AGroup of Misfits

"Yes, we are ready". I told her with a

large smile across my face.

"I'm glad to see that you are energetic about

your work. you will need that energy to do the variety of things that you will

be requested to do well alone because you will be working completely separated

from each other while on the job." she said to us both as I saw her

looking at me and then over at Nova.

"Do you mean that I won't be able to work with Danny?" Nova asked her as she looked deeply into my eyes and looked very

upset about not being able to go to work with me.

"We have strict rules about those who are

married in this world. first, you cannot work together in the same team because

it might decrease your performance and your mission's success rate

because you will let your heart guide all your decisions and not your head. also,

even if you were able to control that we would not allow it because the people

who can heal our super rare so there is only one per squad." she told us

as she snapped her fingers and I saw a female who was standing guard on her

the right side begins to move.

"Sarah you are going to be guiding Nova to her strike force squad; while you do that, I will be getting Danny to his new

team". She told the female guard as she handed her a piece of paper and

then waved for me to follow her.

I quickly kissed Nova and followed him down a hallway that was on the right side of the entrance room. This room was quite narrow and she walked up a set of stairs that was located at the end of the hallway. After I made it to the top of the stairs she stopped and handed me the paper in her hand and then looked quite seriously at me.

"Through the last left door at the end of this

hallway, you will meet your new squad mates. They are called the Black Rose Squad. The

specialist who runs your team is a very serious individual and he does everything by the book. Apart from your leader, everyone else is a group of misfits with their wild quirk.

I just thought that you would want to know before you met them." she said as she waved goodbye to me before I saw her walk

back down the stairs and left me alone.

Then when I was alone, I opened the door and followed her instructions until I made it to the door where my new teammates

were supposed to be waiting for me.

when I made it to the door, I was supposed to enter I pressed the button on the right side of it which caused it to slide open and

I quickly stepped into the room.

The room was only a small room with a metal round table that had four different people sitting around it.

"Who is this pipsqueak? This possibly cannot

be the new healer that we have been waiting for. If this is I am very underwhelmed.

I was expecting someone with a little more; well more." a male with red hair and a fully shaven face said to me in a mocking tone of voice as soon as I entered the room.

"Now, William, you know that we cannot judge him on his appearance alone. I am not going to cast any form of judgment on him until he comes back from his very first mission with us. After all, we know that in this active war that we are in the best way to judge sometimes true character and skill is through the hardship of battle". A very tall muscular young man that had short and curly blond hair; he also wore a black eye patch over his right eye.

"What is your name?" a short female that

had black hair and green colored eyes asked me.

The fourth member in the room stayed completely silent choosing not to respond to me entering the room.

"My name is Danny. I am very glad to meet you all today. Here is to hoping that our journey as a team will be a successful

and fruitful one". I said as I offered my right hand out to shake their hands.

Everyone walked up and shook my hand one at a time except for the completely silent one. When I entered the room.

I did not understand why this person was being so stubborn and rude to me. If I wanted to make sure that everything went well with this team that I would be working with I would need to do whatever it took to earn his respect.

"Come on, meet the new healer that will be working with us". the girl said as I saw her trying to push him out of his chair to no


"Until he proves his worth to the group as a whole he will not have the right to shake my hand since it is a sign of respect. This

is how I show that I value someone as my equal". He said to her as he

turned away as soon as he knocked my hand away out of disapproval.

"Well, that aside, welcome to the Black Rose squad. The first thing that I as the team leader am going to do for you is give you

every one of our team member's first names. Then I will explain to you what our

next mission is going to be." the man with the eye patch said as he sat down at a metal rectangular table that was in the center of the room.

After he sat down, I noticed that everyone else sat down in unison.

"Come sit down beside me. You do not have to worry; I don't bite much". The female said to me as she pointed at the only open

chair that was to her right.

I sat down and looked each of them in the eyes so that they all knew that I was serious about my job as the healer for this strike force squad.

"First to my left is our mage William with a

lightning talent." The serious man said to me as he pointed at the redhead who was very rude to me when I first entered the room.

"I am Raven and I serve as our rogue member with an infiltration base talent". the lady to my right said to me with a

large amount of passion behind her voice as she grabbed the lower part of my arm.

"I want to tell you that I am married so please

stop the teasing". I said to her as I pushed her hand away from my arm.

"The person across the table from me is Sid.

He is our group's warrior with a reaper-style talent.

I am Trent the group leader as well as the group's specialist. I will only be using my first talent type which is a pyrokinetic talent." I said to myself with a look of terror as well as seriousness in his


"Wait why won't you be using your second

talent; because I know that specialists have two instead of one like the rest of us?". I asked Trent, very confused, why he refused to use his second talent.

"That is because the last time that I used

that skill I ended up killing someone very important to me unintentionally". Trent said to me as he looked down at the floor.

I looked at all of them to see if they would tell

me what the second talent that Trent possessed was. They all went silent and

looked away from me as I looked at them all.

A few moments passed before anyone began speaking again.

"So, you were about to explain our mission

objective and what race we were up against". William said.

"Yes, it is time to get serious; and focus on

our mission objective. We have been given the objective to attack the Demetra desert world of Madoc.

In this mission, our main objective is to protect a group of minors who are gathering a black mineral that can only be found in

desert worlds. They are expecting a lot of resistance which is why they have hired us to do bodyguard work". Trent said.

"We have to do a bodyguard-style assignment again! I always hate this kind of mission". Raven said as she began to twirl the tips of her hair.

"Well, if our new healer fails miserably at

this kind of a mission then we will know that he is not worth anything at all". William said to everyone while he laughed.

"Well, we now have our assignment and I have explained the details that I have been given to you. The next thing we need to do is prepare for our departure. This journey should take a few days and all the supplies that we need should be in the loading docks near our vessel". Trent said as he rose from his seat.

"Okay if the meeting is over, I will do my job and move all the gear and supplies to the ship," Raven said to Trent as she bowed to him and then started

to leave the room.

"Just make sure that you are in the special

forces docks and loading bay number 32 within two hours," Trent said as he left the room.

The sergeant was right this group is nothing but a bunch of misfits but, I know that they are my teammates so I will have to learn to trust them with my life if I am going to survive the terrors of war with the other four races; not to mention if we run into The Fifth Column on any of my journeys as a member of this squad.