
Long had already cooked breakfast, Millie was humming a little song, last night successfully reached level four, and gained a new ability "mantis fist", she was obviously in a good mood.

"We hunt at night. What do we do during the day?" At the dinner table, Millie asks Long and Simon.

She just arrived yesterday, and she doesn't know much about the daily routine of several people.

Simon finished a piece of bread, took a sip of water, and said, "The main task of the day is to rebuild the raft."

"Modifying the raft?" Millie looked at Simon.

Simon said with a sound: "I want to build a raft big enough to take all of us and the supplies here, and then leave here to find a new place, this building has been destroyed by the nightmare many walls, and soaked in water, I don't know how long it can last, even if it suddenly collapsed now."

Startled, Long said, "It's not that dramatic, is it? I feel that the building is still quite solid, although the nightmare beast has damaged some places, but the main structure is not damaged, it should not be a problem."

Simon said: "I'm just using an analogy, we can't stay here forever, we didn't leave before because we are too weak, now except Lily, the three of us have reached level 4, we can plan to leave."

Millie nodded thoughtfully, and Danfeng, with a twinkle in her eyes, said, "Yes, we can go to a higher floor, where there may be more survivors."

Simon gave a slight smile and said, "So, our main task during the day is to rebuild and expand the raft."

Millie said, "I see, let's eat quickly and get to work right away."

The four finished breakfast and decided to go down to the 30th floor to rebuild the raft. Lily went out first. She just walked into the corridor and suddenly cried out, "Someone!"

Hearing this voice, Simon and Long's hearts were slightly tightened, and they immediately came out. Millie was surprised and said, "Anybody? What people?" And he came out.

Simon came to Lily and looked into the distance. He immediately found a raft consisting of ten wooden doors floating on the water a hundred meters away from them. There were five people standing on the raft, two of whom were paddling hard with OARS in their hands, and the other three were observing the building, as if they were looking for their tracks.

Suddenly saw five people, Millie show eyebrows slightly raised, gently let out a breath, said: "Here are five survivors."

I suddenly noticed that Simon and Long's faces were a little ugly.

"What's the matter? Is there something wrong with these five?" Millie saw Simon's faces and knew immediately that something was wrong.

Long smiled wryly: "Yeah, these five guys should be looking for revenge."

Raft closer and closer, they have seen the raft standing on the appearance of five people, one of them they all know, yesterday also had a hand, it is they suspect from the "purple wind building" Ni Jianrong.

Yesterday Ni Jianrong, Fang You and Wang Kaikang came, suddenly under the killer, Long was almost killed by him, fortunately Simon anti-kill success, Fang You and Wang Kaikang died, Ni Jianrong dived away, at that time said to revenge.

The original three people feel Ni Jianrong the possibility of reappearance is very small, after all, in this dangerous water everywhere, Ni Jianrong no boat, relying on swimming away, nine times out of ten is difficult to live back to the purple wind building, let alone bring people to revenge.

But what they did not expect was that Ni Jianrong really appeared again, and there were four people with him.

Just now Simon and the four were eating without observing the outside situation. By the time Lily found them, the raft on which they were riding had reached within 100 meters, and the speed was getting faster and faster. It seemed that they were afraid that they would run away.

"What do you say, Simon? Do we fight them hard, or do we avoid them?" Long looked at Simon, thinking that he was almost killed by Ni Jianrong yesterday, and he hated it in his heart, but there were five people on the other side, and although there were four of them here, Lily could ignore it. In fact, only three of them could fight, and the odds of winning were very low.

"Are you willing to hand over all the supplies in this room?" Simon took a look at Long and said, "Just wait and see what they say. If we can't beat him, we'll just dive and run away."

Simon rose to level 4, and understood the "spider walk", and had a certain confidence in his own strength.

Although there are five people on the other side, but the number of people does not mean that you will be able to win them, if the strength of Ni Jianrong is still the same as yesterday, he believes that with the "spider walk" and his power to raise again, a face can kill him.

"Well, I'll listen to you, fuck it, if they really want revenge, we'll fight them, clean knives, I'm not afraid of them."

Long gnashed his teeth, apparently for Ni Jianrong suddenly attack the matter of resentment.

Simon thought to himself that he had killed them both yesterday, and now he was not here for revenge or to make friends with us.

"Come on, let's go down and meet them."

Seeing that the raft was within fifty meters and would soon reach the building, Long lifted his hatchet and prepared to descend.


Simon held him back, shook his head at him and said, "All of you go up to the roof and get their attention there. I'll do the rest."

Long shuddered and said, "What about you?"

"Quick, you listen to me, they are coming soon."

Simon urged Long and the three of them, a little anxiously.

"Okay, I believe you."

Long stopped talking and took his hatchet and ran toward the stairs.

Millie gave Simon a deep look. Without saying anything, she just pulled Lily and followed Long away.

The three of them ran up the stairs to the top of the building, and then came to the edge, Long looking down.

I saw that the raft was only ten metres below and was slowing down.

"Ha ha, Ni Jianrong --" Long thought of Simon telling him to attract their attention, and laughed from the roof.

The five people on the raft were attracted by his laughter, one after another looked up, Ni Jianrong saw Long on a cold hum, the voice cold said: "You this guy is a big fate, yesterday did not kill you, today I see if you have such good luck."

When Long heard this, he thought that this guy had really brought people to revenge, and the last glimmer of hope in his heart had failed, it seemed that today there was only a hard fight, and his mouth loudly mocked: "Yesterday you abandoned your companions and fled alone, like a dog without a family, I can't believe that you have the courage to come again now!" I've never seen anyone with such a thick skin as you!"

Hear this, Ni Jianrong face sink, suddenly become very ugly.