The Spirit Source

It was completely different from what they had imagined.

As for the timid Xu Haihai's face is even more drastic, holding Lily, and repeatedly backing away, has retreated to the edge of the roof, obviously ready to see the situation is not good, will jump to escape.

Seeing Simon suddenly kill Ni Jianrong, solve the Long crisis, Millie suddenly mind, no longer anxious, right hand baseball bat connected to the attack, began to seriously deal with the tattooed man in front of.

The tattooed man felt the pressure, of course, the most terrible is Simon, he was afraid that he was like Ni Jianrong, and suddenly Simon rushed to cut off his head.

This makes him nervous, while dealing with Millie, but also constantly on the lookout for Simon surprise.

After Chen Xiangyu shouted, his hands were one, and suddenly his ten fingers began to stretch wildly, like a lizard. He pushed off, jumped up in the air, and attacked Simon with all his strength.

He has "steel skin", the skin of the whole body is like steel, invulnerability, completely ignoring Simon's attack, his hands mutated into lizard claws, which is the special ability he mastered, and he is crazy to grab Simon.

Chen Xiangyu went mad and attacked with all his might, and Simon's figure shook and evasive, and soon retreated to the rear of the roof exit entrance.

Simon is stuck on the wall at the entrance of transverse, listen to "luo Cha" soup, Chen Xiangyu couple lizards caught it on the wall, cement wall was a spider mesh cracks, have scrawled stone chips fall out.

"This guy..." Simon took a deep breath, this Chen Xiangyu is indeed some scary, whether it is "steel skin" or this "lizard claws" are the top terrible ability, it is good that he has "spider walking", otherwise it is really not his opponent.

His "spider walk" is also the top ability, the body is like a ghost dodge, Chen Xiangyu connected to the attack were he dodged.

In anger, Chen Xiangyu suddenly turned around, abandoned Simon, and ran toward Long who fell to the ground.

He plans to use Simon's method to attack others instead. If Simon does not save Long, he can kill Long first. If Simon wants to save Long, he can only be forced to fight against himself and cannot use "spider walking" to avoid.

His move was sure to grab Simon's death point, seeing Chen Xiangyu running toward Long, Simon just took the initiative to strike, the machete in his hand with a strong wind, and cut down.

Xu Shuihai, who had retreated to the edge of the distant roof, was holding Lily and silently watching the fight on the field. Seeing that Simon gave up hiding for Long, knowing the danger, he still rushed up to block Chen Xiangyu, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Although he and Chen Xiangyu, Ni Jianrong and others seem to be partners, they are actually very selfish, and no one is willing to risk or even work hard for each other, just like him now, if the situation is not good later, he is ready to dive away alone. For him, who is afraid of death and timid, it is impossible to stay and work hard with Simon in order to save his partner. Saving your own life is the most important thing.

At the moment, Simon is willing to take a risk to save Long, which makes him feel a little surprised.

"They... Something is different..." Xu Shuihai moved his lips and murmured in a voice that only he could hear.

"Hey..." Chen Xiangyu succeeded in his strategy, grinned and turned, allowing Simon's knife to cut him, while his lizard claws took advantage of the situation and grabbed Simon's chest and stomach.

In the encounter just now, Simon kept changing his target, trying to find out Chen Xiangyu's weakness. He did not believe that this "steel skin" could perfectly protect him, which was irrational. He must have a weakness in his body, but he could not find it.

Whether it is the heart, the head, the eyes, the stomach or the lower body, Chen Xiangyu is not afraid, let him attack.

How do you kill a monster like that?

Simon looked at the other side's lizard claws about to catch his chest and belly, and suddenly started the "spider walk" again, his body swung around Chen Xiangyu and came behind him, and the "gluttonous tooth" of his left hand reached out and stabbed him on the back.

The "overeating tooth" was so sharp that it immediately pierced Chen Xiangyu's clothes, but it stayed on his skin and could not Pierce the skin.

"Is it true that all physical attacks are immune? So it seems that only Dingo's 'eating soul' can deal with him, but it is a pity that Dingo is seriously injured..."

Even the "gluttony tooth" could not hurt Chen Xiangyu's skin, and Simon had to dodge again.

Chen Xiangyu counters with his right arm, and the lizard claws grab the air again.

Simon continued to use "spider walking", although he could sprint at a high speed in an instant, but the loss of physical strength was serious, he felt his heart beating violently, and knew that he could not hold on for long in this state.

Things are not looking good.

Chen Xiangyu had a sneer on his face, and even attacked, he also vaguely caught a little rule of Simon.

Although Simon is moving faster than he is, from the faint beads of sweat on his forehead, it is clear that this move requires a lot of physical strength, and he should not last long.

In fact, his use of "steel skin" is also very depleting physical strength, this "spirit source of art" can be called abnormal, if not have this "spirit source art", he would have been killed by Simon three more lives.

Now it's a race to see who goes down first.

It can be said that for a while, no one can do anything to anyone.

Chen Xiangyu is unable to attack Simon in the "spider walking" state, and Simon's various attacks are ineffective against Chen Xiangyu.

Faced with another attack from Chen Xiangyu's lizard claws, Simon suddenly dropped the machete in his hand and moved to Chen Xiangyu's side again. Instead of using his gluttonistic teeth, Simon grasped his right hand into a fist and punched Chen Xiangyu in the cheek.

In this blow, he used his full strength, and the force of more than 1,500 kilograms broke out completely, making a "bang" sound. Simon felt the bones of his right hand were in severe pain, and his finger bones could not withstand the huge force. After Chen Xiangyu's face was hit by a heavy blow, although he was not injured, the steel skin should not be damaged. But the 1,500 pounds of force still applied to his face, causing him to dangle sideways and fall out, nearly falling over, and then shaking his head, as if he had been slightly dazed by Simon's blow.

"So it is."

Simon's eyes lit up and he suddenly understood.

Although Chen Xiangyu's "steel skin" is abnormal, the skin is like steel, invulnerability, he can't hurt this layer of steel skin with a machete or overeating teeth, but the force still exists, and the force will not disappear.

"Steel skin" just makes his skin like steel, can not be destroyed, does not mean that it can really fully absorb all forces or immune to physical attacks.