11 against 1




He flashed towards the back of John and performed the death by shadow technique which will enable him to enter into the shadows.He managed to enter into the shadow of John and thrust out his spear like a rising rainbow.


The head of John rolled into the ground with a face full of disbelief.

Lee Fan had used the most powerful technique he had in his arsenal which was the rising rainbow technique.Even though he had just acquired the technique in just some few hours ago,due to the system, he was aw to perform the technique.

The technique which had never been seen by the guards would have been mesmerizing if not for the situation at the moment.

" John! ", a thin man who had a slim physique called out.

He never believe that John would ever loose his life to an amateur and to make matters worst was the sudden outburst if strength the killer had displayed.

" I will make you pay ", he shouted out.

The man drew out a twin dagger from his side pockets and made a quick dash towards Lee Fan.Even if the Mo family specialize in the spear, not every soldier used the spear.Using John as an example,he was a strong in hand to hand combat.

And now Lee Fan who was looking towards the man who was sprinting towards him knew the man was an assassin due to the choice of his weapon and the speed he was displaying.

"Wang come back now ",screamed the a tall mascular man who stood at the back of the guards.

Wang heard his commander's command but still refused to the back.He was hell burnt on making Lee Fan pay to the extend that he had made himself open to Lee Fan's attack.

Lee Fan flashed a smile.The gods really wanted him to win even though he was outnumbered.He knew that a dangerous enemy was one who was calm always and seeing Wang blinded by his anger rushing towards him like a starved dog who had seen a piece of bone.Lee Fan would never let go of this opportunity given him to thin down the numbers of his enemies.


Wang was meet by a spear which managed to pierce him right in his throat.The power behind the spear was never to be underestimated even though Lee Fan had lost part of his strength due to the system's punishment he was still strong.The spear was able to carry the lifeless body of Wang and impaled him on the war.Blood was oozing freely from mouth.

The captain of the guards Wong Fei knew that they had met a strong opponent since he was able to kill two of his soldiers swiftly right in front of him.The squad that Wong Fei commanded was known as one of the elites squad in Providence City.

Lee Fan was quickly surrounded by the remaining ten people.Most of them had bloodshot and a fierce aura leaking out of them.


Hale and Hong Fei who were about to jump onto the battlefield to face the luminary beast both turned to face the mansion when they sensed the killing intent leaking from a specific part of the mansion.Hale wanted to leave and check but stopped abruptly when he saw that the part of the mansion that the intent was coming from since he knew that the place was still protected by one of the elites squad that Providence City had to offer.He felt sorry for the person that the killing intent was directed at becauseeven with his strength he would not come out of their attacks without any injuries.


"Attack with everything you got.Do not hesitate to use your strongest moves even if you have to ",Wong Fei haf to admit that they had meet a troublesome opponent.

Without hesitation,Lee Fan moved to attack with everything he got.He took in a white clover pill to recover his depleted stamina.With all his strength he rushed into the middle of the group and smashed his spear to destroy the layering information that they had form.

Fortunately for him,one of the guards got himself locked in the dark.

[Death by shadow technique activated ]

Lee Fan immediately appeared at the back of the guard using the darkness.Before he has sunk into the shadows he had already initiated the thrust technique.Immediately he appeared the spear thrusted through the back of the guard which gave him a quick end.

Wong Fei and the remaining guards were stunned.They had seen how Lee Fan took down John.They had thought he flashed too fast for them to see him but it was just that their opponent could travel through darkness.

"What do you want ",Wong Fei asked as he knew that he had to play his cards with precision else everyone of them would lose their lives.

"With how powerful you are,I don't see the need for you to steal except that you are here to kill someone ",Wong Fei still tried to probe Lee Fan.

Lee Fan too knew that he it would be very difficult to kill all this guards very soon and also he was sure that their fight had attracted more guards to where they were it was just that they had not reached there yet.

He just looked at the door that Mo Feng was in with his eyes to tell Wong Fei what he had come here for.He knew there was fifty percent chance of Wong Fei retailing .

"He wants Mo Feng ",now Wong Fei was now on a cross road because he couldn't decide what to do.Whetther to retreat or let the killer have his way and in both cases,the probability of losing his life was high.

Wong Fei still had difficulties to decide but his morale built up when he saw that Mo Bai was leading a whole squad of guards towards them.

When Lee Fan felt the presence coming to were they were he frowned.No matter

what,Mo Feng had to die today.