There's Beauty In Even The Darkest Of Times.

"Hey! Others are watching." Megan looked around with a slight blush on her cheeks before whispering, "Don't start groping me here. I don't want everyone to think I'm easy or something."

"Haha, too bad; it's already too late. You've already caught my attention, Megan. And once I set my eyes on something, I never give up until I get what I want." Lucifer laughed as he continued to caress Megan's butt and squeeze it every now and then.

"Hehe. I've noticed that about you already. You're quite persistent when you want something, aren't you?" Megan asked with a giggle as she wrapped her arm around Lucifer's neck. She enjoyed the feeling of his strong body against hers, and she couldn't help but lean closer to him. He smelled good, too. It was a mix of cologne and his natural scent, which was very pleasant to her nose.

"Of course. Who would give up the opportunity to spend time with a beautiful woman such as yourself? I'd be an idiot to pass this up."