Elite Beast

The steel shovel struck the giant crab's hard shell, producing a metallic clang. The impact reverberated back, leaving Long's arms numb from the force. The giant crab, seemingly enraged, thrust a massive claw through the doorway, attempting to seize Long.

Long quickly retreated further inside, evading the claw's grasp. Simon released Lily and activated his "Insight Sigil" to scrutinize the giant crab.

Immediately, a stream of information surfaced in his mind:

"Name: Tyrant Crab, an elite variant of a Level 3 Source Beast. Its carapace is as hard as iron, but its underbelly is soft, which is its only weakness. Defeating the Tyrant Crab carries a certain probability of acquiring the special skill 'Tyrant Armor.'"

"No wonder it's so formidable," Simon murmured, taking a deep breath. "This creature is called a Tyrant Crab, an elite among Level 3 Source Beasts. The sea iguanas we fought earlier were merely ordinary Level 3 Source Beasts."

Simon now understood that Source Beasts of the same level were categorized into ordinary and elite variants. These elite variants were significantly more powerful than their ordinary counterparts, explaining why the Tyrant Crab could effortlessly kill the similarly-ranked sea iguanas.

What intrigued him most was the possibility of gaining a new special skill, "Tyrant Armor," by killing this Tyrant Crab.

Long noticed the vertical eye-shaped sigil on Simon's forehead and was intrigued by his newfound knowledge about the monster.

Simon did not conceal anything from him, explaining that this ability was called the "Insight Sigil." Similar to his "Soul Devour," it was a special ability. Although it lacked offensive power, it could reveal the basic information about Source Beasts, making it highly practical.

Due to its size, the Tyrant Crab couldn't squeeze through the stairwell entrance. It persistently thrust one of its claws inside. Long struck at the claw twice with his steel shovel, but the claw was as hard as iron, rendering his efforts futile. The Tyrant Crab couldn't reach them, and they couldn't harm it either.

"Let's go," Simon said after gathering the information about the Tyrant Crab, and he dashed down the stairs. Seeing Simon head downstairs, Lily quickly followed. Long, muttering under his breath, "Don't think you're invincible just because you're big. I'll have you in a pot of stew sooner or later," also descended.

As they hurried down the stairwell, Simon, leading the way, soon encountered an ambush. The moonlight couldn't penetrate the stairwell, rendering it quite dark. Though it wasn't pitch black, they could only see each other as blurry shapes.

Lily, following closely behind Simon, suddenly warned, "Be careful!" Having enhanced her eyes once, her vision was noticeably better than Simon's and Long's. Even in the dim light, she could see more clearly than the two of them.

Simon, without needing her reminder, had already noticed a shadow darting from the corner of the stairwell ahead. In the darkness, the figure's features were indistinguishable, but the "Insight Sigil" revealed that it was a Water Rat Beast.

Simon remained calm and composed, swinging his iron rod with precision and force that overpowered the Water Rat Beast before him. With a resounding crack, the beast's skull shattered, and it fell lifelessly to the ground with a single blow. A Source appeared, merging into Simon's consciousness.

"Level 2 Source Wielder: Source 14/20"

Simon had abandoned the rooftop and the Tyrant Crab because he had set his sights on this horde of Water Rat Beasts. Though they had retreated in fear of the Tyrant Crab, they hadn't fled far; instead, they had gathered in the stairwell, ready to seize any opportunity to attack. As Level 2 Source Beasts of a common variety, they were not particularly strong, making them ideal targets for him at the moment.

Seeing Simon effortlessly dispatch a Water Rat Beast emerging from the darkness, Long understood immediately. With a low chuckle, he hefted his steel shovel and moved past Lily, charging downwards as well. Despite being a Level 3 Source Wielder and thus a tier above the Water Rat Beasts, Long could still gain Sources by killing them. However, if he were to hunt Level 1 Source Beasts, the gain would be negligible.

As they descended, more Water Rat Beasts surged up the stairwell, snapping and snarling at the two men. With a fierce growl, Long swung his shovel down forcefully. Although it wasn't particularly sharp, his strength was enough to decapitate a Water Rat Beast with a single, powerful stroke.

"Good, only four more to go," Long exclaimed, exhilarated as he acquired another Source.

At that moment, Simon dispatched another Water Rat Beast, increasing his tally to 15/20. Lily, trailing behind, could only watch as the two men steadily fought their way down the staircase.

A Water Rat Beast leaped through the air, but Long, wielding his steel shovel, struck it mid-flight, sending the creature tumbling into the darkness below. Unfortunately, no Source emerged, indicating the beast was not killed.

Simon swung his iron rod into the looming darkness ahead. With a sickening crunch, another Water Rat Beast's skull was shattered, and it tumbled down the stairs. Simon's mind registered the gain: 16/20 Sources, bringing him tantalizingly close to the breakthrough, needing just four more. Excitement surged within him.

Long let out a roar and swung his shovel horizontally, striking a Water Rat Beast from the side and crushing its skull with a resounding "smack," earning another Source.

Having previously vanquished several Level 3 Sea Lizard Beasts, both Simon and Long found themselves increasingly at ease facing these Level 2 ordinary Water Rat Beasts.

"Just three more!" Long growled, suddenly overtaking Simon and charging downwards, landing in the corridor below. He shifted the steel shovel to his left hand, extending his right to unleash "Soul Devour," striking a Water Rat Beast's head.

The creature's eyes rolled back, and it collapsed silently. From its body, a white Source shot out, embedding itself into Long's forehead.

"Watch out!" Simon shouted, having spotted something alarming. He rushed downward but was a step too late. As the Water Rat Beast fell, a shadowy figure emerged from the corridor's darkness, swinging its right arm across Long's chest.

Thanks to Simon's warning, Long instinctively retreated, feeling a cold sting and searing pain in his chest, letting out a scream of agony.

Simon arrived almost simultaneously, roaring in anger as he swung his iron rod down with force.