
Seeing Millie's hesitant expression, Long laughed heartily and said, "Of course, I should first explain our situation. I am a resident of this building. A few days ago, I woke up to find the surroundings engulfed by floodwaters. Apart from myself, there were three other residents in this building, but unfortunately, they all perished."

Long paused briefly before continuing, "As for Simon and Lily, they came from other places, facing circumstances similar to mine."

As Long spoke, Millie silently observed him, as if trying to discern the truth of his words. After he finished, Millie exhaled softly and said, "I live in Zunyue Mansion. On the fifteenth, I discovered the area was surrounded by floodwaters. Because I am quite fond of various sports, I have equipment like kayaks, baseball bats, and skateboards at home."

"Zunyue Mansion? That's a high-end community, known for its luxurious apartments. You must be quite wealthy to live there," remarked Long.

Simon also knew of Zunyue Mansion, one of the most upscale communities in the area. Millie, with her refined demeanor and residence in Zunyue Mansion, likely came from a prosperous background.

Listening to Long's remarks, Millie responded indifferently, "In current circumstances, does money still hold value? The most important things now are essential supplies."

"You're absolutely right," Long chuckled.

Upon reaching the rooftop and seeing the room filled with various supplies, Millie's eyes lit up.

Proudly, Long remarked, "With just the four of us, these provisions will last us comfortably for a month."

Simon smiled and suggested, "Since we have a new guest today, perhaps we should prepare a more elaborate lunch."

"Need you even ask? I'll get started right away," Long laughed heartily.

"I'll help you," Simon offered, but Long blocked his way. "You stay and chat with Millie. She's new here and unfamiliar with the place. I can manage on my own. Besides, you'll only get in the way."

Simon considered Long's words and agreed, then turned to Millie. "Would you like me to show you around?"

This time, Millie did not refuse and nodded. "Sure."

After a brief interaction, Millie began to lower her guard, no longer as wary and cautious as before.

Lily approached Millie and extended her small hand.

"What's this?" Millie asked.

Lily opened her hand, revealing a handful of sunflower seeds.

Millie was momentarily surprised but then smiled and accepted them.

Seeing Millie take the seeds, Lily's face lit up with a rare smile.

Simon was touched. He had known Lily for a few days and had never seen her smile. Her cheeks dimpled charmingly when she smiled, making her irresistibly cute.

"You're adorable, little one," Millie said, gently touching Lily's cheek.

Blushing at the compliment, Lily looked bashful.

"I'll show you the next room, where we usually rest," Simon interjected.

"Okay," Millie nodded, giving him a reserved smile.

Simon opened the security door to the adjacent room, revealing four beds arranged in the living room.

"What is this?" Millie asked, puzzled.

Simon explained, "There were originally four survivors here, so we prepared four beds. For safety, we kept them together."

Seeing Millie frown slightly, Simon continued with a smile, "Lily is young, and we don't feel comfortable letting her sleep alone. Now that you're here, we can move two of the beds to the master bedroom. Long and I will stay in the living room, and you and Lily can have the master bedroom. This way, we can all look out for each other."

He thought to himself, "Lily is a little girl, but Millie is a young woman. It wouldn't be appropriate for her to sleep in the same room as us; that would be inconvenient in many ways."

Millie felt relieved upon hearing Simon's plan. She had been worried that all four of them would have to sleep together, but now she was at ease.

Simon continued showing Millie around. Eventually, they returned to the large balcony on the thirtieth floor, where several beast corpses lay unmoved. Outside the balcony were two rafts and Millie's kayak.