I woke up from my much-needed sleep with a rush of fresh energy now that I had recovered all the stamina that I had lost during my battle with the Demetra pack leader. I was also worried that I had crossed a line by using the dark power of my healing talent. Fighting him was quite a thrill as well as quite a terror since it was my first experience against a Demetra. I am hoping that my next encounter will not be with the same species.
"Now that everyone is awake, I can discuss the details of our second mission," Trent said as he was looking at me.
"I thought that we were going to have a few days off after this mission," I said out of anger and impatience to Trent because I wanted to see my wife for a few days before I had to leave home on a mission again.
I got out of bed, and as I hit the cold metal floor, I had a feeling that I was going to either extremely like or hate what I found when I made it through the mission. Well, the only way that I was going to find mind out what it was was soon.
"Do you have a problem with us having a second mission, Danny?". William said as he picked me up and pinned me to the wall behind me. "Do you think that you have the right to question Trent. if you do not think that you can measure up to whatever he has to ask of you, he does have the authorization to kick you from the squad," William said to me as I saw a great amount of hatred in his eyes.
I could tell that he was frustrated at me by his tone of voice as well as the amount of aggression and strength that he was using to keep me pinned to the wall while making his point.
"Let him down now, William!" Trenton exclaimed as I saw him place his left hand on William's right shoulder. "Besides, I did not specify that we were going to be going for two missions when we originally had our discussion before the last mission. I would expect him to possibly be upset for not being fed all the information beforehand, so relax".
Despite what Trent said to William, he did not loosen his grip on me at all. I could feel an aura around him that felt quite like the types of emotions that I felt after I healed him. If I ever get a chance, I need to see if I could ask someone else on the team and see why William is always so angry at me.
After a few moments, I noticed that Trent's eyes began to glow a neon purple color.
"William, if you do not let him go, I will break my vow and use my second talent," Trent said as he stood right where I was pinned to the wall so that William would see him.
After Trent stood beside me, William suddenly completely let go of his grip on me, and all my emotional waves were suddenly overwhelmed by a wave of fear.
"We don't have to do that, sir," William said slowly as he backed away.
"Now that you two have calmed down, we can get back to the discussion of our next mission objective. just so you know, Danny, the reason why we are doing this second mission is because we are so close to the planet where it is located." Trent said to me after we all sat back down at the table in the center of the ship.
"What race are we fighting against this time? Please tell me that I get to dismantle some cyborgs this time. I always have more fun fighting them over the Demetra." Sid said.
"You are in luck, Sid. our next mission objective is on an occupied forest world that the cyborgs have started taking over." Trent said in a serious tone.
"Wait, if the cyborgs are taking it over, why did you say that it was occupied?" I asked out of curiosity.
"Because Danny, our mission objective is actually to rescue a team of scientists. They were on this world before the cyborgs discovered it. They were sent on the world after our probes had picked up a mine of Paradisus and to verify that it was athetotic rather than a fake report before the miner's guild comes to excavate the Paradisus." Trent said in response to my question.
"I bet you that those filthy machines came to the world for the same reason that our scientists did," Raven said as she was twirling her hair.
"Well, we have our mission objective now. While we are still traveling, I want to discuss with you, Danny. Everybody else is cleared to rest or do whatever they need". Trent told us as he rose from his chair and walked back to the captain's chair.
I got out of my chair and made my way to the co-captain chair so that I could see what it was that he wanted to discuss with me.
After I sat down, Trent began to steer the ship, and then he punched a bunch of numbers on a pad and pulled a lever. When he did that, the entire ship began to be covered in that light blue light that I had seen before we showed up at the world of our last mission.
"What was it that you wanted to discuss with me?" I asked as I spun the chair to my left, where I was lined up to see him without the use of my peripheral vision.
"I wanted to know how it was that you have two healing talents?" Trent asked me as he clicked a button on the front dashboard of the ship that had autopilot on it.
"To be honest, Trent, I only have one healing talent. What I did to Demetra was the second version of my healing talent came into effect.
This will be only active when I use it on someone of the opposing races." I said to him while waving my hands around so that he knew that I was very serious about it.
"That is quite interesting. Did you know that it is very rare for anyone other than specialists to ever have more than one talent?"
"I knew that two abilities at once, usually of different classes, applied to specialists," I told him in response to his question.
"I wonder why you were able to get a second version of your healing talent even though you are not a specialist?" Trent asked rhetorically.
"I guess I am just a rare exception to the rule. an anomaly that just happened". I said to him so that he would have an answer that he would possibly believe.
The deity must have been speaking the truth. I do not know if I can deny my destiny even if I want to. In time, I will be able to tell if what that deity that only visits me in my dreams says is true or just more hallucinations.
In the end, I knew that if I told him that I was chosen to be the next god of our race, he would probably believe that I was insane! And then kill me or possibly worse. That is why I chose to keep silent.
"So, I am also curious about something. if it is okay for me to ask, why is it that William has such a large amount of hatred geared toward me?" I asked Trent after straightening myself up and looking Trent in the eyes.
"I was wondering when you were going to ask that," Trent said. "The truth is that he is not upset with you as a person but as a healer."
"What does me being a healer have to do with his frustration towards me?" I asked with a look of shock across my face.
"Also, it is because he was having an illegal relationship with her."
"So, he is taking his anger and frustration at the fact that she is no longer here out on me because he thinks that I am not going to be able to replace her."
"Yes, Danny, you are correct. I am assuming you also know about the fact that you are not legally allowed to marry outside of your caste," he said with a look of seriousness in his eyes.
"You do not have to worry about that from me, sir. First off, because I am straight, so I will not try to hit on any male people on this team. The second reason why you don't have to worry about me being an issue is the fact that I am already married to the most beautiful woman in my life." I told him as I showed him my wedding wristband.
"That is good to hear. At least I don't have to worry about you breaking too many rules like the last healer on this team did."
"So now that the truth is out, could you just give William time, and eventually, he will trust you with his life like the rest of us have after this last mission, Danny," Raven said as she walked into the field of vision from my left side peripheral vision.
"Okay, I will wait as long as it takes," I said to her.
"You have earned my respect, to say the least. I mean, after how well you did on the last mission against your very first evolved Demetra, that should prove that you are better than the last healer that was on this team, to say the least," Raven said as she walked away from my field of vision.
"It looks like we are now here at our target world of Ashel-29. it looks very beautiful from the outside, does it not?" Trent asked with a massive smile running across his face.
"It is beautiful now, but if we allow the cyborgs to take it over, all of the forests will be destroyed to build their cities and power their machines," Sid said when I rose out of my chair to look at the world that we were about to enter.
I noticed that the world was very green, with the occasional blue areas from the outside, which I'm assuming were rivers.
"Everybody, get ready to brace yourself for the landing process!" Trent yelled to all of us as he turned around and looked at us.
The ship began to enter the world's atmosphere and shake just like the last time, but this time, the land was very smooth since there was no sandstorm to get in the way of our landing process. When I looked outside, I noticed that there was a clear field without trees everywhere near it, and that seemed to be where the ship was heading to land.
"It is time for the next step of your journey. One of the things that you are required to obtain on your path to godhood is nearby". A familiar female voice said to me.
Was that the voice of the female goddess talking to me again? I thought that she could only communicate with me through my dreams. The only way I can make sense of this is that my connection to her is possibly getting stronger.
As soon as we landed, I opened the door and left the ship so that I could get a good look at the environment around me.
The world felt quite beautiful when I made it outside and got a rush of fresh air, as well as the smell of the pines nearby. I thought that this world was much better looking than the last world that we had gone to.
The area around the ship was a massive open hill that only had one path off rocks of it. I could see birds of red and blue feathers flying around, and it made me want to protect this world with every fiber of my being.
"This world is quite beautiful, don't you think so, Danny," Sid said.
"Yes, it is an improvement upon the desert world that we had just left," I told Sid as I was looking at the clear blue sky.
"I agree with that statement. Come on, let's go inside the ship and get our gear together for this fight," he said to me in a positive tone.
I walked into the ship so that I could get ready for my mission, but I had a feeling that this mission was going to be more than just a typical mission for a strike force if I were to believe what that goddess said to me.