Corpses, Flowers, Treasures

Simon noticed the change in Lily's expression, his heart slightly trembling. He knew Lily had enhanced vision; her eyes were unique. What had she seen?

But what was this flower she mentioned, and why did it evoke such fear?

"Lily, you said there's a flower underwater? What kind of flower?"

"Corpses... so many corpses..." Lily murmured, her voice distant and entranced, her eyes faintly glowing.

Simon furrowed his brows. "So many corpses..."

Millie, noticing Lily's unusual state, moved closer to Simon and asked in a low voice, "What's happening to her?"

Simon responded quietly, "Lily's vision is enhanced; she can see things we cannot. She must have noticed something wrong underwater. It's not surprising there are many corpses. But what is this flower? Is she referring to the flowers in the complex's garden?"

Many residential areas have well-maintained gardens, so flowers aren't uncommon. But Lily's sudden mention made him uneasy. The flood had undoubtedly claimed many lives; Lily's claim of numerous corpses underwater didn't surprise him.

Millie gave a soft "oh" and fell silent, looking from Lily to the water's surface.

The water was murky, littered with floating debris—plastic bags, twigs, leaves, basins, and shoes.

"A large... flower. There's a treasure, a very important treasure. We must obtain it," Lily continued, her voice trembling. Suddenly, she shuddered and snapped out of her trance, her face pale, sweat glistening on her forehead as if she had woken from a nightmare.

Simon felt a surge of pity, gently placing his arm around her frail shoulders. "Did you see something terrifying? What do you mean by the flower and treasure?"

Lily, confused, replied, "I can't see it now... but I felt there's something very important down there that we must get."

"Something important?" Simon echoed softly, staring at the murky water below, feeling a growing urge to dive in and uncover the mystery.

He recalled the previous night on the rooftop, when the three of them had prepared to hunt monsters. A group of low-level corpse beasts had been climbing up, and Lily had suddenly warned him about a third hand. Neither Simon nor Long had understood her at the time until a high-level corpse beast had scaled the rooftop, its chest splitting open to reveal a third arm. Only then did they comprehend Lily's warning about the third hand.

Lily's ability was quite unique. When she mentioned the third hand, the high-level corpse beast had not yet appeared, had not even surfaced, let alone revealed its third hand. Yet, Lily saw it in advance. Now, she spoke of corpses, flowers, and treasures. Had she glimpsed something mysterious once again? Corpses and flowers might be dismissed, but the mention of a treasure piqued Simon's interest. She insisted twice that it must be obtained, implying its significant importance.

Observing Simon's contemplative look, Millie felt a stir of concern. "You're not thinking of going down there, are you?"

Simon replied, "I have considered it."

Millie took a deep breath. "It's extremely dangerous. We don't know how many monsters are lurking underwater. The deeper you go, the more perilous it becomes. You have quite the nerve..."

She paused, then added, "You must have a high evolution level to have such courage."

Simon smiled faintly. "I'm level three, not particularly high, one level below Long. And you? What level have you reached?"

He noted Millie's distinguished demeanor and her daring to come here alone in a kayak, suggesting she was quite capable.

Millie's eyes sparkled. "Brother Long is level four? That's impressive. I'm also level three, like you. No wonder you're bold enough to suggest going down there. With a level four evolver with us, it might indeed be possible."

This city had only been submerged for a few days. Higher evolution levels indicated a higher number of monster kills. For Long to be a level four evolver, his strength and skill must be extraordinary.

Millie considered herself strong, but she had just reached level three. Hearing that Long was level four filled her with admiration. Though inherently proud and confident, she revered those who were stronger and more exceptional.

Initially, she had not thought much of Long, perceiving him as brash and somewhat reckless for someone nearing forty. But learning of his level, her opinion of him improved markedly.

Simon, noticing Millie's newfound respect for Long, smiled and said, "Yes, we can consult Brother Long. For you to reach level three in such a short time is impressive for anyone, especially for a young woman like yourself."

Millie lifted her eyelids slightly, her tone half-serious, half-joking, "Do you look down on girls? You seem a bit chauvinistic."

Simon shook his head. "That's not what I meant. Most girls naturally don't have the same physical strength as men. I'm just stating a fact, not looking down on them."

Millie snorted softly. "Deep down, you do look down on us. I'd like to say that some girls are not necessarily inferior to men."

Simon smiled and did not argue further, thinking there was no point in debating with a woman.

At that moment, Long's voice echoed from the thirty-second floor above, "Lunch is ready. Come up quickly."

"Alright," Simon replied, looking up to see Long's head poking out of the window, peering down at them.

When the three of them went upstairs, they found that Long had already set up the table and chairs, even covering the table with a disposable cloth.

Millie's eyes lit up as she looked at the dishes laid out on the table.

Salted duck eggs, chicken feet, salted duck, ham, dried tofu, egg soup, and steaming white rice filled the table. Although many of the items were vacuum-packed foods, Long had arranged them so well that they looked incredibly appetizing.

Millie hadn't eaten a hot meal in three or four days. She had been surviving on dry instant noodles and bread. This spread was irresistible to her.

"Brother Long, you're truly amazing," Millie said, amazed that despite Long's rough exterior and slightly balding head, resembling a typical greasy middle-aged man, he not only had the strongest abilities among them, reaching level four, but also possessed such impressive culinary skills.