A special energy

Ever since Lee Fan reincarnated,this was the only time he had stayed idle for such a long time.The days had been crawling as slow a s a turtle to him.Since Lee Fan had made up his mind to reach the peak of this magic world,he had never been idle.

Lee Fan has little hate for things as he had accepted how things was with him but now,the hatred he had for Mo Bai was at its minimum,now it has gone up to the highest point that it could get even though he was his father in this world

Alicia found the emotional fluctuations in Lee Fan kind of amusing,as anyone barely shows any kind of emotion except being always serious even her own mother rarely shows her any emotion at all.Yet Lee Fan was like a mountain full of emotions to her.

Lee Fan would be cursing at a point in time and suddenly he had spaced out displaying a hateful face unconsciously.

Although Lee Fan was not looking at her with those disgusting lustful eyes that most men do whenever they had her in their sight,she pouted inwardly for the misconduct of Lee Fan spacing out on her.

"Hmmm..." fire suddenly flashed in the cave which increased the temperature of the cave to several degrees bringing Lee Fan out of lalaland.

"Ugghhh...Sorry I spaced out on you earlier",he quickly apologized as he brought his eyes down from the ceiling of the cave.

"Gah!",Lee Fan was stunned.

"Gulp!",he swallowed a mouthful of saliva as the scene before him was too heavenly to ignore.

Alicia's dress had shifted revealing her smooth snow white tigh .Tracing the eye up her thigh to her hips was the most seductive sight Lee Fan had ever seen.

"You!!. pervert!",Alicia made a fist of fire and launched her hand straight to Lew Fan's face.Yet she pulled back at the last moment as she quickly remembered Lee Fan had just recovered for a deep wounded state and she would like to send him back to that his previous state.

"Phwwwwtt!",Lee Fan whistled as sweat broke out from his forehead .He could swear he had seen his life flash before his eyes and had seen hell.

Alicia quickly tidied up herself with a bashful face.Lee Fan awkwardly rubbed the back of his head.Whiles he was struggling to come up with words to say,he suddenly heard the ding sound which he could only hear in his head.

Lee Fan quickly opened the system's notification to check the message he had received.He didn't care as he knew that he was the only one that could see the system as he had tried it several times yet nobody had been able to see the system.

//A special fire energy has been detected in Alicia.Claim her to obtain fire magic ability//.


Lee Fan was dumbstruck but later grinned inwardly.He was dumbstruck due to the special fire energy in Alicia and also its ability to help him to cast fir elemental spells.

Lee Fan had been doubting the system since he had been taking in pills to increase his body's manna capacity yet,he had never met anyone that could perform spells.Even the most powerful people in Providence City could not even release an ounce of magic spells.

Lee Fan was excited that he would now be able to perform fire spells but that was the least thing he would bother himself with now.It was not like he could go up to Alicia and be like

"Hey...there is special energy in you and I want to absorb it".

He was very sure that, although Alicia seems calm on the surface,she was like an exploding volcano underneath.Thinking of her,Lee Fan moved his eyes to take a peek at her.

"What!?",Lee Fan could literally see steam come out of her head

Alicia was already funny with anger and had visibly pouted this time.She has never been ignored before even before her coming to the mortal realm,but now a lowly mortal had ignore her twice even with all her charms which left a very bad taste in her mouth.She quickly rose up to leave the cave before she roast Lee Fan into crisp with her fire.

Lee Fan's attention was drawn to her body which was half way out of the cave,Lee Fan saw her remove dual blades from thin air and he was sure that she has a spacial pouch with her.This told him that Alicia was not someone he could trifle with.Even Mo Bai had no spacial pouch.

Lee Fan thought that Alicia was on the move because now that he was recovered she was continuing her journey.He didn't really want to loose his chance of casting fire spells and he knows getting Alicia was like a toad wanting to eat the swan's meat.

Little dud he knows that he had annoyed Alicia past the threshold of annoyance.

"What?..You no know that someone is in here with you.You really have the guts hmm!..".Alicia replied whiles she pouted.

Lee Fan was really surprised for the little pettiness and the pout on Alicia's face.Lee Fan really wanted to comment about how cute she currently was but was not ready to face her ire right now.

Alicia left the cave filled with that pesky mortal presence and decided to go for a hunt.Something must burn and if care is not taken,Lee Fan will be the one on fire.

Lee Fan quickly followed her out of the cave.The cave was located at the top of the mountain that they were on under a cliff which hung above his head.Just standing on top of the mountain had a great advantage.Every nook and cranny of the vast wilderness plane was brought out into view.

There was little obstruction making it difficult for sometime to be hidden from view and also due to how steep the mountain was,it was very difficult for any mutated beast to climb up to the top.The place was only accessible to only aerial mutated beast which Lee Fan had not even set his eyes on one ever since he came out.This confirmed his belief that this was a perfect haven for him.Even if there were aerial mutated beasts,he was sure Alicia had taken all of them out.

"Sigh!",,he sighed while being depressed.Alicia was just too strong even though she behaved childish at certain times.Even Hale and Derek failed in comparison to her when it comes to strength and charm and beauty of course.

Lee Fan eyes followed Alicia's movement to see how she would get down from such a high spot but everything happened so quickly that his brain was short-circuited and his eyes bulging out of his eye holes.

When Alicia reached the edge of the cliff, she let her body to fall freely .She had never been a show off but this time every cell in her body was dying to show off her skills to the puny Lee Fan that had disregarded in the cave previously.

Of course she never seized the opportunity to capture that exaggerated expression on Lee Fan's face.

"Great...she is a beauty with a psychotic brain.Lee Fan after all the hazel he had gone through from descending the mountain turned to only see Alicia looking at him with a smug on her face and sluggishly.

"Woman! what happened to all your graceful bearings?", Lee Fan shouted out in his heart.If not for the fact that,he knew that when was no much for Alicia,She would not hesitate to wipe that look on her face with a slap..sorry ... sorry.. a kiss.

The burning anger in her heart had gone down several degrees due to how happy she was from the initial tease of Lee Fan.

"Too slow",she said to Lee Fan.

"Show off",Lee Fan replied in a nasal tone as he didn't want to be cooked alive by the fiery goddess in front of him.

She knew that jumping from such height was not a big deal since she was not from the mortal world,to Lew Fan such feat was so exaggerated.She wanted to reign in her current victory when she heard Lee Fan replying in a nasal tone making her unable to hear since she was not paying attention to him now.

"What did you say?" Alicia asked with a raised eyebrow.Her temper that has gone down several degrees just shot up to an unimaginable degree.Literal fumes could be seen coming out of her head.Ever since she spoke to him,he had really been getting under her skin and making her to get weird sensations in her belly which she found it rather amusing.

With a harrumph,she dashed into the vast plain of the wilderness.She must find something to vent her anger on if not,she was not sure if she could control herself if Lee Fan irked her again.

NB:There a two different types of realms.The mortal realm and the heavenly realm.