Bone Blade

From the center of his brow, the vertical "Gaze Rune" emerged, and a stream of information flooded his mind.

"Name: Advanced Corpse Beast. This formidable entity has evolved from a lower-level Corpse Beast. In addition to retaining the instincts of its lesser form, it has acquired a measure of intelligence. Each Advanced Corpse Beast possesses a unique evolved ability and has a chance of transforming into an undead."

The figure that had suddenly emerged from the corridor's darkness was an Advanced Corpse Beast.

Unlike the previous one, which had evolved a third arm, this Advanced Corpse Beast had developed a bone blade from its right arm.

The bone blade, over a foot long, protruded from the muscles on the outer side of its right arm, razor-sharp. It was this bone blade that had slashed across Long's chest, creating a deep wound, nearly disemboweling him.

Had Simon not warned him, prompting an instinctive retreat, this strike would have cleaved Long's upper body in half, instantly ending his life.

Blood gushed from Long's chest as he staggered back, screaming in pain. Simon roared in anger, stepping forward and swinging his iron rod.

With a resounding "clang," the Advanced Corpse Beast raised its left arm. The iron rod struck, and the sound of bones shattering echoed; its left arm was crushed by Simon's blow.

However, for a Corpse Beast, only a strike to the head could be fatal; other injuries, no matter how severe, were inconsequential.

The Advanced Corpse Beast had deliberately sacrificed its left arm to block Simon's attack. It swung its right arm upwards, the sharp bone blade slicing toward Simon from below.

The bone blade moved with lethal precision, making Simon gasp in shock.

He had used all his strength to save Long, and the force of his blow with the iron rod caused him to lean forward slightly. There was no time to retreat; the bone blade was about to slice upward from his abdomen, threatening to split him from belly to chest—a fatal wound that even the healing power of a spiritual source couldn't mend.

Realizing he couldn't pull back the iron rod in time to block the attack, Simon risked everything, swinging his left hand down to activate the "Voracious Fang" as a desperate defense. In the dim light, the bone blade's speed left no margin for error; a slight miscalculation would cost Simon his left hand or arm.

With a sharp "clang," the four fangs of "Voracious Fang" barely intercepted the upward thrust of the bone blade. Even so, Simon felt a chilling sting in his abdomen as the blade's tip pierced one or two centimeters into his flesh. Instantly, he lifted his leg and kicked the Advanced Corpse Beast, sending it tumbling away.

Watching the creature roll across the floor, Simon's back was drenched in cold sweat. The danger had been so imminent that it felt like he had brushed against death's door. This Advanced Corpse Beast was terrifying, even more challenging than the Level 3 Sea Monitor Lizard.

Long, clutching his chest wound with his left hand, roared in fury. Gripping the steel shovel, he swung it down at the Advanced Corpse Beast that Simon had kicked away. The creature rolled on the ground, dodging the strike, and the shovel struck the floor, sparking furiously from Long's enraged blow.

Simon followed closely behind, his iron rod striking relentlessly at the rolling Advanced Corpse Beast. With a sharp "clang," the beast raised the bone blade protruding from its right arm to block Simon's attack. Long's shovel missed its mark, hitting the ground instead. He quickly adjusted and swept the shovel horizontally, striking the beast's right shoulder with a resounding "crack."

The bone in its right shoulder shattered, causing the Advanced Corpse Beast's arm to go limp. Simon seized the opportunity, stepping forward and slashing with his left hand. The "Voracious Fang" tore into the creature's face, leaving four deep gashes.

The beast's furry white face retracted, revealing a spiritual source that emerged from the wounds and swiftly embedded itself into Simon's forehead. A surge of warmth enveloped him, accelerating the healing of his injuries.

Breathing deeply, Simon noted that he now needed only three more spiritual sources to advance. From the hallway came a noise—a group of Corpse Beasts was approaching unsteadily.

Activating the "Peering Sigil," Simon observed the oncoming horde. Fortunately, they were all low-level Corpse Beasts. A group of Advanced Corpse Beasts would have posed a far greater threat.

"I need just two more. Simon, how many do you need?" Long, panting, turned his head only to hear a commotion from the stairs leading to the thirty-first floor. Several shadows emerged—Water Rat Beasts rushing up from below.

"Lily, these low-level Corpse Beasts are yours," Simon instructed. He knew Lily, now a Level 1 Spiritual Source user, possessed the strength of at least five hundred pounds. With the speed, power, and reflexes typical of her level, even at thirteen, she could handle the lowest level of Corpse Beasts with ease.

Lily, hearing Simon's words, gripped her hammer tightly and rushed down to his side, feeling a surge of nervousness. Meanwhile, Simon turned to join Long in confronting the Water Rat Beasts charging up from the other staircase.

Long was already ahead, despite his severe chest injury and the blood streaming from the wound. He deftly targeted an advancing Water Rat Beast, bringing his steel shovel down with a powerful swing that crushed its head, immediately absorbing the spiritual source that entered his forehead. As the source merged with him, his wound began to heal visibly, revitalizing him. "Just one more!" he exclaimed, leaping towards another approaching beast.

Simultaneously, Simon dispatched another Water Rat Beast, acquiring another spiritual source. He needed just two more to break through. But from the hallway, a horde of Corpse Beasts surged forward, the fastest of them reaching Lily.

Facing her first solo battle, Lily was overwhelmed with anxiety. As the Corpse Beast lunged at her, she hesitated, instinctively retreating instead of attacking.

Simon, who had been monitoring her, sighed inwardly at her hesitation. He quickly repositioned himself behind Lily, striking out with his iron rod to break the Corpse Beast's reaching arm. "Now!" he urged in a low voice.

Emboldened by Simon's command, Lily mustered her courage and swung her hammer. With a resounding thud, the hammer connected with the low-level Corpse Beast's head, shattering it instantly. A spiritual source entered Lily's mind, and a new message appeared within her consciousness.