The city walls fall




The ground cracked from the sheer force of the stomp of the beast and rock splinters was carried away by the shockwave on the battlefield.Luckily for Hale,he had managed to escaped from under the beast otherwise he would have been deader than dead.

Every single person attack the mud beast was at a loss.The beast which seems to be made of mud which made it look soft but rather to their dismay,the beast's skin was as hard as a steel which gave them a run for their money.A few exchange with the beast, the were really at a loss.

"Let's look a weak point we can explore ",Wong Fei who was the most calm in the situation suggested.

He knew that they might fall in today's battle but they had to do something to slow the mud beast down so that the people can escape farther.

"Attack anywhere you think it maybe a weakness ",Wong Fei gave out his command whiles he drew his weapon.

With his quick movement,he attack the mud beast from all angles he deemed as a weak point.


Hong Fei tried to do as much damage he could but still he felt that his damage out put was only enough was only enough to scratch the beast's itch.The luminary beast too didn't sit back for him to be experimented.It threw out its huge arms towards Hong Fei,it had already found Hong Fei as a nuisance.Hong Fei meet the attack with his spear.


The power behind the fist carried him about five hundred feet away from the beast.Although the Hong Fei had managed to survive the attack he didn't without any injuries.Blood was leaking from the corners of his lips and his clothes had holes in them.Without a doubt,Hong Fei had suffered an internal injury from the collision.

Hale too was not standing idle but kept attack the beast even though he knew his attack seems to be useless,he still kept attack the beast.He believed that every living thing can be killed if only the can find the right spot to explore.Hale kept attack the back knee of the beast but it did not even bend the least and still stood strong as a mountain.

Every single martial artists who deemed themselves elites felt shy of the battle that was happening in front of them.They had thought the were on top but just one beast made them no that they couldn't even fit in the bottom.Arrows,spears any sort of weapons which could be used for a range attack were hauled against the mud beast.If they were only against the luminary mud beast the people would have been a little content but to their dismay they had to look out for the attacks of the other beasts of which the mud beast commanded.

Humanity had always thought themselves to be above everything,they would always try to get rid of anything that threatened their safety with the conception that it was for the greater good.


The mud beast roared to berate it soldiers to keep pushing harder which made all the other beasts to attack in a frenzy.

"Take this you piece of sh*t ",the captain of the guards thrust out his spear to which killed three intermediate beasts.


A beast flashed as fast as lightning in front of the captain.It stretched out its bloody claws towards the head of the captain.The captain managed to dodge the claws but was still scratched by the claw.His left soldier was nearly torn from his body.If not for his battle experience he would been cut apart like tofu from the claw.

The captain after finding a safety spot stretched out his perception to find the beast which had nearly killed him.He located the beast which stood out like a sore thumb.The beast looked like a saber tooth tiger but was bigger than the an adult buffalo.It had long claws that were slightly bended at the tips and also had long teeth with a length of two feet.

With just a glance the captain knee that this was a formidable beast.The captain looked out for it's beast core and to his relief,the beast's core was slightly brighter than intermediate beast.


A fearsome blood tasty aura shot out of the beast which shook the surrounding martial artists to the core.

"What? .. that and advance tier beast ",a guard who had already peed in his pants cried out in alarm.

This same situation was happening to all the strong warriors on the field.The mud beast had commanded the advance tier beast to attack.The humans had no idea that there were advanced tier beast in the horde.Which had made them reveal their strong and now since the the humans were getting exhausted,the advanced beasts where attacking anyone who was strong.

It was known that,even if it was Hale or Wong Fei the probability of them managing to kill an advance tier beast was seventy percent or more depending on the type of beast.And now the martial artists that only inferior both Hale and Wong Fei were being attacked by advanced beasts.The loses of the humans begun to stuck up.


In the tallest mansion at the centre of the city,there was a fierce going on in one of the rooms.


Mo Feng needed nobody to tell her that Lee Fan was the one trying to come for her life.She had heard about the death of Bai Ting and was sure that Lee Fan would use the beast attack as an opportunity to get his revenge.So therefore, to ensure her safety she had kept one of the elite squad which could have helped to change the situation on the battlefield to herself to protect her.But to her surprise,those elite squad had been squashed like insignificant insect by Lee Fan.

She had thought that Hong Fei and his group would be able to kill him so Mo Feng didn't even bother to escape and now she was regretting her decision.

Blood was oozing from different parts of Mo Feng's jade like body.Even though Mo Feng had a low aptitude for martial arts,she was a top beauty worthy of admiration and worship.

"Lee Fan,you will pay for this "Mo Feng said with a twisted pain.Her facial expression showed that she was in great pain and also she felt a great sense of shame to be subdued by a merely seventeen years old who had started martial arts not too long ago.

"You must be prepared to be killed back if yo try to kill someone ",Lee Fan berated Mo Feng.

" then I won't be polite then " Mo Feng screamed out loud.

"Take this attack ".Mo Feng said whiles she thrusting out her sword to chop down on Lee Fan.

Lee Fan too didn't hold back and thrusted out his spear to meet the sword.Although a sword was versatile and could be used in many ways it will still loose out to a spear.The spear had more range than a sword and also the power output of a spear and a sword was like a distance between the heaven and the earth.And with the monstrous strength of Lee Fan even though he had suffered a penalty from Bai Ting's death,he was still strong the Mo Feng.


Mo Feng was thrown away by the spear and hit her back against the wall.She had been hurt.Her spine had snapped into two and her head was bleeding.Her body slid from he wall and slow land on the floor.Lee Fan was expressionless to this scene.Lee Fan moved trotted to the paralyzed body of Mo Feng and he looked at her without pity.

"One more less evil soul ",he said.

Lee Fan thrusted his spear into Mo Feng's chest but to his surprise Mo Feng stretched out her towards his head.Since Lee Fan has thrusted out his spear he could not withdraw.The spear pierce Mo Feng's chest and crushed her heart but still her hand reached Lee Fan's head to to his surprise Mo Feng grabbed the mask he had placed in his face and tore it.

"See you in hell ",Mo Feng said with a smile.


"Master Wong Fei! "

"Master Hale!"


Blood splattered on the ground.Wong Fei and Hale had attacked the luminary beast together but it seemed the beast had not shown all its attack.Whiles Wong Fei and Hale were attacking,it had sneaked attacked.It had formed two huge arms from its body to attack them both.


After the beast got rid of the two heroes,it moved it eyes towards the city wall.It begun to dash towards the seventy feet wall.Using.its huge body and momentum,it smashed apart the wall.Ever since the establishment of Providence City,no beast had been able to get near the city wall but today the city wall that stood tall ever since the beginning of the city has been

torn down by the formidable fearsome beast.