Human behavior with their lives at risk




Hong Fei and Hale both had their great share of killing lots of beasts.They had been able to kill lots of beasts from the low tier to the advance level.They had one day chanced upon an emperor tier beast and had barely been able to escape with their lives without regarding the casualties.They had seen how bright the beast crystal shone brightly and the aura that the beast had.

Right now they both had no confidence what so ever to face this abomination right in front of them.Considering the last time that the had nearly lost their lives to the emperor tier beast and that was due to the sacrifices that the people they had gone on the hunt with had made,they confidence was totally crushed.

Yes they currently had the numbers, don't forget to that the beast also was in command of all the beast on the battlefield which didn't lack in number.

"Fire a black alert now ",Hale said with a pale face.

Since the time that Providence City was built ,they had been occasional attacks of beasts but never before had there been a black alert.The city officials had implement a system of alerts with would let the people know how dangerous the beast horde attack was.There were five types of alerts.

The green alert for beast horde within a range of 5000 to 10000.

The blue alert for beast horde within a range of 10000 to 20000.

The orange alert for beast horde within the range of 20000 to 50000.

The red alert for beast horde within the range of 50000 to 100000.

The black alert was for the beasts horde that could deal critical damage to the city.The black alert had no number since they might not know the causing factor for it.It might be beast horde ranging from 10000 or a small group of beast lead by a powerful beast.Of which in this case,the alert was caused by a luminary tier beast commanding a horde of beasts ranging from 50000 to 100000.

The alarm was already raise as an orange alert which portrayed the seriousness of the situation.Most people were already in the underground shelters that the city officials had provide to protect the people and to avoid unnecessary lose of lives.In war anything might happen that's why the city officials had advices the people that an alert ranging from orange had to be treated with utmost importance.

Near the gates of the underground shelters,the citizens were making the way steadily in to the shelters when they saw a a dark color appearing in the sky.Although they near the meaning of this dark color I'm the sky they still found it hard to comprehend.They shook from the core of their soul with cold sweat drenching the back.

"It''s..its a black alert ", a middle aged man dressed in expensive clothing shouted whiles pointing to the sky.

As if his voice was the cue for chaos to ensure at the gates of the shelter.Both young and old scattered like headless flies.

Shouts was head all over the place.Pains of agony was head here and there even though they were not being attacked by beasts yet.

Some people had their heads tramped upon when they fell over .Children lost sights of their parents and parents lost sight of their children.With the exception of toddlers every one knew that a black aler meant that the city had a slime chance of survival so therefore every one wanted to get out of the city which had provided safety over all these years.

Both Hong Fei and Hale turned to see the chaos that was ensuing in the city with grim expressions.As the city guardians,who had sworn to protect the people,they were sadden by the fact that the people had failed to help each other but rather looked out for themselves.Some parents discarded their children just to have a chance of running away from the city.And as guardians they had to ensure the safety of the people and city no matter the circumstances but this time they could not stretch their hands to help because they near how grim the situation was.

Luckily for them,the luminary beast was not that fast to begin with because if it was,it would have reached the battlefield a long time ago.

"Should we meet or we should let it come to us ",Hale asked Hong Fei.

They both knew the punishment for abandoning their job and besides their families were also in the city therefore they had to buy time for them to escape but the matter now was for how long.


In the Mo' s mansion.

Lee Fan was facing strongest human opponents he had ever faced in his life since he thought he was on par with Derek now,little did he know that Derek had always been using half of his power to train with in so in his mind these people were the strongest he had ever faced.


"Hahahha",the man who was using his barefist to fight Lee Fan laughed out loud.

"Finish it fast and report to your position you fight maniac John "one of the guards said to him.

He had a jealous expression on his face since it had been a long time that he had battled because people were always fearful of them but today,it seems that someone had come to offer himself in a silver platter to be massacred.

"Don't cry Shen Zeng.Pray for better luck next time.hahaha ",John said in amusement.

"Although you are good with the spear you are weak ", John pointed out to Lee Fan.

Lee Fan seeing that John had lowered his guard down reacted quickly.

[Swift cloud technique initiated ]

[Death by shadow technique initiated ]

[Penetrating rainbow technique initiated ]

He flashed towards the back of John and performed the death by shadow technique which will enable him to enter into the shadows.He managed to enter into the shadow of John and thrust out his spear like a rising rainbow.


The head of John rolled into the ground with a face full of disbelief.


I thank God for my speedy recovery and also thank everyone of my readers for being patient with me.Enjoy!