Fairy maiden Alicia




Far far away from Providence City lays a city that far outstrip the elegance of Providence City and even the Emperor's city.In the distance,the city looked like a burning mountain,literally,if seen afar people mistook it for an active volcano.The Fire Sect City,a city known for its magnificent fire origin and magic.

This city was built on top of a mountain.The pavement and building were made of a hardened red material.If closely inspected,people got to find out that hardened material were just square slabs of molten lava.All though,it was made of molten lava,it still didn't produce heat.This feat should not have been possible because, it was too magical and truly too it was made by magic which was outside the field of science.

In the topmost part of the mansion,a magnificent tall mansion with its tip permeating the clouds stood as strong as a city's wall.The mansion was made of the same slabs which was used to build the other structures,but was decorated with minerals.The roofing was the most eye catching of the building because emeralds was used to roof it making it appear unique.The interior of the mansion was made decorated with apple green jade.The mansion was surrounded with medical herbs making the air around the mansion more soothing and comforting.It had to be known that even if a single herb was plucked and sold in Providence City,even Mo Bai would have to fight for it.

In the middle of the mansion,stood a magnificent throne which seems to be in fire or precisely a fire throne and around the magnificent throne were smaller fire thrones which surrounded it from the sides in threes.In these thrones sat godly beings,uuhh.sorry..humans who looked more like deities.

In the middle throne sat a middle aged woman.Her appearance was like a goddess carved out of a fantasy novel.

She had a healthy pale skin and with not a single blemish.On her calm smooth face was two silver eyes which seemed to pierce the void.Accompanied by a perfect nose with a red sensual lips.This woman is Evelyn the matriarch of Fire Sect.

Surrounding the woman in the lesser fire throne sat four and two middle aged men and women respectively who lost only to the beauty of Evelyn.They were the sect elders of the Fire Sect.

"Sect Leader ,why did you send Alicia alone "a male sect elder said to to the matriarch

"Alicia is the fire sect's one in thousand talent ",her safety should be our priority.

A frown appeared on the face of the Sect Leader Evelyn's face.

"Sect elder Zhu Mingzi,do you think I will let my fire sect to loss a talent like that and also to loose my daughter "Sect Leader Evelyn asked Zhu Mingzi back with a raised eyebrow.

Even though Sect Leader was angry,there were no flatuations in her voice where sounds as calm as a flowing stream.

"This people have become daringly ",Sect Leader Evelyn said to herself.

"No Sect Leader,I wanted to find out whether one of our powerhouse followed Alicia to secretly protect her you see "Elder Zhu Mingzi shot back.

"Sect Elder Zhu Mingzi,which danger could befall Alicia in the Valley of the Fallen in the mortal realm "another voice shot back to Zhu Mingzi.

"Aye.. Sect Elder Leah,you can never be over cautious right "Zhu Mingzi said.

"Enough Leah and Zhu Mingzi "Sect Leader Evelyn said out to her sect elders.

"Alicia's journey to the mortal realm is important because she has to temper herself.Besides,no mortal could contend with her should any problem happen to her and also,the the only beast that maybe a problem to her is a luminary tier beast ",Sect Leader Evelyn said.


Three days had already passed since Lee Fan had been chased in to the Valley of the Fallen.Even though the sun stood proud and strong,its light still failed to reach the bottom of the gorge that Lee Fan fell into.

Deep inside the gorge,in a hole burrowed into the walls of the gauge which seems to be a cave,a fire was lit in the cave.The light of the fire brightened up the cave.In the cave laid Lee Fan who still laid motionless on a bed made of grass.On the opposite side of the cave was a young girl.Her mature body made it to distinguish whether she was a teenager or a young adult.

She sat still in meditation.Around her,fire would flash around her increasing the brightness of the cave occasionally.

Sometimes the fire would be in the form of bird or dragon.

"Mhhh...mmhhhh.",Lee Fan groaned after he showed signs of waking up.

With a muddled head Lee Fan opened his eyes and sat up robbing his eyes.His eyes screamed of pain when the light from the fire lit in the room shone in them due to them being idle for days.When his eyes adjusted to the light in the cave with his muddled head cleared,the first thing Lee Fan checked was his injury which had already healed.Lee Fan sighed in a great relieve and thank whatever deity that came to his aid in his mind.Lee Fan was still examining his body when the occasional flames flashed in the room but this time it was in the form of a chain.


Lee Fan eyes moved to see the source of the flames only to be caught in bewilderment.

In front of Lee Fan sat a girl or woman in a red dress.When the light of the fire shone in the dress,it made it appear as if the dress was made of fire.The girl or woman had an ethereal beauty as if she came out of painting or the final master piece of the world best sculptor.She had a fair slightly tanned skin.Her eyebrows where neatly combed lying perfectly on her brows.A flawless nose which was not too pointy or blunt accompanied by a soft red lips which fit or her dreamy.

Lee Fan eyes slowly drifted from her face towards her bust which made his little monster to twitch uncontrollably.On her chest where where two mountains which stood proud and tall.It was not an exaggeration of Lee Fan was to classify the size of the mountains as D cup from his previous world.

Her slim waist which was begging to wrapped around and her hips which was trying to escape the clutches of her dress.With no doubt at all,Lee Fan was sure that her ass will be nothing short of mesmerizing.Lee Fan was admiring and was unconsciously burning the image of the beauty when he head the annoying voice in his head.

//Hehehe...like what you see?//

With a great frown,Lee Fan shrugged and decide to move his attention else where.He was in no mood to listen to the annoying voice of the system which rung out loud in his head.He was even grateful that the system's voice brought him out if his reverie because,it now dawned on him how beauty women hate to be gawked upon.A little peep was enough after all his first impression should be that of a gentle man.

Lee Fan begun to search for his spear when he just saw that the spear was just a the corner of the cave near his bed.

Lee Fan moved to pick up his spear.He found it a little difficult to walk since he had laid motionless for a long time.

He moved to pick up both his spear and held them closely to his body whiles recalling the terrify moments he had been through.Lee Fan stood motionless for a long time whiles he recalled all those moments.The last thing he could recall was the ethereal sound of a voice and then a fire appeared out of no where to kill the beast that was about to kill him.

After he was done recalling,he gave his spear a few spins and some thrusts.Being content with it,Lee Fan turned on to meet two silver colored eyes looking at him.

Lee Fan was startled and he nearly cursed.

"What the fu..."

Lee Fan quickly shut his mouth.He had to maintain a gentleman's appearance after all even though he was startled.

"Hello ,I am Lee Fan.Thank you for saving me "Lee Fan said out to the girl and gave a grateful bow.

"Mhhh..you have a strong body.Most people would be out for a whole week even if they are been treated with the best of heavenly herbs.But you slept for just three days.Good body constitution.In deed,the world is full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers ",the girl said in a thoughtful tone yet still her voice was still ethereal.

"What the f..... k ",Lee Fan said out loud in shock.

"Three whole days?".

This time,Lee Fan couldn't keep himself from cursing.

"F**k me "

The girl giggled softly at his reaction

"I am Alicia "she see said with a joyful gleam on her face