"Holy shit," Adam breathed, his voice filled with a mix of surprise and fascination. "Did you just say two billion?"

"Yeah, it's not that much. You know..."

"Maybe it doesn't seem like a lot to you, but that's my entire hospital's annual turnover, and you've just used it to buy a company. "

"Should I start thinking about becoming a shareholder in your business? I'll be there to lend a hand whenever you need it."

"Don't worry about it. I'll let you know if I really need your help." I sense he could use my support but seems shy to ask. It's interesting. Even if he turns down my offer, I'm ready to secretly assist him someday, perhaps with securing the hospital and make him the CEO. 

"Let's leave that topic for now and get some rest."

"Sounds good."

"Good night, Everett."

"Good night, Adam."


"I woke up only to realize it was already 9 in the damn morning. I scarfed down my breakfast so fast I nearly choked, but managed to avoid disaster. As soon as I plopped down at my desk, right next to the CEO's office, I got a call from Everett. 'Shit,' I cursed under my breath, caught completely off guard."

I entered the office after knocking twice.

"First day at work, Edwin? You're an hour late already," she remarked, her tone lightly teasing.

"I got caught up yesterday," I admitted with a sheepish smile. "Couldn't sleep at all."

"Really? I'm curious, who's the unlucky person who had your attention?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I think that person might be you," I replied playfully, and we shared a quiet chuckle.

she stood up suddenly, closing the gap between us. "Well, who knows? Maybe we'll end up kissing each other," she whispered softly, her voice tinged with flirtation.

"I wouldn't mind playing that 'unlucky' role for you, Edwin." she added with a smirk, her eyes sparkling mischievously.

I was taken aback, momentarily lost for words. "Can a girl really have such a seductive voice? It's not fair," I managed to joke weakly, trying to lighten the mood.

She leaned back in her chair, breaking the tension with a warning. "Consider this your first and last warning, Edwin. Don't be late again."

I nodded, still slightly flustered by the unexpectedly flirtatious exchange. It was shaping up to be quite a memorable first day at work.

I still couldn't shake her words when she said

 "I wouldn't mind playing that 'unlucky' role for you, Edwin."