
In the face of the spider with broken legs kicked by Fang Li, Lily smashed out the hammer in her hand. Now she has some experience, at least she is no longer panicked when facing these monsters.

She is only level 2, kill level 3 sea spiders, one can harvest two spirit sources.

Simon, Millie, and Long all work together to help Lily, only to hit the monster hard and save Lily for the final blow.

Lily is still 14 spirit source, with the help of the three, finally killed six sea spiders and two advanced corpse beasts, successfully broke through, promoted to level three.

Then, again, she chose to strengthen her eyes.

"Understanding Hawkeye Type III"

In her head, a message rang out.

She gave up strengthening her muscles, which increased strength, and her lungs, which increased her ability to survive in the water, because she felt like she strengthened her eyes and could be needed.

"That's almost enough for tonight."

Seeing Lily also successfully reached level three, Simon breathed a sigh of relief, and Millie killed the last sea spider that climbed up, and stopped her hands.

"Go down and rest, I'm really tired."

Long was breathing a little too.

Simon was even more tired than him. Although this "spider walk" was easy to use, it was very physical exertion. Simon felt that he had strengthened his muscles four times, and although he had gained enough strength, his physical strength seemed to be getting worse and worse.

Simon understood that his physical strength was not really poor, and even with his rise to level 4, his physical strength still increased, but the increased physical strength could not keep up with the explosion of enhanced muscle strength. The stronger his strength, the faster he lost his physical strength, and correspondingly, the worse his physical strength became.

This is like a car, the fuel tank volume is not much, but the power is doubled, the fuel consumption is doubled, and the time and mileage that this tank of oil can maintain will naturally be shortened.

"It seems that you can't just strengthen your muscles, otherwise physical strength and durability will become a problem, otherwise the next time it really becomes a real man for three seconds."

Simon felt his heart beating a little hard and realized that strengthening his muscles was not the best option.

"Hopefully next time there is an option to strengthen the heart."

Simon silently thought, of course, if there is no better choice, he will still give priority to strengthening the muscles, after all, in the short term, strengthening the muscles will bring the most benefits, and he does not want to waste precious opportunities for strengthening the lungs or stomach.

The four of them went downstairs. Simon and Long put on a clean pair of underwear and went to bed, but Millie could not. Although it was late at night, she locked the door and began to wash herself with water.

There were several large containers in the room, all filled with water, which had been left for a day, and a lot of sediment had sunk to the bottom.

On the other side there were several layers of stretched out cloth, with an empty storage box underneath.

Millie picks up a box full of water and carefully pours it through the cloth into the storage box below.

These layers of sand cloth are filtered again to get relatively clean water.

Before Simon came, Long used this method to make clean water, but Simon brought a box of cold boiled water. Now they use Simon's water for eating and drinking, but they still use filtered water for washing and cleaning.

Although it is cold water, Millie feels that it is a very satisfying thing to have water to wipe her body, and as for taking a bath with hot water, it is already an unreachable luxury.

There is a tank of liquefied gas, but it won't last long with a little bit less.

Once the liquefied gas runs out, even drinking hot water will be a problem.

Simon and Long were lying in bed, unable to sleep, listening to the sound of water in the other room.

"Hey, she's in the shower."

"Long whispered.

Simon gave a sound and said, "Yes, you have an idea?"

Long turned over and said, "Not having an idea, just listening to this sound a little upset."

Simon, like him, was confused when he heard the sound of the water and thought of Millie in the bath.

As a young man full of energy, holding it in for a few days, it is inevitable that some impulse.

"Ding Brother, you are almost forty, it seems that the energy is still very vigorous ah."

Once again, Simon could only hold back his impulse, looked over his shoulder at Long and joked.

When Long heard him ask, he immediately came to the spirit, turned over his body, and was a little excited: "I'm not bragging, I do have a lot of energy, know what everyone called me when I was your age?" Electric motors, humanoid pile drivers, that's not a name for nothing."

Simon blinked his eyes, thinking that Long was bragging a little, but his mouth praised "Brother Ding is powerful."

Long was proud, like thinking of something, said: "By the way, I think Millie has a good impression on you, you work hard and hope very much, alas, I really envy you, maybe soon you don't have to lie in this bed like me, only love concubine company."

Simon said, "Dingge, you think too much, Millie this woman's bone is a little self-righteous, and a little high and cold, it is not easy to win her, besides, I have a girlfriend, I can't apologize to her."

Long chuckled. "Girlfriend? Do you think your girlfriend is still around?"

When Simon heard this, he fell silent.

Yes, in the face of this disaster, where is Wang LAN? Is she still alive? Will you ever see her again?

The thought that she might have died, or even become one of the dead beasts, made Simon's heart ache.

As soon as he said it, he knew that he had made a mistake. He coughed with some embarrassment and said, "Simon, I didn't mean that. I made it up.

"I know."

Simon gave a bitter smile and said, "But you are also right, I really don't know how she is now, even if she is alive or dead, and my parents, I don't know if they are flooded."

Simon's parents are not in this city, but in a third-tier town, where the terrain is relatively high. The only thing Simon can do now is to pray that the town is not flooded.

Long was also infected by his low mood and muttered, "Yeah, I don't know where Ding Han is either..."

Ding Han is his daughter. She is the same age as Lily.

This time Simon fell asleep soon after he got into bed because he was so tired.

When I woke up, I was already in the sun, and there was a gentle light shining in.

Simon felt exhausted, full of energy and hungry.

As the strength continues to grow, the muscles have undergone four times of strengthening, although he has gained strong strength, but the body is connected to the strengthening, the loss of energy is also amazing, which makes him have a strong sense of hunger, need to supplement enough food.

Not only he, but also Long, Millie, and Lily's meals had all increased imperceptibly-although there were only four of them, now four of them needed to eat at least seven or eight people's worth of food a day.