Chapter 12

Yael picked for a long time, but couldn't find a suitable one. He sighed helplessly and mused, "I might as well just buy a piece of fabric and make an toga with it."

  "Silk is soft and comfortable. It doesn't put pressure on the wound or hinder daily movements. And the tunic size is adjustable..."

  He had just said it casually, but the more he spoke, the more it seemed like a good idea, and he stopped talking with a wooden expression.

  An image of a female insect wrapped only in a piece of cloth appeared before his eyes, with soft white hair falling between his brows, a face as handsome as Apollo, and a soft and plump body wrapped in a thin piece of cloth.

  The female insect is tall, with long calves and ankles visible under the fabric, and every curve of his body is beautiful and seductive.

  But unlike his plump, honey-colored body, his expression was stern and solemn, like an archangel who was of high status and very serious, with a vibrant sexual aura somehow leaking out from his emotionless face.

  …What am I thinking about?


  Yael put his hand to his lips, trying to ease his unspeakable embarrassment.

  After thinking about it, Yael opened the list and picked out a name.

  [WWN: Hello? ]

  It seemed like the person he contacted just happened to see his message and replied immediately.

  [Amiloya: Hello, sir. Is there anything I can do for you? [heart][heart][heart]]

  This was a sub-female store manager he met when he first came here to buy clothes. The store owner started a clothing store from scratch. At the beginning, the store was very small, He had to work very hard and the sales were still very dismal.

  However, because the clothing style was good and the materials were very sturdy, Yael bought a few pieces of casual clothing. Later, just like the supermarket mascot, the store took the opportunity to sell a lot of clothes under the name of "male insect's favorite clothes! ", and it has now become a famous brand store.

  [Amiloya: The store has just released some new clothing styles. They have been delivered and sent to your address. They should arrive tomorrow!]

  It should be mentioned that from then on, almost every season when Amiloya released new clothes, he would send them to him. After Yael's repeated refusals, he managed to reduce the number of clothes he received from a hundred pieces to thirty or forty pieces.

  [WWN: Do you have female insect pajamas that are as soft as male insect pajamas? ]

  The size of a female insect and the materials used for a male insect, this clothing combo is quite strange on a marginal star like Aital, but the sub-female was very sensible and didn't ask anything.

  [Amiloya: You can send us your size and we will make a few sets for you~]

  [Amiloya: These are some of the prettier ones, you can pick some you like! [Picture][Picture][Picture]…]

  The pictures were blurry before he clicked on them, but he could still tell something was amiss. Yael's eyebrows twitched, and he hesitantly clicked on the top picture .

  It was a photo of a sexy nightgown with a wolf ear headband and a wolf tail, a leather collar, and exposed chest and back.

  His hand trembled and he accidentally swiped to the next picture... The cursive words on it immediately caught his eyes: Large size, seductive bow black lace nightgown (super flimsy version).

  Yael closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

  [WWN: I don't want to buy this kind of pajamas. ]

  [Amiloya: [Blushing] Sorry, sir, I misunderstood you. Here are some more conventional pajamas, [picture][picture][picture]...]

  This time it was much more normal. Yael flipped through the collection, intending to just pick out the most common fleece pajamas, either gray or black.

  But after looking at the collection for a while, he ended up picking a pair of pajamas covered with white fuzz and printed with puppies with their tongues sticking out, "Hmm... I'll take this one."

  He bought a few more styles and sent them the sizes that 015 had just measured.

  Yael subconsciously clicked on the transfer button, but then he stopped when he remembered that Amiloya had forcefully shut down the access to his account in order to force him to take the clothes she sent.

  [WWN: Thank you, thank you for your help. ]

  [Amiloya: You are so polite! These clothes will be delivered to you on an expedited basis and will arrive around noon tomorrow. Please sign for them by then~ [heart]]

  Tapping on the shopping website, Yael bought some miscellaneous daily necessities, such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, towels, slippers, etc., as to prepare in advance for when the female insect wakes up.

  The hospital packed all the medicines in a bag, and Yael sorted them out one by one so that he wouldn't be unable to find them when he needed them urgently.

  By the time he had finished all these chores, the female insect was still in a coma. It was much less of a worry than the stray puppy he once picked up that would bark and urinate everywhere and make a mess of the living room.

  Yael patted the female insect across the quilt, thought for a moment, turned on the computer and canceled his afternoon leave.

  It is really expensive to raise a female insect. He doesn't have much savings left, so he still has to work hard. He can't let a seriously injured patient starve to death.

  "015, come here."

  He closed his light brain and waved to the small charging machine in the corner, "I remember your caretaker function is available."

  015 is an obsolete model, and many functions are no longer usable, but some basic functions can still be activated, such as cleaning and caring for children.

  "When I go to work, please help keep an eye on him to prevent him from kicking the quilt or rolling off the sofa, etc. If there is any emergency, contact me immediately. Got it?"

  Feeling that he had been entrusted with an important task, 015 nodded and saluted with a suspiciously eager attitude, "I promise to complete the mission!"

  Yael smiled gently and tapped its iron head, "Be good."



  015 estimated the time and sent a text message to Yael asking "What will you be having for dinner?" After receiving the reply, it began to prepare.

  It may not be able to handle delicate ingredients well, but it could certainly handle washing vegetables and cooking rice and soup.

  The sound of washing dishes and the clatter of pots and pans could be heard in the kitchen. Just across the wall was the dimly lit living room.

'wwn' is Yael's online name