Being saved by an unknown maiden

NB:I decided to input certain information I omitted.I should have brought it a long time ago.



Whiles the he was sprinting Lee Fan came across a huge gorge.He revolved all the energy to the extreme with a loud bellow he jumped into the air to cross the gorge.But unfortunately for him,he was open in the air and the captain of the of the squad spear managed to pierce him in his chest through his back.His frail helpless body feel into the deepest gorge and hid him from sight with blood gushing out of him like a fountain.

Lee Fan's greatest fear was to die again.He had led a miserable life and even though he had another chance to leave a fulfilling life,he now was on the precipes of death.His greatest pursuit in life now was to reach the peak of martial arts and magic so that he could live a long life and now all his dreams was drowning away.Unwillingness filled his heart.

Lee Fan had already fallen unconscious due to the blood loss and also his body was mutilated beyond recognition.Even if he was laced in front of Mo Bai to identify it could be said that Mo Bai would have difficulties identify him.In the gorge was the was the home of vicious beasts.Growls and roars would occasionally be heard.


Lee Fan was awakened by a forrocious roar.Lee Fan couldn't even find the meaning of things.His head felt like it was about to explode an moment.Even though Lee Fan had awoken,he was not fully conscious only in a half awake state.A martial artist vitality was above that of a normal human.Since they train their body to the extreme,they increase their vitality to the extreme which makes it more possible for martial artist to live longer than the normal human.

A martial artist cultivates the inner world that is they use the energy find within themselves to practice martial art.The energy derived from the body is limited so therefore martial artists meets a bottleneck in their cultivation.The suitable age for cultivating martial arts was the beginning of six since at that time the body was still growing which makes it possible for the martial artist to experience thorough growth and also,the martial artist do not have to use huge amount of medicine to cultivate.

The stages of the martial cultivation was muscle altering,viscera training,bone forging,dantian opening,qi condensation.

The muscle altering stage was when energy in other words qi toughen ups the muscles and flesh of the martial artist.Qi destroy the weak units in the flesh and reconstruct them all over again.The weak units are more durable and also breathes in and out qi making it tough.

The viscera stage is when a qi permeates into the organs protecting them.The human organ is the most weakest part of the human body.Due to it's inability to withstand heavy impact,it has to be protected.During the viscera stage,qi permeates the organs strengthening and also reinforcing them.The qi permeates the organs to strengthen them and also surrounds the organs to reinforce making them able to with the all out attack of a three hundred pound human boxer.

The bone forging is when the bone structure of the martial artist undergo drastic change.The bone is broken down and reconstructed by using qi.The bone marrow is washed through with qi.The marrow is the source of life for every human.That is,blood and qi are produce from the marrow.The new bone forged is strong enough to withstand the speed of a heavy duty truck moving a hundred miles per hour.The martial artist attack and defensive power reached new heights.The martial artist would even be able to punch a hole through a small hill.

The dantain opening is when the martial artists effectively opens the vessels in the body.The human body is made up of millions of tiny vessels.These vessels are responsible of supply blood and energy to every nook and cranny of the human body.But since everything that the human body takes in has impurities,the impurities attach themselves to the walls of the vessels and will continue to acclamate over time blocking these vessels.When a martial artist touches upon the threshold of the dantain opening stage,he uses qi to thoroughly washes to the vessels to remove every accumulated impurities his or her body.A martial artist in the dantain opening is able to withhold more qi in their body,so therefore their strength was immense.Since their body was been flooded by qi,every single unit and pore,organ is been reinforced with qi.Their very action deals in qi.

The qi condensation is when the martial is when the martial artist after opening their dantain begins to condense the qi in their body into a small nucleus or in other words core.They aw to save qi in this core so that when qi is depleted from the body,the core serves as a new source of energy for them or they can release more qi into their dantain resulting in a devastating attack or an exaggerated defense depending on the intent of the martial artists.


Lee Fan had begun to strengthen himself by eating hundred year ginseng pills at a very tender age was not to bodily strength does not seem to be exaggerated.Since he was an infant,he would occasionally take in ginseng pills he bought from the system shop to strengthen his bone.It had to be said that,Lee Fans's bones was as tough as a martial artist in the bone forging stage.

Lee Fan had been able to acquire lucky chances in all this years and also managed to break into the viscera stage.Using every ounce of qi in his body towards his heart.He surrounded his bleeding heart to stop it from bleeding.Even though he was in a half conscious state,he tries as much to hold on because not far away from him,he could feel the overbearing presence near him.

Not far from where Lee Fan was,a beast stood there watching him with it's glowing eyes.If Lee Fan was fully awake,he would be perplexed to see the beast.The beast had the body of cougar in the previous world that Lee Fan reincarnated from,but it was in San exaggerated manner.The muscles of the beast was built and large like that of a buffalo,sharp and long claws extended from it limbs.The beast had eeriely teeth in it mouth.Two huge canines stuck out of its upper teeth and the rest filled it's mouth in a mesh like form.

Nothing would be happier then to find a carat of gold or one thousand dollars on the floor just taking a walk in your neighborhood.The was delighted beyond just decided to talk a stroll in it's territory when it had smelled blood a distance away from it's territory.It quickly rushed over to where the blood was reeking from only to be met with this welcoming scene.A delicious looking human and to make matters more easy for it,the human was on the verge of death.There is nothing more it could ask for.

It leisurely strolled to the dying human since it knew the human could not run away from it.The beast pounced on the Lee Fan only to be meet with a spear smashing it's head.Lee Fan had reacted in the nick of time by smashing his spear in the head of the beast.This action caused blood to flow out of his heart.l.Since he had to use qi in his attack,he had to transfer the qi into his hands attack leaving his heart to bleed.Although he knew that it was a useless action,Lee Fan didn't want to live the world just like that.He would struggle to he can't no more.

The beast woke up disgruntle.It had not expected a counter attack from the puny weak human.Hmmmph....The human was not even big enough to fit the gaps in it's teeth and yet he tries to show insolence before it.It would show him a gruesome death.


The beast dashed towards Lee Fan with it's amazing speed and.pounced on him again.Lee Fan was not able to do anything again due to the excessive blood loss.All he could do was look on as death come towards him.Lee Fan stared helpless as death approach, suddenly he heard the sweetest he had ever heard in all his years.

"Fire rupture.explode "

Suddenly,a bright light appeared out of nowhere and immediately approaching the beast.It exploded when it hit the beast devouring the beast in the air leaving only it's ashes and it's core.


The beast screamed in agony whiles it was been burnt.Lee Fan turned his head to look at the direction that the fire came from only to see a silhouette of a human standing not far from him.Lee Fan struggled to stand up but he suddenly collapsed from the excessive los

s of blood and energy.