Being chased into the wasteland




The mud beast roared out so loud to show it's dominance.It had been wanting to destroy this wall that was in it's territory for a long time and today its has desire had come true.The morale of the soldiers had already plummeted after Wong Fei and Hale died and now the city that had given them a sense of duty was now being trampled down by the monster.

Beasts begun to swarm into the city through the gap made by the luminary beast.They attacked everything that their eyes laid on.Although majority of the populace had made it out of the city,there were still a lot of people in the city who in the tens of thousands.Blood flowed like a stream.The beasts went on rampage killing every human that the met.


The spear pierce Mo Feng's chest and crushed her heart but still her hand reached Lee Fan's head and to his surprise Mo Feng grabbed the mask he had placed in his face and tore it.

"See you in hell ",Mo Feng said with a smile.

Immediately Mo Feng's voice rang in Lee Fan's head,all his hair stood up like someone about to be struck by lightning.He felt a great chill that he had never felt before crept into his soul.Since he had his back towards the door,he didn't know when Mo Bai had arrived and if he had seen him arrive he would have stopped Mo Feng from ripping apart his mask.

"You are begging for death ",Mo Bai thrusted his spear towards Lee Fan's back.

Lee Fan's body screamed in his head about the impending danger.Since Lee Fan had been going on missions to hunt magical beast,he had been able to hone his battle experience a little.The killing intent made him to recall his first encounter with an intermediate magical direwolf beast.


Flash back

Lee Fan had been giving his first mission to hunt a magical beast that was causing terror in a remote village far away from the city.He was assigned with a group of five with him inclusion.They had made it into the village blue valley when the sun was at its peak in the afternoon sky.The reason why the village was called blue valley was because of the blue colored stream that jetted out of the base of the mountain and also the village was the only place that a precious herb that helped to assist growth in martial arts was grown.

The blue Lily flower was an important ingredient in making the crimson bone pill that helped martial artists purify the blood and meridian to enhance the flow of energy in their body.It also helped to toughen up the bone of the martial artist to make them tough as a steel.

The villagers were thrilled to have Lee Fan's group because they had suffered great loses when ever they go out to look for the blue Lily flower.It all started when a group of twelve when out to harvest blue Lily flower and never came back.A search was initiated and they only got to find pieces of human body which gave the villagers the conclusion that they were attacked by magical beasts.Since,then people had been missing when. ever they go out to harvest the Lily flower.The had to draw the attention of Providence City because they were subordinates of the city.

The afternoon after Lee Fan and his group arrived in the city was appealing and calm.They had sumptuous dinner and went to bed to rest from the tiring journey because they had were going to hunt for the magical beasts the next day.Unbeknowest to them,the beasts already had their eyes on the village and had initiated the attack on the village in the still of the night.


The beasts attacked the people and had nearly wiped out the villagers but due to Lee Fan's group they had been able to prevent total annihilation.Lee Fan was chasing a low tier direwolf when they meet an intermediate direwolf who seemed to be the leader of the beast group.Every pore of his body was screaming with danger and he thought he had come to the end of his life if not for the timely intervention of their group leader and today he was having that dreadful feeling crawling all over his body.




Lee Fan was sent flying by Mo Bai's spear and was vomiting blood as he was sent flying.Lee Fan felt that he had been hit by a bull running at its top speed.Mo Bai had instantly attacked when he had entered Mo Feng's room.He didn't need anyone to tell him the urgency of the situation since he could see the corpses of the guards that Mo Feng had a round her .

Immediately he entered the room he had come upon the scene of the killer thrust his spear into Mo Feng's chest.A great anger swelled in him and he immediately thrusted out his spear towards Mo Feng's killer.

Lee Fan summersaulted in the air landing on his back with blood leaking from his lips.He was defenseless when he was struck by Mo Bai's advanced grade spear.Mo Bai drew near the killer to see the face but he was shocked when he got to see the face of the weakened body on the floor.

" Lee Fan? ",Mo Bai said with a great sense of doubt.

Every single in the room was perplexed when they saw Lee Fan.They still found it hard to believe even though Lee Fan was lying on the floor infront of them.What even made it hard for them to believe was the fact that Lee Fan was able to fight a whole elite squad of guards that Mo Feng had around her and still emerge victorious.Even they would will find themselves at the end of the knife if they fought them.

Mo Bai had found that Mo Feng had been the one to order the attack on Bai Ting and Lee Fan a few years ago and so was aware of the baf blood between Mo Feng and Lee Fan.

No matter who was right or wrong,Lee Fan had killed Mo Feng and Mo Bai had to provide an answer to the Fen family otherwise his position as Providence City will be compromised.Even though Lee Fan was his son he still firmed his resolve to kill him.


Mo Bai spear had stabbed directly into the hard floor which had caused it to be broken into miniscule pieces.When Lee Fan had seen the spear thrusted out aiming for his heart,he revolved all the energy he had in and then quickly rolled out of the spear's way.Without even bothering to explain since he knew all his explanation will fall on death ears,Lee Fan quickly stood up and quickly accelerated towards the window and jumped through to escape for his life.Lee Fan needed one to tell him that he was not Mo Bai's match.

He quickly took out the last White Clover pill he had from his system shop and tossed it into his mouth to quickly restore his depleted stamina

"Chase him and kill him.Bring back his body intact ",Mo Bai mercilessly gave out the order to his guards.


Mo Bai looked towards the city wall that was destroyed by the luminary beast and gave out a colf harrumph.


Twelve people chased after Lee Fan through the city.Lee Fan had already launched his movement technique and was about ten miles away from the mission but to these guards ,ten miles was like a walk in the park to them.They all launched their movement techniques and chased after Lee Fan.All Lee Fan wished for to get out of this city in the most quickest way poses because he knew that if he was caught he would be defer than dead.With great strides, Lee Fan crossed several miles in a few minutes.

"Lee Fan does have some ability.No.womder he could kill Wong Fei and his group ",a slim mascular man who seemed to be the leader said to the rest.

Lee Fan had chose not to run into the human settle but rather the wilderness because it would have been far easy to capture him in the human settlement.He could survive the onslaught of both the Mo and Fen family so therefore his only option was to run into the wilderness.

With the remaining energy he had,he sprinted off into the wilderness since he could still feel the sense that had enveloped hi. giving the impression that he was being followed

The captain of the squad increased his speed and was followed by his man.All of them revolvethe energy in their body to the extreme and have chase after Lee Fan.They knew that they couldn't fail because of the urgency of the matter.


An arrow whizzed pass Lee Fan and completely pierce the ground.Lee Fan turned back only to see more weapons being hauled at him.Spears and arrows aimed at him.He had to split his concentration to dodge them which managed to slow him down, giving the guards the chance to close in the gap.

"Lee Fan quickly turn yourself in and I will give you a quick death ",roared the captain.

Whiles the he was sprinting Lee Fan came across a huge gorge.He revolved all the energy to the extreme with a loud bellow he jumped into the air to cross the gorge.But unfortunately for him,he was open in the air and the captain of the of the squad spear managed to pierce him in his chest through his back.His frail helpless body feel into the deepest gorge and hid him from sight with blood gushing out of him like a fountain