The Qin Dynasty Sentinel

Investors call it. The meeting that he has is very important and it has cost him a lot to invest in his project. Huang Yang looks through the windows and sees a man in warrior clothes from the Qin dynasty who’s in front of his house. He looks out the window again and the person is still in the same place, looking at whoever was passing by with a very challenging face. He calls his uncle, who’s a police officer and he advises him not to leave the house while they are there. “Maybe he’s a person who has a theater act and that’s why he’s dressed like this,” he thinks.

A few minutes pass and the police arrive at the scene, he goes out to meet them. They look around the place and ask Huang a few questions, but find no one, and leave. He, tired, prepares to sleep. It was almost impossible! Said character is once again guarding the place, without anyone seeing him.

It’s time for the routine, to go out to exercise in the morning and it is a little cold. He walks and makes a break to drink water. The peace that he finds in the place has no comparison. When suddenly, the same mysterious person is at a distance. This time he would not be in doubt and goes to where he is. But it’s very fast and he starts the chase and they go into the middle of the vegetation. “What a man to run!” but he intends to block her way by turning around. When he arrives, there’s no one. It’s as if the earth hid it. He wonders “Who is it? And why is he following me? », and he returns to the road.

At home, Huang sees his grandparents who are sitting in the living room, talking with his uncle, he greets them. Huang tells his uncle that again, the same man saw him on the road. He asks if she made an attempt on him, to which he says no, but he loses track of her.

“We’ll do an investigation.”

“Thanks man,” Huang says.

The phone rings:

“Miss Helen, how are you?” Yang asks.

They hold the conversation for a few seconds and remember the invitation and finish talking.

Huang’s grandparents express their fear that something will happen to him, to which he reassures them that it is nothing serious, especially in such a peaceful place where everyone knows everyone.

Huang Yang goes up to the second floor, enters his room and sees that the painting he bought is on his bed, looks everywhere and knows that he didn’t put it there, but he does not exaggerate; He lets out a smile and says aloud: —Maybe it was my grandmother.

Helena talks to a subject, but her clothes seem not to be from this era and she gives her instructions:

“How much time do we have to get back to the mountain, General?”

—You know that time is short, and that is why we have to prepare it. The enemies of the Kingdom will not stay still so, we have to keep an eye on the golden stones. It was for a long time that we were looking for the imperial prince, and with so many young people of our prince’s age, and with the slightest mistake and we will be destroyed. Says Helen very seriously.

“General, how will you get closer to him and find out that he really is the prince?” he asks.

—Because of the royal mark that they made to the princes born to the king, —helen answers, and adds: —you know that our customs are strict, the mark that the true heir has is unique.

“My general, he is very young to pass through the time of the times,” says the man, as he lowers his head and makes a military bow, kneeling.

—It’s true, but even though time has passed, it’s not a mystery to him. Part of his lineage is from the Monkey god and the other is mortal, so it’s important to make sure he’s the one. He traveled to many places where he was sent as a baby, by our empress, to take care of him from the lord of the winds. His grandmother wanted him to be protected from him, so we were sent to protect him, only his adoptive parents went to many places losing track of him. We know that he would return to Lijiang, now we have to be careful.

-Yes, my general. My lady, I want to ask something that is not of interest to me, but it intrigues me.


“Why did you choose the name Helen?” And he looks at her for a moment.

—You know why, I didn’t want to have a name from our town. I must go unnoticed and it is also to my liking.

Leaving the place, she knows that she just has to confirm the identity of the royal prince, but if the sorcerer finds out, that would be the end.

She stops to think that she has to be careful, she cleans her sword given to her by the empress. The fact that she hadn’t heard from the kingdom and her family again saddens him, but she promised her kingdom that she would return the royal prince safe and sound.

She looks at the information of her generation and as they were disappearing