Demetra Evolution

I saw a massive wave of alien beings that looked different from one another rush towards us. I guess the fact that the Demetra evolves by killing each other and absorbing the essence of the other Demetras that they kill is true.

Some of them had wings while others did not. Some of them also looked more towards a humanoid while others took on more of a beast-like appearance; especially the ones who had horns. Even though they all looked like the same type of being at first glance, as I looked at them, I could tell that each of them had different colored skin and fur tones.

"Today is a good day to die for the glory of The House of Lupus". William said as he stepped forward in front of the rest of us and pulled two longswords from the sheaths on his back.

I brought out my dual scythes and I was trembling at the thought of having to battle such of large group of alien life forms. The first blade on my left had a green aura around it while the second sword was enveloped in a dark blue color.

"Remember to keep track of your points. Basic Demetra is worth one point. Flyers are two points. and any officers, and leaders within the pack are five points." Trent said as I noticed that he loaded his assault rifle with a blue colored cartridge with my peripheral vision to my left.

"I will be the victor today. I know that William will lose this time so he better be ready to cough up the money to cover our drinks when we get home." Raven said as she laughed and fired the first shot at one of the enemies.

The first thing that I noticed was that the bullet was blue. I saw the shot hit a Demetra who was in the center square in the head. The round exploded and covered the Demetra in a case of ice. It did not rise when its body hit the ground.

When the enemies got within about twenty-five feet of the cave that we were supposed to guard everyone began to attack in their way so that we could succeed at this mission quickly and make it back home in one piece.

I rushed forward and began slicing at every Demetra that I met. When I came close to any enemy, I kept swinging my scythes in a diagonal motion to cover all of my sides since I did not have to worry about being shot from behind. I knew that attacking in a giant x formation was worth it since it covered my front and both sides.

It did not take me long to clear all the enemies that were in front of me; but when I finished, I was quite exhausted since keeping up that formation and what I had learned from Donovan while in school did end up taking a large toll on my stamina because of the constant motion that I had to maintain.

"You are doing better than I thought you would. I will give you that at least". William said to me as he sliced off the Demetra head that rolled right in front of me before he continued killing the last two enemies of this wave of the Demetras like it was second nature.

Did William just compliment me. While I wanted to enjoy the sweet moment of kindness, I knew that I could not because I saw another wave of Demetra coming at us; but they were coming at us from the air this time.

"Denny! William! Get back here now. it is our turn as the range weapon specialist." Trent said loudly to both of us as I saw him waving at me very fiercely.

I followed his instructions and let them do the killing for the aerial attack that was coming while I caught my breath.

"Here let me heal you, William". I said to him as I saw a few cuts in his armor that were deep enough to be problematic for the success of the mission.

He grunted and sat down for me to do my healing of his injuries even if it looked like he did not want my help we both knew that he needed it.

I pushed my healing aura to the tips of my fingers and met his body. When I did this William quickly grunted at me before he went silent and I noticed that all his wounds began to revert to standard flesh as if time on those in the areas that I healed went backwards.

Then I remember the reason I hated my healing power that applied to other people because as soon as I finished healing him I could feel a rush of anger, frustration, and superiority across my entire body which caused me to fall on my knees.

"Danny, what is going on with your eyes?" William asked me as he had a look of both amazement and shock across his entire face.

"William; I have no idea what you were talking about. nothing is going on with my eyes, and I have other concerns.". I told him as I looked at his expression and pinned him to the wall of the cave with the intention to kill him.

As I was about to hit him with my fist I felt the wave of emotions leave my body and I let him go.

"What the hell is your problem!" William yelled at me as he pinned me to the section of the wall where he had just been pinned as soon as I let him go.

I coughed as soon as my back hit the wall. Even though I wanted to try to break free from the grip of his arm I was not able to push back enough because my stamina was currently too depleted for me to take any kind of action against William. This meant that the only way that I could get out of this situation was to tell William about the negative aspect of my healing talent.

"Well, if you must know whenever I use my talent on someone, I also feel temporary waves of their emotions. If they are strong enough, they can influence my actions as you just witnessed".

He then released me and I fell to the ground trying to catch my breath.

"Anyway, your eyes were changing colors when you were healing me. first, they are going red, next they are turning a dark midnight blue, and finally they are turning gold before returning to their normal brown color." William said as he pulled a mirror out of his backpack and handed it to me so that I would know what he was saying was true.

"That is crazy. the only thing that is different between now and a short while ago was that when I healed you, I felt a sudden rush of anger, superiority, and frustration run across my entire body." I said to him.

"Then that must be a second side effect of your healing talent," William said to me as he grabbed his swords.

"I think I would count that as a negative effect and not a positive side effect of my healing talent". I told him as I grabbed my dual scythes and walked out towards where Trent and Raven were shooting down all of the Demetra that flew near the cave entrance.

After all the Demetra were shot down; I saw a much larger Demetra that walked towards the center of where all the bodies lay from the first wave of the attack. He then kneeled on both of his feet and then he started to look like he was saying a prayer.

When he finished his prayer and stood up I saw a bunch of small strains of DNA leave the bodies of all of the fallen Demetra and they all entered into his body. After the orbs came into contact with his buddy he began to be wrapped in a black-colored cocoon.

"What is he doing?" I asked Trent.

"I truly do not know because we are not sent against the Demetra very often. If I had to guess he has just begun his evolution process. I had only heard rumors of this ability, but it looks like it is true.

You need to be ready for anything because we do not know what he will look like and what abilities he will receive when he gets out of that cocoon". Trent said as he reloaded his assault rifle.

"If his evolution is going to be that much of a problem for us why don't we just attack the cocoon and destroy it before he can evolve?" I asked everyone out of confusion why they were not attacking the final Demetra before it evolved.

"First off it would not be very fun to fight the enemy when they are in such a weakened state; and even if we wanted to the Demetrius cocoon of evolution has such a high damage resistance that we have not been able to create any kind of weapon that would possibly destroy it before the evolution is complete." Williamson to me as I saw him swinging his swords like he was ready and energetic for this fight to begin.

While William was talking to me, I saw that the cocoon started to crack open. The Demetra that was inside began to claw its way out of the cocoon and break it into a bunch of tiny pieces when William rushed at him.

Then William began to swing his swords and I also noticed that he had a giant smile behind every swing as if he was going to enjoy every second of this encounter.

"Does he get off on this?" I asked Trent.

"He enjoys the thrill of battle, and he doesn't even have to use his lightning talents to enjoy combat if that tells you anything". Trent said as he started to smile

A few seconds passed when the Demetra threw William back into the cave past us.

"You bastard!! I will make you regret that!" Raven Yelled.

"Come on; is this the best that the Terran race has to offer me? All I can say is that I am very disappointed." The Demetra said as he slowly started to walk to the cave.

"I will take him now". I said to Trent after I looked at William's body to make sure that everything was intact.

"Here you look like you could use this". Raven said to me as she threw a white-colored medicine at me.

I consumed the item and placed it on the ground beside me afterward. A few seconds after I had finished consuming it, I noticed that my stamina was replenished and I felt like I could take on anything that this alien would throw at me.

The dementia was colored almost completely black except for the center area of his chest and the outside of both of his arms were colored white. His head was like that of a lizard, and he had wings that were made of bone.

"You Terrans are such a weak species. If, your friend could not even scratch me, what do you think that you have?" the Demetra asked in a deep voice.

"You need to know something. The thing is that I am much stronger than you think. unlike most humans that you will run into I possess two versions of my healing talent. While my first one only applies to my allies; my second version applies to the enemies on the battlefield." I said as I walked until I was only about six inches from him.

"Oh, really you think that the fact that you have one extra skill will make all the difference. It does not matter what kind of skill it is that you have; your race is pathetically weak compared to mine. The gods just love the Demetra more than the Terrans." the Demetra said to me as he laughed at what I told him.

"Do not underestimate me just because I am from a different race than you. why don't we allow our skills to do the talking." I said to him as I activated the second version of my talent which I honestly feared a lot more than the first one.

The Demetra rushed at me stabbing with his claws in such a way that I was able to see exactly what he was doing and dodge it with ease because he was slower than the Vordonian that had killed me during The Right of Selection.

All that it took for me to achieve victory was a single touch of my healing talent. Then he stopped moving and started to crumble into a pile of ash just like the Vordonian.

"Trent look at that! He is a rare breed even for a healer if his healing talent can do that." Raven said.

"The captain that brought him to our world gave us a good one this time. I have a feeling that he is going to survive a whole lot longer than our last healer." Sid said as I stood on the pile of ashes that was on the body of my enemy.

"Is it safe for us now to come out?" one of the miners said as she walked out of the cave.

"Yes, we have defeated them". Sid said when I was walking back into the cave trying to ignore the massive headache that was starting to form inside me.

"Good because we have these bags of the black minerals to take back to our client. They will be very pleased that we were able to gather the required amount of minerals for their project" The leader of the miner said as I saw him wave his hand inside of the cave.

Since the Demetra were now all dead the miners all shook our hands and smiled at the success that we had ensured.

When we were finished with all of that we all made it back to our ship. After that, everybody unpacked their bags and gave their contents to Raven.

Then I passed out for the journey back home knowing that I was going to have a very interesting story to tell Nova even if she would not believe me, but not knowing what would happen to me because I had used the dark side of my talent even though the deity had warned me not to.