan that Bai Ting was no more.Tears begun to run from his eyes non stop.He used every energy that he could muster to run straight towards their house.A pain he had never felt before had begun to brood in his heart.

In front of him was his house which was surrounded by 3 three eyed mongrel.They seem to be feasting on something.

"NOOOOOOO...!!!!! ",Lee Fan shouted as he drew near the house.

He threw his spear with all his strength.It pierced through the head of one of the mongrel that had turned its head towards him.It headed straight for it's skull which was crushed on spot when the spear had hit and send it flying.Lee Fan still didn't stop running and was approaching the remaining beasts that had turned to face him.


The beast roared which shook the ground slightly.He removed another spear at from this shop.But this spear was a intermediate weapon that was gifted to him by Derek.

*Technique performed: [swift clouds


Lee Fan speed suddenly increased which made him appeared by the side of the three eyed mongrel on the right.He performed the spear smash arts.


Dust clouds begun to rise into the air.He used the swift clouds technique again which made him flash infront of the remaining beast.

Lee Fan slide under the beast's belly.

*Technique performed: [penetrating rainbow].*

He using all his spear into the belly of the beast.If it was any other day,like he would have been thrilled to have the feeling of using a new technique.

Seeing the dead body of Bai Ting which had been mutilated by the beast.He broke down with a large cry.Crawling on the ground he moves closer to the body.Bai Ting's body was without a lower button.It looks like the she was torn in half.Lee Fan's heart bled and he even felt more guiltier when she saw the reluctant look on her face.

"Bai Ting, ..sorry.I couldn't protect you",he said whiles crying

"I will avenge you",Lee Fan cried out loud.