Chapter 11

The female insect, who was originally a little embarrassed, and was stuttering, slowly opened her eyes wide.

  He was stunned by the male insect's profile and that smile, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses. The next second, he smashed his face against the control panel -

  Ahhhh, Mr. Male Insect smiled at me and even spoke soothingly and gently! !

  Ahhhhhhh, Mr. Male Insect is so handsome, and so polite! Even his apology sounds so nice and soothing?!!!

  The banging sounds attracted the curious gazes of passerbys. The female insect calmed down after a long while, and with a red forehead, he drove away in embarrassment.


  As soon as Yael entered the room, he saw a small, soft, furry lump on the sofa.

  The female insect might be tall, but when he curled up on the sofa, she looked like a snow leopard trying desperately to squeeze into a puppy's kennel, looking very confused as to why it didn't fit him. When covered with a thick quilt, the 'lump' seemed even smaller.

  But this house was allocated by the unit at that time and there was only one room. There was no extra space to accommodate the female insect, so Yael could only spread a thick quilt on the sofa and temporarily use it as a bed.

  "It shrank into a ball as soon as I put it on the sofa... I didn't have time to stop him."

  A crying expression appeared on the machine's head, and it was obviously feeling guilty for not completing the task.

  Hughes said the female insect's injuries were mainly on its back and legs, so it would curl up subconsciously, but this could cause further injuries and needed more attention.

  "It's okay. I'll hold him down." Yael handed the coat in his arm to 015 and rolled up his sleeves.

  Speaking of which, while he was in the hospital, he had to undergo various treatments, but Hughes was always there, and he had never really been alone in the same room with the female insect.

  This thought flashed through his mind, but before Yael had time to think about it, his hand had already touched the surface of the quilt.

  A strange heat penetrated the quilt and touched the skin of his fingertips, it was clearly the heat of a living creature.

  It can breathe, has body temperature, and is, to some extent, an adult intelligent creature like him.

  Yael suddenly stopped.

  This feeling... he had never felt like this in neither his previous nor present life.

  After a long while, he used a little force with his fingers and shook the person in the quilt hesitantly, ""

  Yael's voice was not loud, but for some reason, the tightly curled cocoon unfurled a little, and he took the opportunity to lift the quilt -

  The female insect's soft white hair was a little messy. He tilted his head and buried it in the quilt, revealing only a small bit of his handsome and sharp profile. His lips were tightly pursed, and his eyelashes trembled uneasily.

  His breathing was a little unstable and he looked as though he was enduring a great pain, but his breathing was still extremely strong, sounding like a nimble snow leopard that had just been injured and was temporarily resting.

  ...He has a strong presence.

  Yael tightened his grip on the quilt, waiting for the tingling feeling in his spine to subside. He felt a bit upset.

  Brining the female insect home didn't seem like a big deal when the situation was urgent, but bringing the female insect home and placing him on the sofa was a bit too much for him. Yael was like a cat whose territory was invaded by a wild beast, and his fur almost stood on end.

  While he was staring, the female insect must have felt the pain from laying on the wound, so he changed his position and lay flat on the sofa.

  But the sofa was so small that when he turned over, he almost bumped into to Yael. The heat and rustling sound of his body came through the quilt, making Yael feel as if he was rubbed by a snow leopard, and a subtle shiver went down his waist and abdomen.

  His Adam's apple moved slightly, and the quilt slipped from his palm, covering the female insect's head and body.


  Yael sat down on the sofa and looked at 015 next to him.

  "What should we do now?" 015 looked up at him, seeming a little overwhelmed by the new member of the family. "Should we...just ignore him?"

  "I don't know either." Yael felt a little confused and said subconsciously, "What do you think we should do with him?"

  This problem was too difficult for a small machine with a tiny chip for a brain, so it connected to the Star Network and sought help from netizens.

  "Searching the star network... What should I do after I acquire a female? How should I treat the poor little female insect I picked up? I just found beautiful female slave on the street. What should I do? Please be specific..."

  Many answers flashed across the small screen, and 015 finally condensed them into:

  "Check his education, then f*ck him, f*ck his breasts, oil him up, and continue f*cking him, appreciate the way he cries. Afterwards, get him pregnant and have him lay your eggs, and then continue to f*ck him day and night!"

  This was spoken with passion and force.

  The room was silent.


  Yael smacked his face in defeat, and after a long while he said slowly with embarrassment, "...Please go online less in the future, and be more careful not to let the dark web hack into your program."

  "Okay." Although 015 didn't understand why, he still disconnected the star network obediently.

  Finally, Yael took a deep breath and braced himself to do what he had to do, which was to let nature take its course, and deal with the female insect after he woke up.

  After sending 015 to charge himself, he turned on the light brain on his wrist. 99+ messages flashed up quickly, accompanied by a series of beeping sounds.

  [Your Excellency, why did you ask for leave? Are you sick? Can I come over to visit you? [Smiley face][Flowers]]

  [Ahhhhh, Your Excellency is such a lovely, beautiful, kind, clean and pure male insect! ! ! I like you so much. Your Excellency, please allow me to express my immense love and admiration for you! ! ! ]

  [Your Excellency, did you catch a cold accidentally? I have some cold medicine imported from the main planet. Sir, if you do need it, just reply and I will send it to you immediately! [Love]]

  At first glance, the screen was full of "Your Excellency..." and "Sir...". Normal greetings were mixed with excited shouts like screaming chickens, which gave Yael a headache.

  He turned to the his leave application page, which had been confirmed to be reported safety to the worried library director, then sent a 'thank you for your concern' message to another group of people with one click. Before his communication device exploded again, he turned on the Do Not Disturb function and clicked into an online shopping website.

  At present, the female insect only has one hospital gown. If it is washed, he will have to run around naked. Yael's clothes are too small for the female, so he can only buy two sets of clothing for the female insect to cope in this emergency.

  But when searching for female insect clothing, all that popped up were military uniforms or camouflage gears, occasionally mixed with professional clothing such as suits and trousers. There were almost no comfortable and casual t-shirt. Yael finally found a few sets, but the fabrics used to make the clothing were very rough.