I found myself furious with him because that was the first time I had ever seen him behave like that. As he exited the office, he chuckled, his face reddening. Yeah, I noticed his ears turning red too.

I wanted to open the secured room again. It opened by touching a specific book twice. Inside, I found it was just a basic bedroom with a large bed and a tiny kitchen with a breakfast bar—quite ordinary, which raised my suspicions. I closed it, sat in a nearby chair, and began searching for my next target—a company to take over. I look for companies with many loopholes and suspect involvement in illegal activities. If CEOs are neglecting their companies when profits decline, I buy those companies, fix all the loopholes, and transform them into top-tier firms. KL Company will be my fifth acquisition; I already know how to manage them since I've done this before with my parents' companies.

What a boring day! I called Adam and told him about the meeting with Mr. Rodriguez. He called as soon as I told him.

"Hi, my love-struck girl," he teased.

 "Stop teasing me, Adam. I'm not love-struck, and you know I don't believe in love after what happened. There's no genuine love out there; people fake it. They say they'll love you forever, they'll always be there for you, they understand you—all to manipulate us into thinking they care from the bottom of their hearts. I fell into that trap once; I won't again," I said, my voice tinged with a touch of sadness. The memories of past betrayals echoed faintly in my words, revealing a vulnerability that still lingered despite my attempts to shield myself from further hurt.

Before I could finish, I was interrupted.

"Sorry, sorry, it's my fault. I'm sorry to bring that up again, Everett. I promise not to mention it again."

"It's fine, Adam. I was just telling you so you wouldn't bring it up again. Well, instead why dont you think of it as a crush, do you think he might feel the same way about me?"

"You have a crush on him? My girl, that's the first time you've admitted to having a crush!"

"Don't get too excited, Adam."

"Well, I wanted to ask you something—did you find any news about the KL Company?"

"Yes, in the details you gave me yesterday. It mentioned that he recieved an offer from KL Company, and I found many loopholes in their contract. So, I watched closely and bought it."

"How much did you buy it for?" he pressed, his tone tinged with curiosity and a hint of intrigue.

I hesitated, deliberating how much to disclose while maintaining an air of mystery. "Well, just a few dollars," I began cautiously, "but there's more to the story."

"Come on, Everett," Adam insisted with a playful glint in his voice "No one buys a company for just a few dollars. Give me the real number."

"Two—" I paused, letting the number hang in the air, "Two billion."

"Holy shit," Adam breathed, his voice filled with a mix of surprise and fascination. "Did you just say two billion?"