When I was outside of the building, I made my way over to one of the guards who was watching the square so that I could ask him for directions to the spaceport section of the city.
"If you need to go to spaceport region you will need to go to the far-right side of the middle-class section. It will be inside a massive building that is entirely made of metal. You can not miss it because it is made from different materials from the rest of the structures in this part of the city.
Also, since you are a member of a task force, you will use your identification device to verify that you have clearance to enter the region without having to pay an entry tax." The guard said to me as he pointed to the section of the city to his east.
The area that I walked through was very busy with both foot traffic as well as vehicle traffic in the skies. To speed up my movement so that I could make it to the spaceport early I chose to cut across a thin alleyway that was in between myself and my destination.
This alleyway was very dark, unlike the rest of the surrounding area. I could tell that they did not maintain the alleyways as much as the main streets because of the rats as well as the junk that was dispersed on the ground around my feet.
As I started to walk deep down into the alleyway, I could tell that I was no longer alone because the air that was around me seemed to shift and become filled with rage and greed.
"Give us all of your valuables. Do not try any kind of heroics or you will pay with your life. You also cannot tell us that you have no money or rare items to give us since we know that, due to your clothing, you live in the upper district of the city." a male voice said to me as I felt a set of five knives making a shallow v in my back.
"Wait, let me give you my card. It has plenty of credits on it". I said to him as I opened the pouch on the right side of my belt.
"Wow, this is easier than I thought it was going to be. I almost wanted you to struggle just so that I could cut you into a bunch of tiny pieces nice and slowly." He said as he started to laugh in a deep tone.
"Full Body Cellular Regeneration" I whispered so that he would not hear me.
"What did you say to me". He said as he walked in front of me and looked me in the eye.
I could still feel the knives being pulled out of my body and the minimal damage that they had caused was almost instantly healed because of my talent.
The knives floated to his side and stayed floating beside him. This must be his talent, I wondered if he was a former member of a strike force or possibly the military.
When he released the knives from my back, the relief that I felt was short-lived because it was quickly replaced with a sharp metal weapon in the back. This weapon felt curved like an axe.
Then I stood up tall and looked down at him since he was shorter than I was. As I rose the person behind me seemed to attack me in slow motion. This must have been because of all the sparing matches that I used to have with Donivon during my four-year period of schooling.
I then dodged the swing and did a counterkick to his face that caused him to fly back to the public street.
"What was that that you were saying? Oh, I remember you said that it was going to be super easy. I am sorry to inform you that you are completely wrong about that. You see, I am not a typical person who lives in the upper district; I am a healer." I told him as I began to approach him with a look of confidence across my face which caused him to slowly back away.
"I do not care if you're a healer or a specialist. Everyone can die; after all, we are only human". He said to me as soon as he said that I could hear the knives begin to spin in my direction.
So that he would leave me alone out of terror I did not flinch at all. I just stood still, and when the blades encountered my back, they quickly began to shatter into a bunch of tiny pieces of metal.
"Wh...wh...what are you? You cannot be human!" he explained as he backed himself against the alleyway wall that was to my left.
"Oh, I am human, but when it comes to healers, I am a very special kind. Now scram before I change my mind on not wanting to bloody up my clothes with your flesh".
He then ran into the main street with sweat all over his body and I knew that he would probably never try to do something like that to me again.
Now that that was taken care of I made my way through a series of thin alleyways until I made it to a section of the city that had the word spaceport above the ionic barrier.
"Identification please," the guard told me as I approached the barrier.
I showed him my identification, just as he requested.
"So, you are a member of the Special Forces. I hope that your mission goes well whatever it might be. I do envy you a little bit, though, because you don't have to pay the toll to enter and exit any world within The Terran Collective." the guard said to me as he deactivated the ion barrier and allowed me to pass through.
The spaceport area was full of life and activity. I saw all of the citizens and visitors moving about doing their own thing. Some of them were moving boxes while others were entering data into a tablet.
I walked on the catwalk that was in this area so that I could quickly find the section of the spaceport that was reserved explicitly for the ships belonging to strike force teams without getting in the way of the workers.
While I walked on the catwalk that was made of a dark blue metal that was above the area where all the ships were docked, I noticed the large variety of different types of vessels that were on this world. They showed how creative people were in designing their vessels
As I made it to the very end of the catwalk, I saw a massive iron door that was blocking my path. This door was sealed shut with no openings for me to slip into the room. The only thing that could grant me access to this section was a biometrical scan on the pad that was on the right side of the wall frame.
"This area is restricted. Only authorized personnel are allowed to enter". A guard that was in front of the door told me.
"My name is Danny, and I am a member of The Black Rose strike force for the Terran Collective," I told him confidently so that he would allow me to enter.
"I am sorry that I cannot take you at your word. It is the protocol for me to do a full body scan before allowing you to enter this section of the spaceport. Please stand still while I scan you for any possible explosives or dangerous items". The male guard said to me as I stood in front of the iron wall.
He pulled out a device that scanned my body from top to bottom with a blue beam, followed by a red bean, and then finally a green beam of light.
"You are now clear for entry," he said to me as he stood up and placed his right hand on the scanner, which caused the gears within the wall to move, and a small section of it opened for me to get through.
Now that I was in the special forces section of the spaceport I needed to find my way to port number 32.
"You were late to our meeting and now you are barely on time for our departure. I truly hope that you are not as behind schedule when it comes to our mission objectives." William said to me when I made it to the appropriate port.
"I am here on time. Besides I almost got mugged on my way over here. So if that had not happened I would have been here earlier than scheduled." I said as I looked at William very angrily since it seemed like there was nothing that I could do to please him.
"Wait; you were mugged on the way over here. I hope they didn't take anything very valuable from you". Raven said to me as she rolled in between William and me, trying to get the last box of supplies into the ship.
"I am glad to see that at least one person on my new team cares about my well-being". I told Raven as I walked towards the ship.
"Do not worry about William. He will learn to trust you in time. he just did not get along with our last healer very well at first, so he is taking all of that out on you,". She said to me as she entered the ship and left my field of vision.
The ship that my squad was going to use on our missions was made of quite a unique design. The center of the ship's design was rectangular. The wings of the ship covered the eight corner points of the rectangle. The outside was mostly colored black with the wings being colored silver.
"Hey William come and help me organize everything so that we are ready for takeoff when Trent gets here. I know you don't want him to think that you have just been sitting on your ass the whole time!" Raven yelled from inside of the ship.
"You know I hate working when I do not get paid for it. Is it not your job as our organizer to do these kinds of things on your own". William said as he rose from the bench that he was lying down on and started stomping his way to the ship.
Then I heard someone working on the ship after William left me alone.
"Raven, I have just finished installing the new targeting program for the Z-38 torpedoes onto the ship." I heard Sid say.
Then Raven popped her head out of the ship; and responded to him. "Good to hear, Sid. Let's hope that it is not a faulty program that was offered at a discount this time".
"I only did that one time! I learned my lesson after the invasion mission on Jurther," he said in response to Raven.
"It seems that you are all at work". Trent said as he walked in front of me.
"We are done preparing for the mission boss," Raven said.
Trent walked past me and made his way into the ship and I followed him because I was ready to begin my first mission with this team of misfits.
When I got on the ship, I made my way to the section where our bunks were located and quickly passed out because I knew that I would need every ounce of energy for this mission.