Skin of Steel

Simon's heart slightly shocked, this guy is really a level 5 spirit source, no wonder dare so arrogant, just a special skill he knows, this spirit source of the art is what?

After saying this, Chen Xiangyu kicked off with his feet and suddenly launched an attack. He had no weapon, and a pair of fists were his weapons, like a tiger out of the box, attacking Simon.

The weapon used by the tattooed man is a military spear, he rushed to Millie, but because he wanted to capture Millie alive, and did not dare to die, his idea is very simple, first hold Millie, let Ni Jianrong and Chen Xiangyu kill Long and Simon respectively, and then help.

Millie saw Ni Jianrong rushed to the injured Long, know bad, just Long by Chen Xiangyu a punch, the bones in the chest are broken several, mouth spray blood, this punch power is too big, although not Long a punch killed, but also seriously injured, even up for a while, how to resist Ni Jianrong?

Millie angrily reached out with her left hand and launched the "winding vine", wanting to entangle the tattooed man's military thorns, and then rushed toward the Long side to resist Ni Jianrong.

Tattooed man showed a strange smile, a pair of eyes constantly from Millie's body scanning, holding so many days, for him such a vigorous young man, at this moment suddenly see a big beauty, the eyes are almost like a hungry Wolf, if not for Chen Xiangyu in, the sweet to first let Xiang brother taste, he would like to directly press up.

The tattooed male strength is not weak, is also a level 4 spirit source, the figure moves very quickly, he saw the purpose of Millie, Millie to attack immediately back, Millie once rushed to the other side, he quickly shot, not with Millie death, just entangled her, so that she can not split, mouth also constantly issued hey hey strange laugh, interfere with Millie's mind.

Ni Jianrong is not in a hurry, strolled to the ground in front of Long, ha ha smiled: "Long, yesterday did not kill you count your fate, but God destined you to die in my hands, I am not welcome, ha ha -"

Long, who was lying on the ground, struggled hard and stared at him with anger: "Animal, you... Don't be complacent..."

Suddenly the chest was Ni Jianrong stepped on, press the broken ribs, Long suddenly cone heart like pain, issued a scream like killing pigs.

"Ha ha, see you so miserable, I will relieve you -"

Ni Jianrong said while exposing the bone spurs of his right hand, and suddenly went down towards the heart of Long, fast and ruthless, no mercy.

In this kind of world where the legal order is gone, survival is the first thing, since the two sides have formed a death feud, there is no reason to be lenient, who can live to today is not a cruel and ruthless generation? I don't know how many monsters they killed, and even... Same kind.

It can be said that he can kill Long very indifferent, without blinking his eyes, although there is no hatred between the two sides, but to survive this great flood itself is the original sin.

At this moment, the scene is divided into several pairs of fighting, among which Xu Shuihai is the easiest. He runs directly to Lily, but he does not hurt Lily, because Chen Xiangyu wants a alive man. Although Lily is also a level 3 spirit source, what is Xu Shuihai's opponent?

Xu easily caught it, twisting his arms back, and then the short spear he was holding was placed on Lily's neck, and if she dared to resist, the short spear could go into it.

Among them, the most intense fighting is Chen Xiangyu and Simon.

Chen Xiangyu is the highest level of evolution among all people, and is also the only level 5 spirit source. Although Simon is one level lower than him, he has an extra reinforcement because of his natural ability. It can be said that Simon's essence is close to that of Level 5 spirit source.

This battle between the two sides can be said to be fierce and even tragic.

Simon brandished the machete with all his might, and Chen Xiangyu, laughing with his arms like iron, did not shy away from the machete and attacked it with all his might.

Simon was shocked that this Chen Xiangyu not only arms like iron, the machete cut his legs, chest, back, actually made a steel sound, this Chen Xiangyu like copper head iron back, invulnerability.

How can such a monster be defeated?

Seeing Simon's shock, Chen Xiangyu enjoyed the feeling and was full of pride.

"This is the 'steel skin' that Lao Tzu understood, which can absorb all physical attacks, how about it?" Is the effect OK? It won't frighten you, ha ha --"

Simon's face was solemn, and several successive knives were ineffective, but he was forced to retreat by Chen Xiangyu's constant attacks, and slowly retreated toward the rear.

And at the moment not far behind him is Ni Jianrong stepped on the Long, suddenly outstretched bone spurs, on the following Long heart stab.

At this time, the retreating Simon suddenly appeared around the body a thigh shadow, "spider walk" finally started again, he turned like a ghost, and then rushed out.

The ultra-high speed that erupted in the state of "spider walking", even if Chen Xiangyu is a level 5 spirit source, can not catch up with, or even catch.

Simon had just intentionally lost Chen Xiangyu and retreated, but the direction he was actually retreating to was where Long and Ni Jianrong were, shortening the distance between the two sides to within five meters.

Within five meters, "spider walk", it can be said that all this happened in the moment, Ni Jianrong never expected to be forced to retreat by Chen Xiangyu, embarrassed Simon can also withdraw to attack himself, this is completely unscientific.

In his heart, Chen Xiangyu is a very powerful being, Simon is not Chen Xiangyu's opponent at all, and Simon, who has been in trouble for himself, can suddenly attack him?

When Ni Jianrong noticed something was wrong, there was a hint of surprise on his face, and then his head flew out, the world turned upside down in his eyes, neck blood gushed out, the headless body was still half squatting there, one foot on the Long, the right hand down, the palm stretched out the bone spur, maintaining the movement that was going to stab down.

A spirit source emerged from Ni Jianrong's headless body and sank into Simon's forehead.

"Level 4 Spirit Source: Spirit Source 18/50"

"Ah -" Chen Xiangyu's eyes were wide open and he shouted angrily, watching Simon suddenly turn and shoot out, a sweep of five meters, and cut off Ni Jianrong's head, his anger to the extreme.

He is not angry that Ni Jianrong was killed, but he feels insulted, which is Simon's naked contempt for himself.

It's not very hurtful, it's very insulting.

The tattooed man with Millie's right arm also changed his face, his body stopped slightly, and then he turned to look behind Simon.

Simon suddenly counterattacked and cut off Ni Jianrong's head, which was a big surprise to him, he and Ni Jianrong were the same, how can not imagine Simon in the face of the powerful Chen Xiangyu, but also to raid Ni Jianrong.