"Danny; Danny; wake up!" I heard someone say to me as I was getting shook from side to side.
When I opened my eyes, I noticed that the ship was moving which caused me to lose my balance for a few seconds after I rose from the bed that I was sleeping in.
"We are almost at the destination of our journey. You need to pay attention to everything that you see when you are in this world because it is not a human world we could be attacked at any moment by Demetra". Raven said to me from a circular table that was in the center of the ship.
I made my way to the front of the ship and saw Trent and William sitting in both captain chairs.
The area around the outside of the ship was made purely of a light blue energy tunnel as we were moving forward through space.
"Look who is up now Trent. I hope that you do not fall asleep on the job." William said as he turned to his left and looked at me.
"Hello Danny, I hope that you got yourself plenty of sleep because you will need it," Trent said to me as he pulled a lever that was on the left side of the panel that was in front of him, which caused the ship to slow down.
I looked through the window in front of me and I saw a world that was mostly a brown color with occasional black specks on it.
"We are supposed to land in quadrant 19. Please take it nice and slow because we just happened to show up around the time that there was going to be a sandstorm near our landing zone". Trent said as he was looking at a device that was hanging from the ceiling of the ship with some form of radar on it.
"Yes sir". William said in a serious voice to Trent.
As the ship began to enter into this planet's atmosphere I could both hear and feel the metal frame of the ship shaking at a slow pace due to the intensity of the environment that we were about to enter.
"I cannot get a clear reading on the exact place that we are trying to land. this sandstorm is making it difficult for the instruments to lock in the appropriate coordinates." Trent said as William was trying to get the ship into the center of the sandstorm.
"I am just going to have to rely on my pilot training as well as my raw talent". Williamson to Trent as he was starting to steady the ship in the eye of the storm.
"Yeah, what talent!? We all know that before you were assigned to this squad you were nothing but a lazy person who never took any job seriously". Sam said to William as he walked into my peripheral vision on my right side.
"You do not have any of the kind of talents that I developed before I joined this team of misfits," William said as I saw him quickly glare at Sam.
The ship stopped moving and the engine began to grow quiet until it went completely silent.
"What did I tell you; raw talent for the win," William said as I saw him look at everyone with a very confident smile across his face.
"I am going to mark this as good luck for you and not skill". I told him as he rose out of his chair.
"Just you wait, Danny. I cannot wait to see you fail miserably at our missions. You will not be able to last three missions. I am going to say that you will get captured by the Vordonians again". William told me as he walked past me and started laughing.
"All right, everybody, let's get our gear together and start the mission. we have to go roughly two clicks West where we will meet up with the people that we are going to bodyguarding for this assignment." Trent said to calm William down.
The moment after Trent spoke, I saw that Raven walked through a door that was in between where I had slept and the doorway out of the ship. When she came back, she had five identical cyan backpacks on a cart.
"All right I have sorted out our supplies for the mission between each of us. The first thing that I did was divide the power packs into three in each bag. Then I placed medicine in each bag except for the one that I will be giving to Danny. Finally, I have a visor in each bag that is used to make it easier for us to get through sandstorms." Raven said before she started handing out a specific bag to each of us.
"Where are the weapons that we will be using in battle?" I asked her when I put my backpack around my back.
"You do not have to worry about not having your specialty weapons Danny. I made sure to read all of the documents that we all received about you and I made sure that I got the appropriate weapons," she said to me when she kneeled and opened the drawer in the cart that she had rolled out. It had different types of weapons inside of it.
She handed me both of my single-handed scythes, and I put them on my waist, one on each side.
"Now that we are all equipped and ready to go I will activate my custom defense turret for the ship," Sid said as he loaded his sniper rifle and placed it on his back.
Then I saw him grab a black cube that was small enough to fit in the palm of his hand. After that, he walked out of the ship and quickly came back inside.
"All right, everyone, let's move out and travel in single file while we are walking in the sand. we need to move out now so that we can reach the meeting area before nightfall." Trent said as he loaded his assault rifle before placing it on his back and moving out of the ship.
"You have your orders. Make sure that you follow them". William said as he followed a few steps behind Trent as they both went out of the ship.
Then Raven left the ship behind both. I left after she did, and finally, Sid walked behind me,, and I heard him seal the door to the ship.
When I made it out of the ship, I could not see more than five feet in front of me due to the sandstorm that we had landed in. The only thing that I could see now the sandstorm was active was that this planet had three suns on it. The first sun was yellow, the second one was red, and the final one was blue. I was amazed at the sight of three different suns because I had only heard stories of worlds that had more than two active suns at once.
I pushed through heading west with only hearing Trent's voice as guidance to ensure that I was heading in the correct direction.
After walking for almost an hour, the sandstorm began to slow down, and I was able to notice that our destination was in front of us.
"I wonder why we haven't seen any Demetra yet?" I asked Raven when we all stopped moving.
"Well, they are probably used to the rotation of the constant sandstorms. I'm assuming that they have not developed immunity to the visual limitations yet or they would attack during the sandstorms. So, they're probably hiding during the storm." she said to me with a look of curiosity in her eyes.
I saw a pair of blue lights that blinked twice then disappeared, and then did it again. This process was repeated four times.
"That is the signal that I was waiting for so that I knew that our group of miners is nearby". Trent said as he pointed at the blinking lights and began to walk towards them.
I was unsure of how we were going to get to our destination since the area where the lights were coming from was on a set of floating rocks.
Then, after we had made it to the end of the mainland and there was nothing in between the group and our destination except the sky, I saw that everyone else in the group began to fly using jetpacks. I wonder how they activated it.
"Danny press the button on the center of the back side of your backpack. it will activate temporary rocket thrusters on both sides of your backpack so that we can get to our destination." Trent said as he was floating only about a foot in front of me.
I used my right hand to go behind me and felt the back side of my backpack until I noticed two buttons right where Trent said that were going to be. After both my right pointer finger and middle finger met the buttons, I felt components within the backpack begin to move.
Then, a few seconds later, I began to float above the ground. I did not, panic or freak out because this was just like one of the many combat flight simulations that I had to go through with Nova, Donovan, and Frederick when I was at school.
After I had activated it, everyone began to fly towards the very final rock, and I followed them with much haste.
When we all landed on the final asteroid I deactivated the thrusters on my backpack.
This area was a lot different from the Sandy floor of the desert in many ways. First, these asteroids were close enough together to where we could jump from asteroid to asteroid without much struggle. Secondly, the lights were a lot easier to see now that we were roughly the same elevation from where it had originally come from.
Trent began to move forward after he pulled out a radar device since the sandstorms did not reach up here, he was able to pinpoint the exact location where we were supposed to be meeting our clients.
Everyone followed him until he stopped moving. When he did, I noticed that there was a total of six humans sitting down. In front of a cave.
"Are you the miners that we have been sent to protect while you gather that rare black mineral?" Trent asked as the humans turned around and looked at us.
"Yes, are you members of the Black Rose squad strike force that has been assigned for the protection detail?" a tall black male asked Trent as he stood up and looked into his eyes?
Then I saw Trent click something on his belt with my peripheral vision and noticed a logo of a rose that was made from blue energy.
"Well, that makes it official your logo matches the same logo that we were told to look for. I am sorry about the bits of mistrust, but I had to be certain because some of these Demetras can look more towards the human side than the beast side after all the evolutions that they go through." The black miner said as he shook Trent's hand.
"You will need to guide us to the destination, and we will do our job while you do yours," William said to the black male minor.
"All right then; please follow me". The leader minor said as he waved at Trent.
Everyone followed him to our destination. It only took us about ten minutes to go that far which meant that the miners were very close to the objective when we met them.
The area that we were to guard was a single-entrance cave.
"Everyone get yourself ready. These Demetra will not make it easy for us. Expect the unexpected; do not get overconfident since every single Demetra has their unique types of attacks and skills". Trent said to all of us as he grabbed his assault rifle from his back.
After that, I grabbed both of my scythes from my waist and into a ready position.
The ground began to shake and I could also hear screeching noises that were quickly approaching from the sky. These feelings sent a cold shiver down my spine since I had never seen any Demetras at all in my life, I did not know what to expect.
Would I survive my first battle on this team or would it end my life; only time would be able to tell me.