Forbidden Love

Helena gives a military salute to Huang Yang and says:

— Sir, we have an army that protects you.

The present relatives are surprised.

— Do soldiers also belong to this world?

— Yes, my lord. — Helena replies.

— Why didn't you reveal the truth to me all this time? — Yang asks, showing some discontent.

— We received instructions from the Empress Mother, — Helena explains.

Mei is left speechless and asks Huang Zhenwu:

— Grandfather, so you are travelers, then?

— Yes, my dear.

— So, Dad, you and the rest of the family don't belong to this era? — Huang Xiao, Yang's uncle, asks.

— You're correct, — the elderly man confirms kindly.

— It's hard to believe, — Xiao exclaims as he suddenly stands up from the table and says, — I knew it! We had something very special; it's as if we were visitors from another world.

— We are in the presence of the rightful prince, — Andrew asserts.

— And how shall we address you now, Your Majesty? — Mei inquires.