Dragon's Awakening

n Yang's house, they are gathered.

—Sir, we are at your service. As our prince, it is our duty to prepare you. I hope you understand the legacy you hold. As the Royal General, I am at your service. In this place, I will be your grandfather. General Helena will teach you the art of the saber.

And Grandfather Huang Zhenwu hands a beautiful saber with royal insignia to Yang. He observes it for a long time. He had admired it, and now he holds it in his hands.

—Sir, please allow us to tell you that this grand piece has been in your family for generations. This is the weapon you will use for combat, —says Helena.

—It is truly beautiful, —Yang comments as he caresses the blade of the saber.

The General smiles and adds: —Sir, I will make sure you are prepared.

—What if I don't want to join you? —Yang asks.

Huang Zhenwu and Helena look at each other.

—Sir, that would have significant consequences, as we've been telling you, —Helena responds.