Wanna Go For A Ride With Me?

They walked along the path, chatting about various things as they admired the scenery around them. There were plenty of trees and bushes lining the sidewalk, which provided shade from the sun, and flowers bloomed in the gardens that dotted the landscape. Birds flew through the air, while squirrels ran across the grassy areas. Overall, it was a peaceful place to relax and unwind away from the bustling city noise.

They also saw a few other couples strolling through the park, each of them enjoying their time together on this beautiful day. They were all smiling and laughing, holding hands or arm in arm, enjoying each other's company.

Lucifer and Megan were no exception. As they continued their walk, Megan leaned against Lucifer, wrapping her arm around his and pressing her head against his shoulder as she closed her eyes, enjoying the warmth of his body against hers.