The luminary beast attacks




The city walls had still not fallen which made hope to linger in the hearts of the populace.Since the black alert alarm was raised,many people were moving helter skelter to look for a safe place to hide or tried their best to maneuver their way out of the city.Since the city walls had not even received a single attack even after an hour after the black alert the frenzy which was taking place in the city had come to a standstill since the citizen felt that the situation was still manageable.

They didn't have any idea that an impending danger was approaching them.

The strongest group of people that Providence City had to offer had grouped on the city wall to confront the imposing threat.Hong Fei and Hale had still not made an attack on the luminary mud monster.They knew that to cross the plane,they had to fight other beasts so by the time that they can get to the beast the had exhausted half of their strength which could barely harm the beast.

The Luminary mud beast stood at the edge of the vast plane.It had long since lost its patience and now was beginning to move.


It raised it hill like legs and begun to cross the battlefield to attack the city wall.It didn't even bother to show compassion to it's subordinates even if it stepped on them.It swung it huge arms in the center of the battlefield which caused both humans and beasts to be blasted into the air.A loud bellow echoed from the deepest parts of its throat which managed to spread across the the thousand feet plane.

The humans had cold sweat drenching their back whiles the beasts were quivering with fear.The human took the bellow as a sign of the beast's dominance on the plane whiles the other beasts took this as a sign of anger from their King.Their King was fed up with their incompetence and therefore came to show them the meaning of real strength.

It threw out limbs killing both human and beasts alike.

Hale could not take it anymore as the beast was rampant in front of him and was chirping away the strength of the humans,he grabbed hold of a medium grade spear and threw it toward the beast.The spear moved so fast that it past the speed of sound which caused a lot of boom sounds and managed to draw the attention of those on the field.


The spear managed to hit the beast which was about a hundred kilometers away but to Hale's surprise the spear was damaged beyond repair.From the spearhead to the handle had all been broken into smithereens.The beast looked towards the direction that the spear came from.It looked with disdain towards the city wall.


Ever since the beast came on the battlefield it had been felt threatened by certain auras on the on field and since it couldn't pinpoint them,it had remained motionless so that those puny people would exposed themselves.Even though those people were not strong enough to kill it they would be able to cause it some injuries but to the surprise of the beast,the strongest attack of the human was not able to scratch its itch.If it had a voice it could laugh with it wouldn't spare an effort to laugh at the useless struggle of the humans to procrastinate their demise.

The beast begun to move towards the city wall with a fast speed.Everyone on the city was perplexed because the had thought that the beast was slow but to the surprise it was faster than they had assumed.It was known that the beast seems to gain intelligence the higher their rank was.It was only the low level beast that lets their instincts take over.

The beast managed to cross the battlefield from the centre to the wall in less than ten seconds.The plane now had huge dents filled with blood from both beasts and beasts which it had squashed on it's feet.Even though it has some intelligence,it still didn't distinguish between allies a d enemies.That was the true instincts of a vicious beast.

"Hale fight with me.Derek and the rest attack with long range to distract the beast "Hong Fei gave out his last command before he jumped to meet the beast.

"Take my spear "Hong Fei yelled out.

It was know known throughout Providence City that only three people had a spear made from advance tier beast.The city Lord Mo Bai was known to have an advance tier spear with the inclusion of the two top most powerhouses Hong Fei and Hale.

The beast threw out its hand towards Hong Fei.Hong Fei stopped with his attack and quickly dodged into the air to escape the attack range of the beast.He moved in the air towards the back of the beast which he believed was the blind spot of the beast.

"Now take my spear "Hong Fei shouted.


Hong Fei felt that he had hit his hands against a hundred centimeters thick steel.His hand grew numb from his first attack.Hale too didn't dilly dally whiles Hong Fei was attacking.Hale quickly moved in between the legs of the beast whiles the beast's attention was on Hong Fei.


Hale could feel the numbness of his hand but as stubborn as he was,he kept attacking the same place that he had attacked first.



The beast raised it gigantic leg to stomp down on the puny insect that was under his feet.


The ground cracked from the sheer force of the stomp of the beast and rock splinters was carried away by the shockwave on the battlefield.Luckily for Hale,he had managed to escaped from under the beast otherwise he wou

ld have been deader than dead.