Breaking into Mo Feng's chamber (Part 2)

Wong Fei felt greatly threatened.At first if the assassin was indecisive,now, he was like a billowing wave of the ocean crushing everything in his path.

Lee Fan had used less than two minutes to kill three more guards which thinned down the remaining number of guards to six.He had used more than half of his stamina and he could feel the stress on his body.Every part of his body was screaming with tiredness but he just ignore his body's allegations like an a proud emperor who hears the allegations of the common.

With both spears in his hand he moved quickly to his next target which was a bulky mascular man who used a gauntlet.He had to say this squad of guards were really perverse.He had thought that they all will be using the spear but latter he found out that they rather used a wide range of weapons.He really wanted to curse the god who had made him hot blooded.If not for him,he would not have found himself in this pinch but also he wanted to express his gratitude to the same god who had made him hot blooded because he knew that it would have been hard to exert revenge for Bai Ting's death.

Before he reached the guard,he threw the spear in his left hand towards the guard.The guard seeing this threw out a punch to meet the incoming spear.


A collision of a spearhead and a gauntlet of fist meet with destructive force.Lee Fan jumped into the air to gather his momentum and cleave down his spear towards the guard's head with all his strength.


Lee Fan's spear which was inches away from hitting the bull's eye was meet with another spear.Wong Fei had thrust out his spear to intercept Lee Fan's at the critical moment.Yet still the guard suffered a huge blow to his head from the after mass of the collision.

"Sh*t this f**ker!Even though I had been able to stop his attack it still managed to injure the guard ",Wong Fei cried out in his head.

Lee Fan still didn't loose his momentum and carried on to the next guard because he knew that the guard had suffered a great blow to his head from the shockwave.He had already collapsed when his head meet the shockwave.

"Attack him now!"Wong Fei roared out to the remaining guards.

The remaining four guards and Wong Fei moved out to attack Lee Fan.Two of the guards that were a spear user threw out the spear to meet Lee Fan in the air whiles the two remaining guards move to intercept Lee Fan's landing.They had really managed to trap Lee Fan in a circle give Wong Fei to attack Lee Fan freely.But to their dismay,Lee Fan just disappeared from the view.

Wong Fei was shocked.He had thought that the assassin could only perform this technique in the dark so he had thrown all caution to the wind since he now felt that they had now managed to trap him in the encirclement.

Lee Fan appeared in the middle of the two guards who had thrown their weapons at him in the air.He immediately thrusted out his spear towards the guard on his right hand.He stabbed him in his heart and made a sweep with the left spear and smashed it into the side of the other guard.The side of the guard caved in from the sheer force of the spear and was sent flying with blood leaking from his mother.He had a look of confusion on his face as he didn't know what he had done to meet a ruthless assassin.

The remaining two guards had grim expression on their face.All of the years of their lives,the had never meet a powerhouse that made them feel a great despair.The pressure coming from the assassin was so great that they felt that they were forced to carry Mount Thai on their back.

They immediately threw the weapons in their hands on the floor and made a run for the money.

"Sorry, no amount of money is worth our lives ",one of the guards shouted whiles they had thrown themselves out of the window.

The knew the consequence of the crime but they were praying deep down in their heart that the assassin should kill Wong Fei otherwise their pathetic life would come to an end if Wong Fei emerged victorious.

Lee Fan was really relieved that the guards had run which left him with only Wong Fei.He had two minutes left before Mo Bai reach this place so he had to get rid of the last blockade in his way.

"Move and I will spare your life.Stay and I will give you a punishment worst than death ",Lee Fan gave an option to Wong Fei.

Wong Fei had already made his mind even though he knew he might die he had to try his luck,besides Mo Bai won't let him live if he found out that he had abandoned his wife to this fearsome tiger.

Lee Fan had been circulating his remaining energy and was gathering his momentum for his strongest move even though he had given Wong Fei an immediately Wong Fei thrusted out his spear,he defend the spear with the spear in his left hand and thrusted the spear in his right hand with all his strength.

* Technique initiated:rising rainbow*

Lee Fan's spear soared up like a rainbow raising in the sky after a great storm.The spear had different colour hues at the tip of the spear like a rainbow.


Wong Fei's head exploded like a grenade.Lee Fan wasted no time then with all his strength he kicked the door of Mo Feng's chamber open.He immediately dashed into the room of Mo Feng and found her sitting calmly in a chair which was placed at the corner of the room.

"I had been expecting you Le

e Fan ",Mo Feng said.